.Ma Haoyu nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Based on these superficial information , it is indeed difficult to make a reasonable guess .

.Unless by guessing .

.Buying and selling people is actually a reasonable guess .

.As Wang Ze just said .

.The time span is really big .

.The area span is a little smaller .

.It can’t be that the suspect spends the money for the sale and purchase of people within five years , and then continues to commit the crime, right ?

.Somewhat far-fetched .

.Humans are priceless treasures .

.But in the eyes of buyers , it is not worth that much money .

.If you really have money , do you still need to buy a daughter- in-law ?

.soon .

.The branch has arrived .

.in the hall .

.Wang Ze met Peng Yankai for the second time .

.The other party stretched out his hand all the way and said with a smile , ” Captain Wang . ”

.” I didn’t expect to see you in half a month , I should call you Captain Wang . ”

.” Young and promising , young and promising . ”

.It ‘s all a system , and it’s still a municipal bureau .

.Changes in positions, of course , they are very aware .

.Wang Ze shook hands with the other party and chuckled , ” Captain Peng is very polite . ”

…. why .

Chapter 146 _ This is a very important common denominator [ 2 ]

.in the hall .

.Many police officers from the surrounding substations stopped and watched curiously .

.” Eh ? That’s Wang Ze from the Municipal Bureau. He looks good . I didn’t expect to be so young . ”

.” Twenty-one years old , deputy captain of the criminal investigation team , I didn’t graduate when I was twenty-one years old . ”

.” I heard from a friend of the city bureau that in the last case , he killed the murderer on the spot and saved the hostages . ”

.” Why are you so surprised ? People are hired as first-level superintendents , the only one in the country . ”

.”That’s not true . The provincial department is obviously to be reused . It is normal to be promoted . Who makes people a monster of the police academy ? ”

.” Monster ?”

.” Yeah , I don’t call Wang Ze a genius anymore , I call him a monster . ”

.” It sounds like a curse . ”

.” Shh , be quiet . ”

.In the surrounding whispers , Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Captain Peng , this time I came here to learn about the two recent disappearances . ”

.” Don’t you know it’s convenient ?”

.Peng Yankai nodded : ” It’s convenient , of course it’s convenient . ”

.” Come on , go to my office and talk . ”

.He is more polite to Wang Ze than Li Xiangbin .

.After all, Li Xiangbin is almost at the end .

.And Wang Ze’s age …

.Obviously just the beginning .

.Still a high starting point .

.In a few years , the ghost will know what his position is .

.dare not imagine .

.Several people came to the office .

.” Captain Wang , sit down and I’ll bring you some tea . ”

.While talking , Peng Yankai walked to the water dispenser .

.Wang Ze sat down and said, ” Don’t bother Captain Peng . ”

.Peng Yankai smiled and said , ” It’s okay . ”

.Seeing this , Wang Ze didn’t say anything more .

.Soon , Peng Yankai put two glasses of water on the table and said , ” Captain Wang , do you want to take over these two cases ?”

.Before the other party came , he had already been notified by the city bureau .

.Missing case , transfer to the city bureau .

.There’s nothing to be ashamed of .

.This is the same as the case received by the district, which cannot be handled by itself , and is handed over to the sub-bureau .

.Level-to-level relationship .

.Level by level .

.Very normal .

.If their sub-bureau can solve all the cases , what should the city bureau do ?

.Not a decoration ?

.Wang Ze took a sip of water politely , nodded and said, ” Since the case has been passed on , then leave it to us . ”

.” Furthermore . ”

.” There may be a link between the two disappearances and the two disappearances five years ago . ”

.Hearing this , Peng Yankai was surprised : ” Oh ? Five years ago ?”

.In my impression , their branch did not receive a similar report five years ago .

.It seems .

.It’s a case from the City Council .

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” Captain Peng , how far have you investigated these two cases ? ”

.Peng Yankai said : ” Both girls have mobile phones . After receiving the police , the first thing we checked was their mobile phone information . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly .

.Checking the phone is a more effective way .

.There may be clues among the contacts .

.For example, where did the missing person go and who did they contact before they disappeared .

.This is an important investigation direction .

.Peng Yankai continued : ” Unfortunately, nothing was found . ”

.” The circle of communication between the two is actually very narrow . ”

.” Apart from school classmates and relatives at home . ”

.” At present, it has not been found that they have had any contact with social personnel . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” What about the visit ?”

.Peng Yankai said : ” Parents , school teachers , classmates , and close friends have all asked . ”

.” There is nothing special about the two children , they are just ordinary middle school students . ”

.” In addition to going to school , I usually get together with my classmates and friends . ”

.” It was the weekend when I disappeared , and my parents didn’t know ; Water . Capital .’; Source ,;: Group’6 “:5″”.6.?!6;;,1:?8;;8::9? ;6?!; Backup : Use ? Center ..: Go to “?! Group :7!!.6.6!;’0:1,8′!!3.;”2!0 said where they went to play . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” I read on the file that there are breakpoints in monitoring, right ? ”

.Peng Yankai nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” We called the surveillance at the entrance of the missing person’s community and determined that they left the community before they disappeared . ”

.” But in the process of tracking and investigation , it was blocked by the blind spot of monitoring , and a breakpoint appeared . ”

.” Cloud City is so big , it is difficult to continue to investigate through monitoring . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” In other words , have all the surveillance in the vicinity of the community been checked ?”

.Peng Yankai : ” I checked everything . ”

.” Only missing persons can be seen passing by , but there are no signs of disappearance or kidnapping . ”

.” And the missing persons are ordinary families , so kidnapping doesn’t cost much . ”

.At this time, Ma Haoyu said, ” Do they have no enemies ?”

.Peng Yankai turned his head : ” It is impossible to say that there is absolutely no enemy …”

.” But the chasing and fighting among middle school students won’t make such a big move, right ?”

.Ma Haoyu nodded : ” That ‘s true . ”

.among middle school students .

.You can scold .

.You can also fight in a crowd .

.But if people are kidnapped …

.I don’t think you have the guts .

.Wang Ze continued to ask , ” What about mobile phone consumption records ?”

.Peng Yankai said : ” We have checked every consumption record of the day on the spot . ”

.” But for middle school students, it’s not all electronic payments , cash is also used . ”

.” Therefore , omissions cannot be ruled out . ”

.” Also , it cannot be ruled out that it is someone else’s treat . ”

.Asked here , Wang Ze fell into deep thought .

.Peng Yankai’s investigation experience is still very rich .

.The process is basically no problem .

.can say .

.Almost all available directions are covered .

.Since no clues were found .

.Then explain .

.There are also hidden directions that have not surfaced .

.After a while , Wang Ze said, ” Do you two know each other ?”

.Peng Yankai said : ” According to our investigation , they should not know each other . ”

.” One senior and one junior . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Do you have a boyfriend ?”

.Peng Yankai : ” No. ”

.” But one of them, Ding Liyi , is being chased . ”

.Wang 5.3 Ze : ” Have you asked ?”

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