.Wang Ze : ” Is it convenient for us to take a look at Shan Qianyu’s room ?”

( Nono’s ).Both : ” Of course . ”

.Twenty minutes later .

.The two left Shan Qianyu’s home .

.Nothing similar was found in Shan Qianyu’s room .

.Ma Haoyu said, ” Team Wang , do you think Shan Qianyu should have this card too ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” I don’t know , I just want to confirm . ”

.” It seems that either there is none now , or Shan Qianyu took this card with him . ”

.” You take out the photo and I’ll take a look . ”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu took out his mobile phone and turned to the photo .

.Wang Ze took it and stared at the photo for a while .

.” It really looks like a membership card . ”

.” What the hell is this thing , it doesn’t even write the name of the store ?”

.Ma Haoyu said : ” Maybe it’s just an ordinary card . ”

.” It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the disappearance of the two . ”

.Wang Ze returned the phone to Ma Haoyu and said , ” Go to school . ”

.” Peers of the same age must know more than their parents . ”

Chapter 149 _ Have you seen this card ? ? 1 ?

.A middle school in Yuncheng .

.Wang Ze was in the office and met the head teacher of Shan Qianyu .

.It’s a middle-aged woman with glasses .

.The last name is Zhao .

.” I haven’t found anyone yet ?”

.Teacher Zhao naturally knew about the mysterious disappearance of his students .

.After all, after Shan Qianyu’s parents called the police , Peng Yankai had already visited the school to investigate .

.Not just a thousand words .

.She also knew the girl named Ding Liyi from another grade .

.Since the disappearance of the two children , the school has also strengthened safety education .

.Management is also much stricter than before .

.If someone finds it, that’s fine .

.If not found .

.I am afraid that the parents of the two children will come directly to the school .

.Wang Ze said: ” I haven’t found it yet . ”

.” Mr. Zhao , I want to ask , what is your impression of Shan Qianyu ?”

.Teacher Zhao sighed : ” Officer , I’ll tell you the truth , but I don’t have a good impression . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Oh ? How do you say it ?”

.Teacher Zhao said: ” Shan Qianyu, you know , this kid is very beautiful . ”

.” Pretty is her advantage , but sometimes , 990 will hinder her studies . ”

.” Mind , not so much in study . ”

.” Does that make sense ?”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly , expressing his understanding .

.There are many beautiful girls .

.This sentence is not to belittle beautiful girls .

.It means that there are more temptations .

.From puberty , it will be continuously pursued by boys .

.No matter what your personality is , you can’t avoid it .

.Therefore, academically , it will be affected to some extent .

.It’s a double-edged sword .

.But there are exceptions .

.” I remember Ding Liyi , her academic performance is good , is Shan Qianyu a personality relationship ?”

.Wang Ze said .

.Teacher Zhao said: ” It varies from person to person, it is related to family education . ”

.” Every school has excellent students like Ding Liyi . ”

.” Looking good and studying well . ”

.” As for Shan Qianyu , it’s a little worse . ”

.After seeing Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu’s parents , Wang Ze could tell .

.Obviously Ding Liyi’s mother is better at children’s education .

.” That is to say , Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are unlikely to be friends at school , are they ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Teacher Zhao nodded : “The two have no common language , and they are not in the same grade , so it is unlikely that they will become friends . ”

.” And I’ve never seen these two girls together , even if it’s just a casual chat . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze was silent .

.From Peng Yankai’s investigation to his current visit , it can be said with certainty that Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu do not know each other .

.Well .

.Two people who don’t know each other .

.How it disappeared on the same day .

.And it’s their weekend at home .

.The two common features of being beautiful and having the same school obviously cannot explain this problem .

.Wang Ze knew .

.There must be some overlap between the two .

.It’s just that he hasn’t found it yet .

.It seems that it is necessary to ask Shan Qianyu’s friends .

.Immediately , he opened his mouth and said, ” Mr. Zhao , can I have a chat with a classmate who Shan Qianyu usually plays better ?”

.Hearing this , Teacher Zhao turned to look at the time on the wall and said , ” Okay , I’ll call you later . ”

.After speaking , she stood up .

.Wang Ze : ” Excuse me . ”

.Teacher Zhao : ” It’s alright , just sit down . ”

.After Teacher Zhao left , Ma Haoyu said : ” Wang team , it sounds like Ding Liyi is a good girl , and Shan Qianyu is a bad girl . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s not that exaggerated . ”

.” Since Shan Qianyu has no connection with social personnel , it shows that she still has a bottom line and won’t be too outrageous . ”

?(chfd)?” Girls , that ‘s all . ”

.” Not every child can enjoy a good scientific education method like Ding Liyi . ”

.” Overall , nothing too much of a problem . ”

.Ma Haoyu nodded : ” That ‘s true . ”

.From middle school onwards , children have a clear self-awareness and an inevitable desire to be separated from their parents .

.students at this stage .

.As long as it doesn’t break the law , it doesn’t feel weird to do anything .

.Soon , Teacher Zhao came back .

.Also with a girl .

.The girl already knew that the police were going to question her , and she seemed timid .

.Teacher Zhao said , ” Officer , this is Li Yao . ”

.” Usually her relationship with Shan Qianyu is relatively good . ”

.After she finished speaking , she looked at Li Yao and said, ” It’s okay , they just ask a few questions , if they know it, say it , if they don’t know it, they just say they don’t know . ”

.Li Yao nodded lightly .

.Wang Ze smiled and said: ” Li Yao ? Sit down , do n’t be afraid , just chat a few words . ”

.” Thank you, uncle police . ”

.While talking , Li Yao sat down .

.Being called ” Uncle ” again made Wang Ze laugh .

.Xu Wangqing, who was less than ten years old, was nothing more than that .

.And Li Yao’s age is actually not a few years younger than him .

.Because of time , Wang Ze went straight to the topic : ” Li Yao , do you know Ding Liyi ?”

.Li Yao shook her head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze took out Ding Liyi’s photo if ” Water : Resource !”; Group ;!6’5, ‘ . 6”6 ,.’1,!!8″,!8,’9:.,6, ” Prepare !,’ Use !?” In ,! Turn ! Group .’;7;6”6″ 0.:1:8 ?;;3;;2;!0 pieces , said : ” Have you seen her? ?”

.Li Yao looked at it carefully , nodded and said, ” I think I have seen it before . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where have you seen it ?”

.Li Yao asked uncertainly, ” In school, right ?”

.Ding Liyi’s looks are quite outstanding .

.I’ve seen it , but it’s normal .

.Wang Ze put away the photo and continued to ask , ” Will you and Shan Qianyu go out to play together during the holiday ?”

.Li Yao nodded and said, ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where do you usually go ?”

.Li Yao thought about it and said , “I go to Tyco Plaza more often . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Tyco Plaza is huge , can you be more detailed ?”

.Li Yao : ” Well …”

.” Buy clothes , eat , catch dolls in the playground , and occasionally play escape rooms , and kill the script . ”

.Tyco Plaza is a comprehensive business district .

.Therefore , there is basically everything except the lack of accommodation .

.Wang Ze said: ” Shan Qianyu , which one are you more interested in ?”

.Li Yao thought for a moment and said , ” Grab the doll and kill the script . ”

.” But script kills are too expensive , and we only play it once a long time . ”

.” Script kill ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at Ma Haoyu .

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