.Wang Ze pondered a little , did not give a definite answer , and instead said : ” Some things that seem incredible , there are reasons behind them that can be reasonably explained . ”

.”The murderer killed Qi Hui for his heart . ”

.” And did the same thing to Wang Xiaomeng who happened to pass by . ”

.” Then we can infer from that . ”

.”The murderer has a deep obsession with people ‘s hearts . ”

.” Where does the obsession come from ?”

.”The biggest possibility is that he has a heart problem . ”

.” I mentioned it earlier . ”

.” Histrionic personality disorder , which is highly autosuggestive , likes fantasy , and develops into reality . ”

.” Then we have reason to think that . ”

.”The murderer has a heart disease . He believes that what he eats will make up for what he eats , and he fantasizes that he can heal his own heart by eating other people’s hearts . ”

.” That ‘s why this case happened . ”

.The voice fell , and the conference room was silent .

.Most people have n’t recovered from Wang Ze’s words .

.Heart problems ?

.What to eat to supplement what ?

.It sounds ridiculous at first .

.But after such a series of analysis by Wang Ze , it is obviously so credible .

.Wang Ze glanced at everyone and said , ” Of course , this is just an inference . ”

.” Criminal Minds profiling is never 100 percent accurate , it’s just for reference . ”

.” However , we can use this as a direction of investigation . ”

.” If the result is right , then we are lucky . ”

.At this time , Li Xiangbin said slowly : ” That is to say . ”

.” What we’re looking for now is a male between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five with histrionic personality disorder . ”

.” He is about 1.82 meters tall and weighs about 80 kilograms . ”

.” And . ”

.” Having an incurable heart disease . ”

.” The occupation I am engaged in is unstable and heavy physical work . ”

.” Right ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” It’s the same sentence , I’m only 70% sure . ”

.Li Xiangbin directly ignored this sentence .

.Seventy percent .

.For criminal investigation, it is already a very high accuracy rate .

.Enough for the entire criminal investigation team to do their best to investigate .

.Bao Qu sighed and said , “What Wang Ze said just now is all the clues we already know . ”

.”I didn’t expect these known clues to hide so many suspect characteristics . ”

.” It’s strange . ”

.” Why can’t I think of it ?”

.Ma Haoyu said with a smile : ” If you can think of it , you are also a master of criminal profiling, a sweet pastry in our police circle . ”

.Hearing this , Bao Qu said angrily : ” When I have time , I will also study criminal psychology . ”

.” I always feel like an idiot for being fucked by Wang Ze in the last few months . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Old Bao , you are not an idiot . ”

.” Our city bureau technical team , you are the only one who can do it . ”

.Bao Qu : “You laugh at me ?”

.” Your trace detection skills are not far behind . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” I am a part-timer , and you are the professional . ”

.Wang Xiaotong glanced at the two of them and said , ” Why , they started to support each other ?”

.” Why is no one holding me up ? ”

.”The problem of network information , but I’m all alone . ”

.Bao Qu said with a smile : ” How easy it is to face the computer every day , and sometimes you don’t even have to go out to the scene . ”

.” We’re going to be miserable , running all over the city . ”

.” Sure enough, the police flower has an advantage . ”

.Li Xiangbin clapped his hands and said , ” Hey , hey, are you finished talking ?”

.” It’s a meeting to discuss the case now . Why don’t you set aside the salon ?”

.The crowd quickly fell silent .

.Li Xiangbin said : ” According to what Wang Ze just said , start the investigation . ”

.” Little boy , work harder . ”

.Targeting specific groups of people from external characteristics , network investigation is still very efficient .

.Therefore , network troubleshooting should be preferred .

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Okay captain . ”

.Li Xiangbin continued : ” Others , continue the work in hand and make sure that nothing is missed . ”

.” Listen clearly , Bureau Liu only gives us three days . ”

.Everyone : ” Yes !”


.It ‘s eleven o’clock in the evening .

.Worrying things happened .

.There was a call from the branch .

.Another murder happened !

.And .

.Heart was also dug out .

.The scene was horrific .

.After learning of this situation , Li Xiangbin led the team and rushed over quickly .

.This is a small forest in the city .

.The surrounding area has been blocked , and a cordon has been raised .

.”� ” Team Lee . ”

.Seeing Li Xiangbin coming , a man in his thirties quickly greeted him .

.Peng Yankai , Captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Branch .

.” Hmm . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said , ” What’s the situation ?”

.Peng Yankai pointed to the crime scene not far away and said, ” The workers at the nearby factory found it and immediately called the police . ”

.”The deceased was hit on the head with a hard object , and his heart was dug out . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Who died ?”

.Peng Yankai said : ” His ID card is on his body , so he doesn’t need to check it at all . ”

.” His name is Xu Dabiao , he is forty-three years old , and he runs a company . ”

.Li Xiangbin took a step and said as he walked, ” What company ?”

.Peng Yankai said : ” Small and micro companies , engage in loans . ”

.Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Is it usury ?”

.Peng Yankai shook his head : ” I don’t know , I have n’t checked it yet . ”

.During the conversation , several people came to the corpse ( Nuo Zhaohao ) .

.Full of blood .

.There is a blood hole in the chest .

.It’s empty inside .

.The heart that was dug out fell to the side at will .

.It has been damaged beyond appearance , and the flesh is blurred .

.Wang Ze put on his gloves and squatted down to examine the heart next to the corpse for a while .

.Li Xiangbin said, ” How is it ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It was cut with a sharp tool , not bitten by teeth . ”

.” The age and gender of the deceased do not match his choice of target . ”

.” It’s a copycat murder . ”

.” Imitate murder ?”

.Hearing this , Peng Yankai was surprised : ” Isn’t this a serial murder case ?”

.Li Xiangbin frowned and said coldly , “I ‘m really worried about what will happen . ”

.”I didn’t expect that someone really hitched a ride and came to imitate the crime . ”

.”I will pick the time . ”

Chapter 139 _ Suspected Murderer ? 4 ?

.Wang Ze stood up , took out a cigarette, lit it, and said , ” The exposure of the details of the case will let everyone know that the murderer is a perverted murderer . ”

.” If this kind of person commits the crime again , it is not too unusual in everyone’s opinion . ”

.” Even the police can be easily confused . ”

.”The copycat killer obviously knew this , and that’s how it hitched a ride . ”

.” But he was a little anxious and chose to do it that night . ”

.” It seems that he has a reason to kill Xu Dabiao as soon as possible . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded and said : ” Unfortunately , he really can’t talk . ”

.As he spoke , he looked at the heart on the ground .

.Many details can be imitated , but only this raw heart …

.Ordinary people really can’t do it .

.So. _

.He chose to cut the heart with a knife , and the damage was very serious .

.Want to achieve the effect of gnawing .

.However, what he thought was too simple .

.There is a big difference between gnawing with teeth and cutting with sharps .

.Even if ordinary people can’t see it , in the eyes of a senior forensic doctor , it can’t be concealed at all .

.Listening to the conversation between the two , Peng Yankai said in surprise, ” Is this the new forensic doctor from the Municipal Bureau ? So young ?”

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