.Hearing this , Mother Ding said slowly , ” A girl of Li Yi’s age is in puberty and has many little secrets . ”

.” My education for children is open-ended and will not interfere too much . ”

.” As long as there are no problems with the general direction , it’s fine . ”

.” She has the right to choose her hobbies , her friends , and her future . ”

.” Generally , I won’t ask . ”

.” So what you want to know , I’m afraid I can’t answer . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” You have a unique view on the education of children . ”

.”I take the liberty to ask , what is your occupation ?”

.Mother Ding said, ” I am the teacher . ”

.Wang Ze nodded suddenly : ” No wonder . ”

.” Scientific education is really important . ”

.” In that case …”

.Speaking of which , he paused slightly .

.” Did Ding Liyi ‘s dress change significantly before she disappeared ?

Chapter 148 _ Change of Dress ? 4 ?

.Regarding this question , Mother Ding recalled carefully and said, ” If you say so …”

.Seeing this , Wang Ze raised his brows and said , ” Is it different from usual ?”

.Mother Ding nodded : ” It’s really a bit different . ”

.” How would you describe it ? ”

.” Seems to be a little more mature than usual . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly : ” Mature ?”

.” You’re talking about maturity , right ?”

.” Yes . ” Mother Ding nodded : ” It ‘s mature , it should be a newly bought clothes, right ?”

.” When the child is older , her clothes are bought by herself and her friends . ”

.” I rarely go shopping with her . ”

.” She didn’t let me accompany either . ”

.After getting this information , Wang Ze pondered for a while and said , ” Can I see her room ?”

.” Of course . ”

.Mother Ding stood up .

.” Come with me . ”

.She took Wang Ze to one of the bedrooms at home .

.” It’s here . ”

.Wang Ze took a look and walked in .

.The decoration style of the room is the more common kind of girlish style .

.Mainly fans .

.Even the computer and keyboard are pink .

.Wang Ze looked around and came to the table .

.” Can I open the drawer ?”

.he turned around and asked .

.Mother Ding said, ” Yes . ”

.With approval , Wang Ze opened all Ding Liyi’s drawers in turn .

.Not locked .

.It seems that she trusts her mother very much .

.Knowing the other party , she will not deliberately spy on her privacy .

.Girls who grow up in this educational environment tend to be more cheerful , outgoing , and have good personalities .

.Wang Ze flipped slightly and took out a stack of cards .

.” Ding Liyi usually likes board games ? ”

.This is the werewolf kill card .

.Mother Ding said, ” Yes , she likes to play . ”

.” When we are on vacation, we also invite our classmates to play at home . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and put the werewolf killing card back .

.Playing board games offline is much more interesting than online .

.If conditions allow .

.Board game fans will of course choose to gather friends and play in reality .

.Then , Wang Ze picked up a card again .

.This is a light black card .

.Above is the kind of pattern similar to suspense .

.There is also a logo in the upper right corner .

.Plum logo .

.” What is this. ?”

.Ma Haoyu came over .

.Wang Ze looked over and over , and said, ” Are you a game card? It does n’t look like it ?”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Like a membership card , you see there is a number . ”

.In the lower right corner of the card , there is indeed a series of numbers .

.” Do you know what this is ?”

.Mother Ding glanced at it and shook her head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Take it . ”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu took out his mobile phone and took a photo .

.” Thank you , then we won’t bother . ”

.” Don’t worry , we’ll do our best to find her . ”

.The two left Ding Liyi’s house .

.Come to the car .

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette .

.After slowly exhaling a breath of smoke , he said , ” Ding Liyi doesn’t know someone, right ?”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu said, ” It’s very possible . ”

.” Didn’t her mother say that before she disappeared , she was more mature than before . ”

.” There is a saying that once a woman changes her clothes , there must be something wrong . ”

.” There are jokes on the Internet to judge whether the wife is cheating . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head and said strangely, ” How to judge ?”

.Ma Haoyu smiled and said , ” Is the clothes inside complete ? ”

.” If it is a complete set , there is a possibility of derailment . ”

.Wang Ze was suspicious : ” I’ll let it go , is it so miraculous ?”

.Ma Haoyu spread his hands : ” Who knows , anyway, the jokes on the Internet say so . ”

.Wang Ze pondered a little and said , ” The joke you mentioned is to see your lover , so the clothes inside are more delicate . ”

.” Ding Liyi changed her dressing style , so there are two possibilities . ”

.” First , go to see more important people . ”

.” Second , participate in more important social occasions . ”

.Ma Haoyu nodded : ” Yes , I think so too . ”

.” Therefore , the investigation at the branch obviously missed important clues . ”

.Wang Ze raised his hand : ” No. ”

.” The first possibility can be ruled out . ”

.” If Ding Liyi was going to see a very important person , she wouldn’t bring an unknown Shan Qianyu with her . ”

.” Take a step back , even if she knew Shan Qianyu , she couldn’t bring it with her . ”

.” Unless , Ding Liyi is not going to see someone , but to an occasion . ”

.” And it ‘s the same for Shan Qianyu . ”

.” That would explain why they both disappeared at the same time . ”

.Ma Haoyu was stunned for a moment , and suddenly said : ” Yes , why didn’t I think of it . ”

.” It must be so . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” You send that suspected membership card to Xiaotong and let her check it . ”

.Ma Haoyu took out his mobile phone : ” Okay . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Next , go to Shan Qianyu’s parents and ask . ”


.After half an hour .

.Wang Ze and the two met Shan Qianyu’s parents in a certain community .

.The same question was asked .

.Shan Qianyu’s father said, ” That’s right ! That’s it !”

.”� ” When Qianyu left home at the time , she was indeed dressed beautifully . ”

.” I criticized her at the time. What is a middle school student doing in such a mature dress ?”

.” She doesn’t listen !”

.” Officer , is something wrong with my daughter ?!”

.Wang Ze said: ” No, no , don’t think too much , we just ask casually . ”

.” Yes, there are . ”

.” Please take a look , have you seen this thing ?”

.Beside him , Ma Haoyu picked up his mobile phone .

.The photo shows a card taken at Ding Liyi’s house .

.Shan Qianyu’s parents took a closer look and shook their heads .

.” I haven’t seen it . ”

.” I haven’t seen it either . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Are you sure ? This is very important and may be related to the clues to Shan Qianyu’s disappearance . ”

.Hearing that it might be related to the disappearance of their daughter , the two quickly looked again .

.” Officer , indeed … I haven’t seen it before , how about you ?”

.Shan Qianyu’s mother shook her head again : ” If I saw something so strange , I would definitely remember it . ”

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