.can say .

.He is very suspect .

.If he really went out tonight to prepare to kill .

.Then the possibility of stopping it is very slim .

.After all, it is very late now .

.Calculate the time .

.It’s almost time for the killer .

.Thinking of this , Li Xiangbin seemed a little irritable .

.He pulled out a cigarette and wanted to smoke , but held back .

.” Monitor monitoring . ”

.” Xiaotong , check the surveillance immediately to see where he went . ”

.Wang Xiaotong also sensed the urgency of the situation and hurriedly got busy .

.Ten minutes later .

.Bao Qu took a piece of clothes and walked quickly from the balcony .

.” Captain !”

.Li Xiangbin turned back subconsciously .

.His gaze was on the clothes in Bao Qu’s hands .

.black clothes .

.But above , there is obvious fluorescence reaction .

.Bao Qu said solemnly : ” Captain , this dress has a fluorescent reaction . ”

.” Before cleaning , there was blood . ”

.Li Xiangbin ‘s face suddenly became ugly .

.One is because of the murderer’s lock .

.The second is because the murderer is very likely to have gone out to commit the crime now !

.Still one step too late !

.” It’s just that I can’t take it off outside , and I didn’t throw it away when I came back . ”

.It was Ma Haoyu who spoke .

.The weather is very hot now , so I usually only wear one piece of clothing .

.The murderer did not plan to kill , his body was stained with blood , and it is understandable that he did not take it off outside .

.I just didn’t expect to keep it after I came back .

.Li Xiangbin said coldly : ” He doesn’t have too strong anti-investigation ability , so he thought it was enough to wash . ”

.” I don’t know that Luminol’s sensitivity is one in a million . ”

.What is the concept of one percent ?

.Even a drop of blood mixed with 999,999 drops of water can be detected .

.Even cleaning with bleach can only interfere , but not remove it completely .

.What is this called ?

.This is called criminal investigation methods , which have justice bonuses in the face of criminal methods .

.Ma Haoyu : ” That means … Zhang Lun is the murderer of the heart-digging case ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” All clues point to him , the blood on his clothes is the evidence . ”

.” Can’t be wrong . ”

.” It’s not good , he must be preparing to commit a crime outside now . ”

.Several people fell silent , and at the same time began to worry in their hearts .

.Cloud City is so big .

.The ghost knows where Zhang Lun is now .

.Maybe it ‘s already started !

.” Then what ?”

.” It ‘s impossible to find him in a short time . ”

.Listening to the words of several people , Li Xiangbin clenched his fists and turned to look at Wang Ze : ” Wang Ze , do you have any ideas ?”

.If ?’ Water ;: Resource : Source ; .Group ;.”6,5:;6:.?6.,’1.;.8?”,8,”,9,.6.! Backup , Use “?:;! Turn ,! Group “”7;6;6,:’0;;”1?!”8″”,3:”2:.”0 He was a little helpless .

.I can only hope that Wang Ze can give a solution .

.Unexpectedly , Wang Ze frowned deeply and said , ” I’m sorry , but there’s nothing I can do . ”

.”The only way is to do a blanket search in the psychological safety zone . ”

.” But I’m afraid it’s too late in time . ”

.Murderers commit crimes by randomness .

.Time is random .

.The location is random .

.The target of the crime is random .

.It’s all random .

.In this case , there is no basis for investigation .

.Unless it is an immortal , it is difficult to accurately lock Zhang Lun’s position in a short period of time .

.Seeing that even Wang Ze had no choice , everyone sighed .

.Li Xiangbin gritted his teeth : ” This bastard !”

.” If he dares to continue killing people , I will definitely kill him on the spot !”

� � ….?

.” Check the psychological safety zone !”

.” Little boy ! Where is Zhang Lun’s work place ?”

.Wang Xiaotong raised his head : ” There is no fixed work place . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin took a deep breath and said , ” Then check around this community !”

.” I don’t believe it, I can’t find any trace of him !!”

.As soon as the voice fell , the phone rang .

.It’s from Li Xiangbin .

.He impatiently took out his mobile phone and connected : ” Hello ? What’s the matter ! Something to say !”

.The police officer : ” Captain , I just received the call that someone broke into the house to kill someone in a community !”

.Li Xiangbin’s expression changed : ” What did you say ?!”

.” What’s the matter ! Which neighborhood ?!”

.The police officer : ” Biqing Community . ”

.Li Xiangbin was shocked : ” Biqing Community ?”

.” I’m in Biqing Community now !”


.” Building number !”

.The police officer said quickly : ” Unit 1 , Building 5, Unit 302. ”

.The phone hangs up .

.” Captain , what’s the situation ?”

.Bao Qu said quickly .

.Li Xiangbin’s face was ashen : ” Someone was killed in this community . ”

.” Leave a few people to guard the house and arrest Zhang Lun immediately !”

.” Others , follow me !”

.Building five .

.There are residents who have gathered in the corridor , whispering .

.Seeing the arrival of the police, the other party quickly gave way .

.” So fast ? Did n’t it just take two minutes to call the police ?”

.” Yeah , are the police all so fast now ?”

.Li Xiangbin ignored the questions of several people and said , ” What’s going on ?! Who called the police ?”

.A woman said , ” I called the police . ”

.” I was asleep when I suddenly heard screams and cries of children. It was very chaotic . ”

.” After I came out to check , I found that the door opposite was open . ”

.” Then … then I saw the neighbor’s daughter , lying on the living room floor . ”

.After listening , Li Xiangbin turned around and led someone into the room .

.” Be alert outside the door , don’t let anyone in !”

.” Yes !”

.Two police officers remained outside the door .

.Inside the living room .

.There was indeed a girl lying on the ground .

.Looks like a teenager .

.Li Xiangbin immediately looked at the location of each other’s heart .

.is intact .

.Wang Ze came closer and squatted down to check .

.” Alive . ”

.” Alive ?!”

.Several people looked happy and gathered around .

…. why .

Chapter 141 _ Everyone is leaving now ! ? 2 ?

.” Wang Ze , what’s the situation ?”

.Li Xiangbin asked quickly .

.Wang Ze carefully checked the marks on the girl’s neck, and said , ” The one who was stunned by the stranglehold , fortunately let go in time . ”

.” Otherwise, in a minute or two , it will be dangerous . ”

.” Call an ambulance . ”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu took out his mobile phone and started to call .

.Wang Ze stood up and said strangely, ” Where are the parents of this family ?”

.Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Who is that, ask where the adults of this family have gone . ”

.There was a quick response : ” Captain , the neighbor said that the child’s father was on a business trip and the mother was working night shifts . ”

.” Got it . ”

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” Did Zhang Lun do it ?”

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