.the following afternoon .

.office .

.Liu Guanghai smiled after carefully reading Li Xiangbin’s case report and Wang Ze’s shooting report .

.He put down the papers , opened the drawer, took out two packs of cigarettes , and threw them on the table .

.Wang Ze was quick-witted and grabbed it .

.This kind of cigarette can not be bought outside .

.Li Xiangbin just wanted to stretch out his hand , but was stunned when he saw it : ” Where is mine ?”

.Wang Ze put away the cigarette and asked in confusion, ” What ?”

.Seeing that the other party obviously did not intend to give it , Li Xiangbin twitched the corners of his mouth and said angrily .

.I don’t know much about young people .

.Liu Guanghai smiled and said , ” This case is well done . ”

.” I do what I say . ”

.” At the meeting in the past few days , I will discuss your position with the provincial department . ”

.” But how it will turn out , I can’t guarantee it . ”

.Wang Ze’s age and qualifications did not meet the criteria for promotion .

.It’s all about hard work and ability .

.Therefore , it is necessary to nod from the provincial office .

.Wang Zemei smiled , as if he hadn’t heard the words , and said , ” Can you give me two more boxes ?”

.His concern for cigarettes is obviously higher than his position .

.Liu Guanghai glared at him and said , ” Did you hear what I’m saying ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” I heard it , it doesn’t matter , do you still have cigarettes ?”

.Seeing that Wang Ze was back in a dangling state , Liu Guanghai rubbed his brows .

.this kid .

.How come when there is no case, it is like a mental illness .

.Is promotion more important or cigarettes more important ?

.” Alright , alright, let’s go . ”

.” Wait a little longer and my blood pressure will go up . ”

.” The entire criminal investigation team is on vacation , let’s take a rest . ”

.” If you want to have a dinner party , I will treat you , remember to issue an invoice . ”

.Liu Guanghai waved his hand .

.This case has made the criminal investigation team very busy .

.I had more than one stay up all night .

.Really need a good rest and recovery .

.After all , the case will never be the last .

.This is reality .

.Wang Ze stood and waited for a while , and after making sure Liu Guanghai would not give him a few more boxes , he had to leave in disappointment .

.” Old Liu is really stingy .. ”

.” Is it Team Lee ?”

.In the corridor , Wang Ze said as he walked .

.Li Xiangbin glanced at Wang Ze , stretched out his hand and said, ” Give me my box . ”

.Wang Ze pretended not to hear .

.Li Xiangbin was very happy : ” How dare you talk about him ?!”

.Wang Ze asked back , ” What’s wrong with me ?”

.While talking , the two came to the case handling hall .

.Li Xiangbin didn’t bother to argue with Wang Ze , he clapped his hands and said , ” Everyone listen up . ”

.” Lao Liu gave our criminal investigation team a holiday . ”

.” Does anyone want to have dinner tonight ?”

.” Old Liu treat !”

.The voice fell , and the crowd cheered .

.Figure it out .

.The criminal investigation team seems to have not had a dinner together for a long time .

.Li Xiangbin pressed his palm down , signaling everyone to be quiet .

.” One more thing before that . ”

.” Children , issue a case notice . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Good captain . ”

.Because of the appearance of that post , especially the appearance of the copycat homicide .

.On the Internet , there has been a lot of uproar now .

.Now the murderer is under the law .

.The situation must be calmed down as soon as possible .

.Five o’clock in the afternoon .

.The police issued a notice .

.The murderer of the heart-digging case has been killed on the spot , and the case has been solved .

.For a time , the whole network was boiling .

.Countless netizens praised the speed of the city bureau’s investigation .

.At the same time , he also sent cordial ” greetings ” to the murderer who was killed .

.It’s just this ” greeting ” that contains a high amount of family members .

.It’s time for work .

.The criminal investigation team is all ready to go to a dinner party . Prepare “!! Use “.’!: Turn ,; group ?7″!.6?6:0!”?1″”:8!”3!2;?0 to open the city bureau .

.But at the gate , happened to be blocked by a family of three .

.” Uncle Police !”

.A cute little girl ran over and threw herself into Wang Ze’s arms .

.” Xu Wangqing ?”

.Seeing that the other party has returned to normal so quickly , Wang Ze is relieved .

.thought .

.It will take a few days to get out of the fright .

.” Uncle police officer , here it is for you . ”

.Xu Wangqing took out a drawing paper and handed it to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took it .

.This is a painting .

.The picture is of a policeman .

.It’s not like him at all .

.But he knew .

.He is the one who draws .

.” Thank you Wangqing . ”

.Wang Ze said with a smile .

.Xu Wangqing’s parents came over .

.” So young ?”

.Xu Wangqing’s father looked at Wang Ze and said in surprise .

.Xu Wangqing raised her head : ” Dad , this police uncle saved me . ”

.Father Xu smiled and said , ” Wangqing , you should be called brother . ”

.After speaking , he looked at Wang Ze and said sincerely, ” Comrade police officer , thank you !”

.” Send you . ”

.He unfolded the pennant in his hand and handed it to Wang Ze .

.” Uh . ”

.It was the first time that Wang Ze received a pennant , and he was a little confused .

.it says .

.Disaster for the people .

.Godly Pacers .

.God police ?

.I am so good ?

.” Thanks a lot , it should be . ”

.Wang Ze said politely .

.Li Xiangbin immediately took out his mobile phone and said , “� ” I’m sorry for my mobile phone if I don’t take pictures at this time . ”

.Except him .

.Wang Xiaotong and the others also took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures .

.The affirmation of the people is very important to them .

.” Comrade police , since you are busy , we will not disturb you . ”

.Father Xu and Wang Ze shook hands and prepared to leave .

.Xu Wangqing waved her little hand : ” Brother policeman , come to my house for dinner later . ”

.He listened to his father very much .

.If you call him brother , call him brother .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Definitely . ”

.The family left .

.Bao Qu stepped over and took away the pennant from Wang Ze’s hand .

.” God police ?”

.” Haha , very appropriate . ”

.” When do you think I can receive the pennant ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said : ” If you want it, I can give you one . ”

.Bao Qu turned his head : ” Go away !”

.” Haha . ”

.Wang Xiaotong let out a sound .

.night .

.A hotel in Yuncheng .

.The crowd sat around the table .

.Li Xiangbin raised his wine glass ( the one who promised money ) and said , ” You can’t be greedy for wine , and you are ready to take on tasks at any time , everyone can do whatever you want . ”

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