.” Everything is there . ”

.” Didn’t you say it yesterday ?”

.The criminal investigation chief is the same as the criminal investigation deputy chief .

.Each has its own independent office .

.And the space is not small .

.Wang Ze was taken aback , patted his head and said, “I forgot , I slept last night , sorry . ”

.He didn’t get up .

.He said casually, ” Is Team Li not back yet ?”

.Bao Qu said, ” Come on. ”

.”I heard that the suspect has been blocked within five kilometers and is being arrested . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” True ink , I knew we would go together . ”

.Bao Qu said with a smile : ” That guy seems to have a strong anti-reconnaissance ability , so it’s not easy to catch . ”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.After chatting for a while , he got up and said, ” Then I’ll go to the office first . ”

.” No , what am I going to do ?”

.He still doesn’t get used to it .

.Wang Xiaotong coughed lightly and said , ” There are a lot of things to see . ”

.” Also , there are quite a few documents that need your signature . ”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Okay . ”

.He suddenly felt that this captain didn’t seem to be so good .

.Just as he was about to leave , Wang Xiaotong said, ” Wait a minute . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head : “What’s wrong ?”

.Wang Xiaotong flipped through the information in front of him and took out a few copies .

.”The day before yesterday , there were two cases of disappearance from the branch . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Missing case ?”

.” What’s the matter , can’t the branch do it ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said : ” When I sorted out old cases in previous years , I found that there was a similar case five years ago . ”

.” No one has been found yet . ”

.” Oh ?”

.Wang Ze raised his brows and stretched out his hand : ” I’ll take a look . ”

Chapter 145 _ Is it possible to buy or sell people [ 1 ]

.” Give . ”

.Wang Xiaotong handed the information to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took it and turned it over .

.These are two cases of disappearance from the branch .

.To be precise .

.It’s the disappearance of two girls .

.The missing persons are fifteen years old and sixteen years old .

.Missing time , has been more than a week .

.The family called the police in less than two to fourteen hours .

.Because the missing person is a minor and a woman , the sub-bureau attaches great importance to it and quickly filed a case to look for it .

.It is a pity that so far , there has been no trace of the two of them .

.After reading it , Wang Ze closed the document and said , ” What happened to the similar case you mentioned five years ago ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” Five years ago , there were also two cases of missing girls in this city . ”

.”The missing persons are about the same age as in this case , they are all minors . ”

.” Until now . ”

.” Live without people , dead without corpses . ”

.” Two people , it’s like the world has evaporated . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , “The case is taken over . ”

.After speaking , he turned to look at Ma Haoyu : ” Haoyu , come to my office in half an hour . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Okay . ”

.After Wang Ze left , Ma Haoyu whispered , ” It smells like a criminal investigation captain , do you feel it ?”

.Wang Xiaotong glanced at him and said , ” Do n’t think Wang Ze is young . ”

.” His mental age is older than you and me . ”

.” I couldn’t see it before , but now that I’m the captain , it’s different . ”

.” Eh ? I said , we can’t joke with him when we investigate the case . ”

.” It’s just normal . ”

.Ma Haoyu grinned : ” I’m not stupid , I still use you to remind me . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Cut !”

.” I don’t think you look very smart either . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” You don’t understand , I am in the stage of learning and growing . ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded and said seriously : ” When you grow up , it is estimated that you should retire . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Do you look down on me ?”

.” Okay , see how I investigated this case . ”

.” Let me tell you , the case of the girl’s disappearance must be human trafficking . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was surprised : ” Human trafficking ? Who are you selling to ?”

.Ma Haoyu said as a matter of course : ” Sell it to a remote place for those million-year-old bachelors . ”

.” We Yuncheng , maybe there is an underground human trafficking organization hidden . ”

.” If this is caught , it will be a great achievement . ”

.Wang Xiaotong asked suspiciously, ” Really ?”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Do you think it’s impossible ?”

.Wang Xiaotong glanced at the direction of Wang Ze’s office , and then said , ” You can think of such a pig’s brain , but Wang Ze can’t think of it ?”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu suffocated his tone and coughed lightly : ” When tigers doze off , shrewd monkeys also capsize . ”

.Bao Qu came over : ” You said Wang Ze is a monkey ?”

.The sound is quite loud .

.Ma Haoyu was taken aback and said with a guilty conscience : ” What did you say ?! I didn’t say anything . ”

.Bao Qu said with a smile : ” Come on , I’m optimistic about you . ”

.the other side .

.Wang Ze didn’t know what was going on outside .

.At this moment, he is sitting in the office , staring at the documents on the desktop in a daze .

.He didn’t think about it before he came .

.In less than a year , he became a criminal investigation captain .

.” It’s all a mess . ”

.Wang Ze picked up the documents in front of him and found that they were all trivial matters .

.At most .

.A petition for burglary custody .

.He smiled helplessly , picked up the pen and signed his name one by one .

.Signature is a power , but also a responsibility .

.If something goes wrong in the future , the first person to look for must be the signatory .

.the world .

.Getting and giving are proportional .

.After signing the document , Wang Ze picked up the information on the table and looked at it .

.He still needs time to adapt and learn how to be a criminal investigation captain .

.After half an hour .

.There was a knock on the door .

.Wang Ze raised his head : ” Come in . ”

.Ma Haoyu pushed in the door and said as he walked, ” Team Wang . ”

.Wang Ze put away the information and said , ” Haoyu , go and transfer the dossier that Wang Xiaotong said five years ago . ”

.” Also , hold the information on these two cases . ”

.” Let’s go to the precinct . ”

.” Bureau ?” Ma Haoyu was taken aback , ” Team Wang , are you going to join the case ?”

.Consolidating the case is not a trivial matter and requires Liu Guanghai’s signature .

.Wang Ze said : ” Not necessarily , let’s go and talk about it . ”

.” There are some questions that need to be checked with Captain Peng of the precinct . ”

� � ….?

.Ma Haoyu nodded : ” Okay . ”

.After half an hour .

.A police car drove out of the city bureau and headed for a precinct bureau .

.inside the car .

.The driver was Ma Haoyu .

.He couldn’t help but ask , ” Captain Wang , do you suspect that these two disappearances are directly related to the two disappearances five years ago ?”

.In the back seat , Wang Ze looked at the dossier from five years ago and said , “The characteristics of the missing objects are highly similar , but anyone who is not stupid will doubt it . ”

.Ma Haoyu hesitated a little , but still said : ” Wang team , do you think it is possible , it has something to do with buying and selling people ?”

.Wang Ze raised his head : ” Why do you say that ? ”

.Ma Haoyu said , ” Just like the disappearance of a baby , sell it to someone else as a wife . ”


.” Is it still possible ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It is possible . ”

.” But the same city , or even the same area , is separated by a five-year cycle . ”

.” Not very likely . ”

.Ma Haoyu was slightly silent and said , ” Then what do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I don’t know , I’ll check it out . ”

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