.Peng Yankai nodded : ” I asked , that boy’s family is quite rich . ”

.” He had a perfect alibi on the day he disappeared . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Give me his information later . ”

.Peng Yankai : ” Okay . ”

.At this moment , Wang Ze picked up the water glass and said to himself, ” It can’t be a coincidence that two people disappeared on the same day . ”

.” Don’t you know each other ?”

.” Looks like it ‘s time to find out what they have in common . ”

.Hearing Wang Ze’s self-talk , Peng Yankai said, ” The most obvious thing in common is that they are all beautiful . ”

.Middle school students rarely wear makeup .

.Since she is beautiful .

.It can be imagined that the appearance of the two will not be low .

.Wang Ze’s eyes flickered : ” Yes , it’s very beautiful . ”

.” That’s a very important common denominator . ”

Chapter 147 _ Visiting family members of missing persons ? 3 ?

.” That’s a very important common denominator . ”

.This sentence silenced both Peng Yankai and Ma Haoyu .

.Wang Ze’s meaning is obvious .

.The disappearance of two girls .

.I’m afraid there is a high probability that it is related to criminal activities .

.What crime can a middle school girl be involved in ?

.Only in that way .

.After being silent for a while , Peng Yankai said, ” Captain Wang , let me crow . ”

.” It’s not rape, is it ?”

.The beautiful girl suddenly disappeared without a word .

.Being kidnapped is still the best outcome .

.As police officers , they have never seen any criminals .

.The possibility of rape and murder is not impossible .

.Wang Ze said , ” It’s hard to say . ”

.” If this is a case of rape and murder , the disposal of the body is a big problem . ”

.” Of course , it’s not a bad thing to do . ”

.” Captain Peng , have you found out where these two girls often go ?”

.Peng Yankai said : “The footprints show that I go to Tyco Plaza more often . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Tyco Plaza is one of the largest business districts in Yuncheng , so it’s not surprising to go there often . ”

.Peng Yankai was helpless : ” So , it is difficult to investigate . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , “What are they going to do in Tyco Plaza? ” 27

.Peng Yankai : ” It ‘s just shopping , shopping , and playing . ”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and asked, ” Where to go shopping , what to buy, and what to play . ”

.” This …” Peng Yankai hesitated , ” I didn’t check so carefully . ”

.” These students go to Vanke Plaza almost every weekend ,”

.” So I don’t think that ‘s the problem . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Captain Peng , shouldn’t you check , are these two people at the intersection of Tyco Plaza ?”

.Two people who disappeared at the same time and did not know each other on the surface .

.Intersections are important .

.This may be related to the clues to their disappearance .

.Facing Wang Ze’s questioning , Peng Yankai was a little embarrassed .

.” Sorry captain Wang , I was negligent . ”

.Everyone’s investigation method is different .

.Everyone’s way of thinking is different .

.As the saying goes, three cobblers top Zhuge Liang .

.Negligence is normal .

.Wang Ze didn’t say much .

.After chatting for a while , the two left .

.Branch door .

.inside the car .

.Ma Haoyu turned around while wearing his seat belt : ” Team Wang , this Peng Yankai , shouldn’t he slack off investigating the case ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No. ”

.” Basically everything that should be checked has been checked , but there are omissions . ”

.” Let’s go and find out where he left out . ”

.” Go to … Ding Liyi’s house first . ”

.Ma Haoyu nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Before driving , he couldn’t help but ask : ” These two girls , won’t they be bad luck ?”

.The rape and murder I mentioned just now is imprinted in my mind .

.No way .

.No wonder he didn’t want to .

.Two beautiful girls disappeared for a week without a trace .

.The possibility of an accident is increasing .

.Wang Ze didn’t answer the question and said , ” Let’s drive . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Okay . ”

.Vehicle starts .

.Wang Ze was looking at a person’s profile .

.It is the boy who Peng Yankai mentioned just now , the boy who has chased or has been chasing Ding Liyi .

.Seventeen-year-old Su Minghui .

.It is a pseudo rich second generation .

.Why is it called the second generation of pseudo rich .

.It is the kind of boy whose family is not particularly rich , but thinks he is the second generation of rich .

.There is a car in the name .

.Hundreds of thousands of that .

.That’s why it is said that it is the second generation of pseudo-rich .

.Compared with Jiang Ying’s , it is a hundred and eight thousand miles away .

.Could this person be related to Ding Liyi’s disappearance ?

.If relevant .

.Then the second girl .

.That is, the girl named Shan Qianyu , why did she also disappear ?

.Again .

.Are these two cases related to the two disappearances five years ago ?

.If it doesn’t matter .

.Why are the characteristics of the cases so similar .

.If it matters .

.Five years ago, Su Minghui was only twelve years old .

.What can a twelve-year-old do ?

.After all, ” Tianshan child grandma ” like Dong Jun is only a very rare case .

.It seems that wanting to find out about this matter is not a matter of a day or two .

.See your luck .

.Wang Ze closed Su Minghui’s information and thought deeply .

.an hour later .

.The two came to a community and met Ding Liyi’s mother .

.Inside the living room .

.Mother Ding poured a glass of water for the two of them and said , ” Drink some water, police officer . ”

.Wang Ze quickly said, ” Thank you . ”

.”You ‘re welcome . ”

.Mother Ding sat aside .

.Wang Ze said: ” Mr. Ding is not here , is he ?”

.Mother Ding sighed and said , ” No , I went to work . ”

.” Oh . ”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.Mother Ding looked at him and said, ” Officer , my daughter hasn’t been found yet , is she ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze was slightly silent , and said , ” So far … haven’t found it yet . ”

.” But don’t worry , the case has been transferred from the branch to our city bureau . ”

.” From now on , we will try our best to find the trace of Ding Liyi . ”

.Mother Ding smiled bitterly : ” Okay , thank you . ”

.” Then why are you here today ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” That’s it . ”

.” We want to know if Ding Liyi had any abnormality in the period before her disappearance . ”

.Mother Ding shook her head : ” A police officer surnamed Peng has already asked this question . ”

.” I don’t see anything unusual about her . ”

.” As usual , go to school , go out and play . ”

.987 Wang Ze said: ” Please think about it carefully . ”

.” What I mean by abnormal is not necessarily abnormal . ”

.” Like what interesting people she met recently . ”

.” For example , what novelty has she been exposed to recently . ”

.” For example , what new thing she bought or what someone gave her . ”

.” Things like that , you can . ”

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