.He thought Wang Ze was a trainee police officer .

.But the sophisticated tone is not at all like it .

.And looking at the expression of the heart, it is also very calm .

.The final judgment result is also very professional .

.This is not like a trainee police officer .

.Li Xiangbin said casually, “No, Wang Ze from our criminal investigation team . ”

.” Wang Ze ?” Peng Yankai was stunned for a moment , then thought, ” It sounds familiar …”

.Li Xiangbin ignored Peng Yankai and said , ” I think the wound is on the back of the head , acquaintance ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s right . ”

.” Who would come to this woods at night without any hassle , it must be an appointment . ”

.” There should be some dispute between the two . ”

.” And it’s the kind of unresolvable dispute . ”

.” The purpose of the murderer is to kill . ”

.”And then disguised as a serial killer . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Give it to the branch ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze turned his head to Peng Yankai and said , ” Captain Peng . ”

.Peng Yankai was still thinking , when he heard the words, he raised his head subconsciously : ” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze pointed at the corpse and said, ” Judging from the clothes of the deceased and the gold necklace he was wearing , the nature of his company is probably not as simple as borrowing money . ”

.” Nowadays, loan sharks have almost been wiped out , and there are very few people who dare to take the lead . ”

.” Although usury is not acceptable , there are still a lot of high-interest-rate loans in the guise of lending . ”

.” Xu Dabiao should be one of them . ”

.” Check out his clients . ”

.”The point is to have huge loans that you can’t repay . ”

.” Male , height is …”

.Having said that , he looked down at the footprints left behind , and continued : “The height is about 1.75 meters . ”

.” Also . ”

.He pointed in one direction and said, ” There is still surveillance there . ”

.”The murderer was the first time to kill someone . From the footprints, he was very flustered , and he didn’t have any anti-reconnaissance capabilities . ”

.” If it’s fast , the murderer will be brought to justice before dawn . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Peng Yankai was stunned for a while , and then said in surprise : ” I remembered , you are that police academy genius Wang Ze . ”

.” I’ll go , it ‘s great . ”

.” Have you analyzed the case so quickly ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said : ” Captain Peng won the prize , you should hurry up and check people . ”

.Peng Yankai reacted , nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.After he finished speaking , he looked at Li Xiangbin : ” That … Team Li , what about this case ?”

.Li Xiangbin waved his hand : ” Let’s leave it to your branch . ”

.” We still have important things to do . ”

.Peng Yankai : ” Understand . ”

.” Then I’m busy ?”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Okay . ”

.After Peng Yankai left , Wang Ze said, ” This case has sounded the alarm for us . ”

.Li Xiangbin was slightly silent and said , ” Do you think the murderer will kill a third person ?”

.Wang Ze said: “I guess , yes . ”


.” He’s getting more and more crazy , and Wang Xiaomeng won’t be the last target . ”

.” We must move fast . ”

.” I don’t know what happened to Xiaotong’s investigation . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” It takes time to investigate the hospital system , I think it should be soon . ”

.” Tonight , will there be a result ?”

.The entire criminal investigation team is ready to work overtime all night .

.That’s the urgency that comes with serial killings .

.Even if there is only a slight chance , you can’t gamble on innocent lives .

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said , ” I hope our luck will be better . ”


.One o’clock in the morning .

.City Bureau case handling hall .

.” Found it !”

.Wang Xiaotong’s voice broke the silence around him .

.Everyone quickly gathered around .

.On the computer screen , the basic information of a person is displayed .

.Zhang Lun , 24 years old , unemployed .

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” This Zhang Lun has a very serious congenital heart disease . ”

.” I’m going to his medical records . ”

.”The conclusion is conservative treatment . ”

.Li Xiangbin’s eyes flickered : ” Conservative treatment means no treatment , right ? ”

.” Surgeries like heart bypass can’t be cured ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Then I don’t know . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Ignore this for now and find this person . ”

.” Do you have the address ?”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” He owns a property in the city , in Biqing Community . ”

.” If nothing else , he should be there . ”

.Li Xiangbin turned around : ” Let’s go now !”

.City Council in the morning .

.Several police cars drove out of the gate and rushed towards Biqing Community at full speed .

.Although it is still uncertain that Zhang Lun is the murderer .

.But the point is .

.Zhang Lun and Wang Ze’s criminal profiles of the murderer are highly similar .

.As long as you see yourself and determine your height and weight , you can be arrested on the spot .

.Then compare the DNA to determine the facts of the crime .

.After half an hour .

.Biqing District .

.Li Xiangbin and others stood in front of Zhang Lun’s house .

.The pistol is loaded .

.What they have to face is likely to be a crazy murderer who kills and digs hearts .

.Care must be taken .

.” Knock on the door . ”

.Li Xiangbin whispered .

.Ma Haoyu nodded slightly and knocked on the door .

.After a while , no one responded .

.He knocked again .

.Still no response .

.Seeing this , Li Xiangbin took two steps back and said , ” Pick the lock . ”

.Hearing the order , a police officer quietly stepped forward and took out tools .

Chapter 140 _ Someone broke into the house to kill ! ? 1 ?

.The unlocking time took less than twenty seconds .

.Accompanied by a crackling sound .

.The door opened .

.The police officer in charge of picking the lock turned his head to look at Li Xiangbin and nodded , indicating that he could act .

.Seeing this , Li Xiangbin beckoned to let the other party back .

.Immediately , the door opened suddenly .

.All the police officers involved in the operation filed in – and rushed into the room .

.Several flashlights illuminated every corner .

.The focus is on the bedroom .

.But no one .

.After Li Xiangbin lifted the quilt, he put down the gun in his hand .

.” It’s so late , how could he not be here ?”

.He looked back at Wang Xiaotong and said , ” Are you sure this Zhang Lun lives here ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Absolutely sure . ”

.” I did it by ID number . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin fell silent .

.He turned away from the bedroom and came to the living room .

.” Search ! Extract biological traces !”

.They have murderer DNA . _

.Order issued .

.All the police officers spread out and launched a carpet search of the entire house .

.” This guy won’t go out to kill like that night, will he ?”

.Li Xiangbin frowned .

.Wang Ze pondered for a while and said , ” If he is the murderer, it is very likely . ”

.this sentence .

.This made Li Xiangbin’s brows wrinkle even deeper .

.Zhang Lun and Wang Ze’s criminal profile are highly similar .

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