.Wang Ze pondered for a while and said , ” If Zhang Lun did it , why did he give up halfway ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” It may be that the movement was too loud and I was worried that it would attract neighbors . That’s why ” Nine Seven Seven ” ran away ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No. ”

.” Said to the neighbour at the door just now that all she heard was screaming and crying . ”

.” A strong man facing a teenage girl . ”

.” Especially when the neck is strangled, it is impossible for the other party to make such a big noise . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded slightly : ” That ‘s true . ”

.” That’s not Zhang Lun ?”

.” Or imitate the crime ?”

.” This post has such serious consequences ?”

.There has been a copycat murder case before .

.Could this be another one ?

.Wang Ze thought for a while and said, ” There is another possibility . ”

.After speaking , he turned his head and shouted , ” Is there only one daughter in this family ?”

.Hearing the sound from the room, the police officer at the door asked , ” Hello , is there only one daughter in this family across the street ?”

.The woman replied : ” No , there is another little daughter . ”

.The police officer turned his head and responded , ” There is also a little daughter !”

.Hearing this sentence , everyone in the living room changed expressions .

.Wang Ze also lowered his face .

.” This dog thing !”

.He couldn’t help but scold .

.Li Xiangbin said quickly : ” Quick ! Go and check every room !”

.” Yes !”

.Several people scattered .

.After a while , it will return one after another .

.” No. ” _

.” Captain , no other girl was found . ”

.” I don’t have it here either . ”

.Seeing this , Li Xiangbin breathed a sigh of relief and said , ” Fortunately , I should have just taken it away . ”

.That’s good news for the current situation .

.At least .

.No body was seen .

.People are most likely still alive .

.Wang Ze said coldly : “The murderer was going to attack this girl . ”

.” But another little girl in the room was alerted . ”

.” After seeing the younger girl , the murderer seemed to see a more attractive delicacy . ”

.” So he gave up the girl and took the other little girl . ”

.Ma Haoyu said , ” Why didn’t he kill someone directly this time ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Two reasons . ”

.” First , the little girl cried and screamed when she saw her sister being raped . ”

.”The murderer was worried about attracting neighbors , so he chose to take it away . ”

.” Second , the little girl’s heart is very attractive to him . ”

.” This is not something Qi Hui and Wang Xiaomeng can compare . ”

.” It’s like the difference between steamed buns and chicken thighs . ”

.” He’s looking for a place to enjoy himself . ”

.Hearing this , several people looked shocked .

.” Enjoy ?”

.” This is so beast !”

.” It’s definitely not far , just chase it !”

.Li Xiangbin turned his head : ” Little boy , monitor !”

.Wang Xiaotong quickly operated the computer and said , ” Captain , it has been found . ”

.” Ten minutes ago , a man drove out of the community with a woven bag . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” This bastard has a car ?!”

.” Does it match the car under Zhang Lun’s name ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Wait a minute , I ‘m investigating . ”

.After a while , she said, ” Zhang Lun owns a second-hand domestic hatchback under the name of Zhang Lun . ”

.” It ‘s the same car that left the community just now . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin said angrily : ” Zhang Lun, this lunatic , we must catch him tonight !”

.” Where did you go ?!”

.Wang Xiaotong hesitated : ” This …”

.” More monitoring and investigation needs to be called . ”

.” Look at the direction , it’s southeast . ”

.Li Xiangbin frowned : ” We don’t have any more time . ”

.” This little girl will be in danger at any time ! ”

.After he finished speaking , he turned his head to look at Wang Ze suddenly and said , ” Wang Ze ! I do n’t care what method you use , tell me now where he will go !”

.Wang Ze rubbed his eyebrows and said , ” I think about it …”

.” There was no basis for judgment just now , but now there is . ”

.” He’s got the delicious food he’s been dreaming of and he needs to find a place to enjoy it slowly . ”

.” Where is this place ? ”

.The voice of self-talk sounded .

.No one bothered Wang Ze .

.They know .

.Now Wang Ze , his brain is running fast .

.Any disturbance of movement and stillness may affect the final judgment of the other party .

.And when there is a discrepancy in judgment .

.All they can do is collect the body of that little girl !

.It was an ignorant little girl .

.No one dared to imagine .

.The tragic state of the opponent’s heart being dug out !

.Li Xiangbin’s fist clenched tightly .

.The anger in his heart is now skyrocketing .

.Zhang Lun, this bastard .

.He is mobilizing the city’s police resources tonight , and he must be caught !

.” Give me two minutes . ”

.Wang Ze paced back and forth in the living room .

.He took out a cigarette and lit it, and the speed of his brain was increased to the extreme .

.He began to simulate Zhang Lun’s mental state at the moment .

.” I have serious heart disease . ”

.” There is no cure for this disease , and the major hospitals are powerless . ”

.” I can only wait to die . ”

.” I have severe histrionic personality disorder . ”

.” I’m suggesting to myself that eating someone else’s heart will heal my heart , the younger the better . ”

.” I found Young Delicious at 5.3 tonight and she must be able to save me . ”

.” I eat her heart and I’ll be fine . ”

.” I need to find a place to save myself . ”

.” The doctors at the hospital couldn’t save me , it was the doctors’ fault , not the hospital’s . ”

.” Hospitals are places where life is saved . ”

.” I’m sure I’ll get better . ”

.” It must be cured . ”

.” I’m going to the hospital for treatment . ”

.” Hospital ?”

.Wang Ze immediately said, ” Little boy , in the southeast , is there an abandoned hospital ?”

.Wang Xiaotong quickly opened the map to check .

.” Yes !”

.” Twenty kilometers away , the old site of the Second Hospital is there , and it has n’t been demolished yet !”

.Wang Ze looked at Li Xiangbin .

.Without any hesitation , Li Xiangbin waved his hand and shouted , ” Everyone set off immediately !!”

Chapter 142 _ Kill on the spot ? 3 ?

.Several police cars roared out of the community and rushed to the southeast at full speed .

.inside the car .

.Everyone looked serious , and they hated Zhang Lun , who had yet to meet .

.This is already the third person .

.To be precise .

.is the fourth victim .

.And the teenage girl who was in a coma .

.Tonight , there can be no more new deceased !

.In the back seat , Wang Ze looked at the gun in his hand and said , ” Team Li , if conditions permit , I will apply to shoot Zhang Lun on the spot . ”

.co-pilot .

.Li Xiangbin glanced back at him , nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.” If the hostage is in danger , shooting can be done as long as the hostage is safe . ”

.” There is only one principle for our actions : keep that little girl safe !”

.Wang Ze didn’t speak any more , his eyes became colder and colder .

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