.” Thank you, Captain . ”

.” Thank you, Captain !”

.After the cup was finished , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” This time , you saved a fresh life . ”

.That was the case at the time .

.If Zhang Lun’s position cannot be locked as soon as possible , Xu Wangqing’s situation will be worrying .

.Wang Ze’s accurate judgment and precise marksmanship really saved Xu Wangqing’s life .

.This sentence also caused everyone to nod their heads in sympathy .

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Team Li , you don’t need to brag about your duties , right ?”

.” Wait until the next time I do something beyond my duty, then you can praise me well . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze with admiration and said with a smile , ” Good boy , the more I look at you, the more pleasing to the eye . ”

.Wang Ze : ” I have a girlfriend and I faint . ”

.Li Xiangbin glared : ” Is it looking for a fight ?”

.” Haha . ”

.The crowd burst into laughter .

Chapter 144 _ Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation Team ? 5 ?

.Eight o’clock in the evening .

.Three rounds of wine .

.Everyone chatted .

.In the single room , full of laughter and laughter , it is rare to relax .

.Li Xiangbin and Wang Ze clink glasses and say , ” In a few days , I may go to another place . ”

.Just as Wang Ze was about to drink , he was surprised when he heard the words : ” Going to another place ? What are you doing ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” An old case two years ago . ”

.”The suspect has been identified but let him run away . ”

.” Some time ago , I heard from a colleague out of town that they found his trace , and I went to check . ”

.” If it wasn’t for the delay in this case now , I would have left long ago . ”

.Wang Ze put down his glass and said , ” I’m going too ?”

.Li Xiangbin shook his head : “I have to catch him this time , I don’t know how long it will take . ”

.” you don’t go . ”

.”The criminal investigation team still needs you . ”

.” I estimate that the notice from the provincial office will be down soon . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What notice ?”

.Li Xiangbin glanced at him and said , ” Are you pretending to be stupid ?”

.” Promotion notice . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Is it really a promotion ?”

.” I thought Lao Liu was joking with me . ”

.Li Xiangbin was speechless : ” Just kidding ?”

.” Such a big thing , he is joking with you ?”

.” Is your brain 980 not sick ?”

.Wang Ze really touched his head and said , ” How can I say it, it ‘s okay . ”

.Li Xiangbin stared at Wang Ze .

.Is it genius .

.All this virtue ?

.At this moment , Wang Ze’s phone rang .

.He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and said, ” Wait , Team Li , I’ll take a call from a family member . ”

.” Hello ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Wang Ze , is the case solved ? I saw the notice forwarded online . ”

.Wang Ze : ” It broke , it broke last night . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” That’s good . ”

.” I wanted to call you after that post came out , but I was worried about disturbing you . ”

.” Are you free the day after tomorrow ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Yes , what ‘s wrong ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” I’m going to take over a company , won’t you give me strength ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Take over the company ?”

.” No need . ”

.” Should we wait until we go bankrupt before we eat ?”

.Jiang Ying said angrily : ” What are you talking about ! Look down on me ?!”

.” I tell you , what I studied abroad was business management !”

.Wang Ze : ” Learning is one thing , getting started is one thing . ”

.” I also studied physics . ”

.” Why didn’t I become a physicist . ”

.Jiang Ying (chfd): ” Are you going to raise the bar with me again ?”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” Okay , strong , strong , where are you going ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” When the time comes, I’ll pick you up at the city bureau . ”

.Wang Ze : ” I’m on vacation . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” That’s fine , I’ll call you ahead of time . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.” I’m drinking with my colleagues in the team, let’s not talk about it . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Drink less . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.Bao Qu came over with a gossip face , and suddenly said, ” What is taking over the company ?”

.Wang Ze was taken aback by surprise , turned his head and said, ” It’s none of your business ?”

.” Not only your business , but mine ?”

.Bao Qu smiled and said: ” Your girlfriend , took over a company ?”

.Wang Ze : “What’s wrong ?”

.Bao Qu coughed and said , ” I have a relative who just graduated and is looking for a job . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes widened : ” Damn it ! Can it be related so quickly ?”

.Bao Qu said: ” Don’t ink , ask your girlfriend . ”

.Wang Ze said seriously : ” Old Bao , if Jiang Ying gave you the back door , do you know how she will bully me in the future ?”

.Bao Qu : ” That’s none of my business . ”

.” You two can solve it by yourself . ”

.Wang Ze : “…”

.” You really hurt me !”


.half a month later .

.A document is sent directly from the provincial department to the city bureau .

.Appointment : Wang Ze is the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau .

.Although the rank has not changed .

.But in terms of power , there has been a qualitative leap .

.That is to say , Wang Ze now has the power to lead the case independently .

.More than just power .

.There are also obligations and responsibilities .

.Sometimes cases pile up , and a captain is simply too busy .

.for this appointment .

.The criminal investigation team was not surprised .

.One is to hear the wind in advance .

.Second, because of Wang Ze’s ability , he can definitely afford this position .

.After all, it’s all one case .

.No one would doubt Wang Ze’s level of handling the case .

.Everyone in the criminal investigation team can say that they admire Wang Ze very much .

.Early this morning , Wang Ze came to the case handling hall .

.Bao Qu immediately got up .

.”The King’s Team !”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh . ”

.Wang Xiaotong smiled and said : ” Wang team , good morning . ”

.Ma Haoyu waved : ” Wang team early , have you eaten yet ?”

.Wang Ze suddenly felt a little uncomfortable .

.If you are not careful , you will go to a career ?

.Look at this mess .

.Sure enough, he is too good .

.Of course he wouldn’t say such a shit .

.Otherwise .

.will be viewed as fools .

.” You can exaggerate a little more . ”

.Wang Ze habitually came to his workstation and said .

.The crowd laughed .

.They are all the same age and know each other well .

.And they know Wang Ze well , talk well and like to joke .

.If it is not during the handling of the case , there is no pressure from superiors and subordinates .

.After sitting down , Wang Ze wanted to get a teacup .

.” Eh ?”

.” Where’s my cup ?”

.Wang Xiaotong looked at Wang Ze and said , ” I said, Deputy Captain Wang , you have your own office . ”

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