Chapter 137 _ crime scene profile ? 2 ?

.Inside the office .

.Liu Guanghai was silent for a while, then nodded : ” Of course I know . ”

.” That’s one of the main reasons why it’s strictly forbidden to reveal the details of a serial murder case . ”

.Generally speaking , serial murder cases have obvious characteristics of committing crimes .

.For example, the murder method is the same .

.The crime scene is similar .

.There are even murder symbols with obvious features , such as cutting off fixed organs .

.Once the murderer was arrested , the details of the case were revealed .

.Then there may be other murderers who imitate the crime in order to avoid detection .

.It is expected that the victim’s death will be counted on the serial killer’s head .

.so as to escape the punishment of the law .

.in the past .

.There have been such cases .

.Liu Guanghai continued : ” But now , you can’t be sure that this is a serial murder case . ”

.” And . ”

.” Mimic homicide cannot be prevented . ”

.” Take a 10,000 step back and say , even if it happens, there is nothing we can do . ”

.” Your focus is still on this heart-digging case . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” I know . ”

.”I mention this just to give us some mental preparation . ”

.”27 I hope not . ”


.meeting room .

.The criminal investigation team gathers .

.Bao Qu , is reporting the results of the investigation .

.” Team Li , all the shops and Xiaoruo within a few kilometers of the crime scene,: Water ‘ : Resource : Source . Group ?”6:”‘5″;”6;6″””1,8;8; ‘9.’6″,. Standby ” use ;!:?.!! Turn ? group ‘!’7?,’6:!.6?.0;:1″!”8,3,.’2 .! Zone 0 , we all went . ”

.” A lot of people know Qi Hui , but no one said that they have seen any suspicious man . ”

.” I have also searched around , but no murder weapon has been found . ”

.After listening , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Xiaotong and said , ” Where’s the monitoring ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said: “The nearest surveillance is 100 meters away from the demolition area . ”

.” It’s all on the main road . ”

.” Before and after the night of the incident , I have recorded all the passing vehicles and are checking them one by one . ”

.” At present , no suspicious persons matching the suspect’s characteristics have been found . ”

.” From the road distribution on site . ”

.” There is a high probability that the suspect has no means of transportation . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin supported the table and said, ” Looking for a needle in a haystack . ”

.” We now have the suspect’s DNA . ”

.” But he can’t be found . ”

.” Is it really a random crime ?”

.Bao Qu said, ” Team Li , I think it’s better to list it as a random crime . ”

.” Qi Hui’s interpersonal relationship has been thoroughly investigated , and DNA collection is about to break through 30 people . ”

.” It’s not the way to go on like this . ”

.bang !

.At this time , there is a sound of the ballpoint pen falling .

.Everyone turned their heads subconsciously .

.I found out that it was Wang Ze , and was playing with a pen there .

.Unfortunately, the level is not high , not stable .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” Wang Ze , do you have any direction ?”

.Wang Ze picked up the dropped ballpoint pen and said , ” My opinion is the same as Baoqu . ”

.” This case should be treated as a random crime . ”

.” Since it is a random crime , the direction of our investigation must be changed . ”

.” As in the previous case of abetting suicide , analyze the external characteristics of the murderer . ”

.Li Xiangbin knew .

.The meaning of the other party is to use the criminal psychological portrait to directly target the murderer in the vast crowd .

.difficulty .

.is the largest .

.In general, the detection of serial homicides is based on the emergence of new victims , and extensive investigations are carried out on the basis of analyzing the psychological safety zone of the murderers .

.The fault tolerance rate is high , but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive .

.Results are also difficult to guarantee .

.If it can accurately describe the criminal mind portrait .

.Error tolerance is low .

.But if successful , it can effectively prevent new victims from appearing .

.Use the least amount of manpower and material resources to catch the murderer .

.As Wang Ze just said .

.The previous case of Wei Yingxia is a good example .

.Unfortunately, criminal minds profiling masters are too rare .

.Fortunately .

.They have one on the team .

.” Are you sure ?”

.Li Xiangbin said .

.Wang Ze pondered a little and said , ” Now I ‘m only 70% sure , I can try it . ”

.”The gender has been determined , it’s male . ”

.” Let’s talk about age first . ”

.” Histographic personality disorder , with a high age of onset , under the age of twenty-five . ”

.” Above twenty-five , the mental state tends to stabilize . ”

.” Based on the height of the killer , we can target the range to eighteen to twenty-five years old . ”

.” Let’s talk about careers . ”

.”The murderer was still roaming the streets late at night and early in the morning . ”

.” I don’t think he has a relatively stable career . ”

.” Also , histrionic personality disorder makes it difficult to handle relationships . ”

.” Then his career might be a category that doesn’t require much socializing . ”

.” Things like sales can be ruled out directly . ”

.” According to the autopsy report , the murderer strangled the victim to death , and the force was so strong that his throat was shattered . ”

.” What kind of crowd would have such great strength . ”

.” From this point , if the fitness factor is not considered , clerical jobs such as office , programmer, etc. , can be excluded . ”

.” Then . ”

.” A job that does n’t require social interaction , is unstable , and can build muscle strength , what is there ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Construction site ?”

.Bao Qu : ” Factory ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” I tend to work on construction sites or porters. ”

.” Finally, let’s talk about his murderous character . ”

.” After strangling people to death , they dig their hearts out and eat them raw . ”

.” There must be a reason for that . ”

.” No one will do such bloody and strange things for no reason . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said, ” It’s really strange . ”

.” There have been similar cases across the country. After the murderer finished killing , he dug out the internal organs and took them away . ”

.” But it’s the first time I’ve seen one eaten in place . ”

.Wang Xiaotong said , ” It’s completely perverted behavior , a lunatic . ”

.” The motive of a lunatic, who a normal person can imagine . ”

.Bao Qu whispered : ” You forgot , Wang Ze is not a normal person . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” You speak ill of me again, right ?”

.” Actually , we can see a problem from Wang Xiaomeng’s death . ”

.”The murderer’s attitude towards Wang Xiaomeng is completely different from that of Qi Hui . ”

.” As I said before , he saw something more delicious . ”

.” People’s pursuit of a certain thing is a gradual growth . ”

.” Maybe . ”

.” In the beginning , the murderer just liked those animal hearts , such as stir-fried pig hearts . ”

.” After that, start eating raw pig hearts . ”

.” And after that, I ‘m staring at people . ”

.” In short , he has a strong interest in the heart . ”

.Wang Xiaotong wondered : ” It’s all developed to eat people’s hearts , it’s not as simple as hobby . ”

.” Why does he like hearts so much ?”

.Wang Ze scratched his forehead and said , ” I think four words can explain it . ”

.” What to eat and what to supplement . ”

Chapter 138 _ New Dead ? 3 ?

.” What to eat to make up for what ?”

.These four words shocked everyone present .

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” What do you mean , there may be something wrong with the murderer’s heart ?”

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