.Ma Haoyu understood and took out his mobile phone to call up the photo .

.” Have you seen this card ?”

Chapter 150 _ Tyco Plaza , Script Killing Hall ? 2 ?

.The script kills three words , reminding Wang Ze .

.Look at the pattern style of this card .

.It seems that it has something to do with the script killing .

.Li Yao stared at the photos on her phone for a while, then shook her head and said , ” I haven’t seen it before . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Are you sure ?”

.Li Yao : ” Ok , I really haven’t seen it . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” Then what do you think this thing might be ?”

.” Or maybe it came from somewhere . ”

.Li Yao hesitated while looking at the photo : ” It should … it seems …”

.” This suspenseful style goes well with escape rooms and scripted killings . ”

.” It won’t be a recharge card, will it ?”

.” Or membership card ? Commemorative card ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze asked , “How many escape rooms are there in Tyco Plaza , and how many script killing shops are there ? ”

.To this question , Li Yao immediately replied : ” One escape room , two scripted killing halls . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Have you all been to play ?”

.Li Yao nodded : ” I’ve been to escape room two or three times , but I haven’t been there again . ”

.”The update is too slow , I’m tired of playing , and the routines are the same . ”

.” It’s interesting to kill the script , but it ‘s a bit expensive , and you still need to wait for someone to make a table . ”

.” We’ve been to two script kill shops . ”

.” Almost . ”

.” Waiting for someone to make a table ?”

.Wang Ze took out Ding Liyi’s photo again and said , ” Recall carefully , have you played script killing with her ?”

.Li Yao : ” No. ”

.Wang Ze asked , ” Are you sure ?”

.The other party’s tone made Li Yao a little nervous : ” Indeed … I’m sure not . ”

.” Scenario Killing is an open-scenario game . ”

.” If I’ve ever played together , I’ll definitely have an impression . ”

.After speaking , she added another sentence : ” I am … I am not face blind . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay , then you can go back to class . ”

.” Goodbye, uncle police . ”

.Li Yao left the office .

.Teacher Zhao glanced at the direction where Li Yao was leaving, and said , ” Now these children , why are they so obsessed with this ? ”

.Wang Ze put away his phone and said , ” Children will always be curious about new things and understand them . ”

.” Mr. Zhao , then we won’t bother . ”

.” Thank you . ”

.The two stood up .

.Teacher Zhao : “You ‘re welcome, officer . ”

.After that .

.Wang Ze and the two went to Ding Liyi’s teacher and Ding Liyi’s good friend again .

.The questions asked are basically the same .

.And got the answer …

.an hour later .

.school gate .

.Ma Haoyu said : ” Wang team , Ding Liyi also likes to play script kills . ”

.” This is the coincidence intersection you’re looking for, right ?”

.Wang Ze took out a cigarette, lit it, and said , ” It seems so right now . ”

.” Listen to them . ”

.” Escape the room , play by yourself . ”

.” Although there are single-player and double-player versions of Scenario Kill , it belongs to the kind of game where the more people there are, the more interesting it is . ”

.” It ‘s normal to wait for someone to make a table . ”

.” And the addition of strangers will make the already brain-burning script even more suspenseful . ”

.Ma Haoyu said, ” You mean …”

.” Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu met someone when they were playing the script to kill . ”

.” And this person has something to do with their disappearance ?”

.Wang Ze said: “I can’t rule out this possibility , I ‘ll check it out . ”

.” Is there any news from Xiaotong ?”

.Ma Haoyu shook his head : ” Not yet . ”

.” Probably haven’t found it yet . ”

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said , ” Call her , hands-free . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Okay . ”

.Done .

.He took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Xiaotong’s number .

.The call was connected quickly .

.” Hello ? Haoyu . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Little boy , did the Wang team ask you to find out the source of that card ?”

.” I’m on hands-free . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” I haven’t found it yet . ”

.” This card seems to be a membership card for a certain store ?”

.” By comparing the information on the Internet , it is not found that anyone has uploaded similar pictures . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Little boy , check out the two script killing halls in Tyco Plaza . ”

.” Let’s see if it turns out . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay , wait a moment . ”

.Wang Ze smoked a cigarette and waited quietly .

.After a minute .

.Wang Xiaotong’s voice sounded : ” Wang team , seems to have found a place to connect , but I don’t know if it’s a coincidence . ”

� � ….?

.Wang Ze : ” Speak . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Tyco Plaza does have two script killing halls . ”

.” One of them is called Plum Blossom Script Killing . ”

.” And the pattern on the right foot of this card also seems to be a plum blossom . ”

.” Is it a coincidence ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly and he said , ” Go to Tyco Plaza right now . ”

.” We’re gathering in this play-killing hall . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.” Go , get in the car . ”

.Wang Zedao .


.Forty minutes later .

.Ma Haoyu drove to Tyco Plaza .

.After parking the car , the two took the elevator upstairs .

……… 0

.The location where the plum blossom script kills is minus one at Tyco Plaza .

.Their car was parked at minus two .

.Today is neither a weekend nor a holiday .

.So there are not many people in Tyco Plaza .

.soon .

.Wang Ze and Ma Haoyu walked into the store .

.Maybe because of being on the negative floor , the surrounding air feels chilly .

.It is invisible , adding fun to the suspenseful situation .

.The store is well decorated , and the walls are covered with script covers .

.” Hello . ”

.Seeing a guest , the receptionist at the front desk smiled .

.Ma Haoyu : ” Is your boss there ?”

.The front desk was taken aback : ” Boss ? Yes . ”

.Upon seeing this , Ma Haoyu took out his documents and said , “The Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau , please let your boss come out . ”

.Seeing it was a policeman , the front desk quickly picked up the phone : ” Okay . ”

.” Hello ? Brother Cao , there are two police officers looking for you at the door . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.Soon .

.A man in his thirties walked out .

.With a smile on his face , he said as he walked, ” Hello , can I help ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at him .

.Dressed young .

.In terms of temperament, he is the kind of petty bourgeois boss .

.” Boss Cao, right ?”

.” Hello , there is a case , I need to know the situation with you . ”

.The man was surprised : “The case ?”

.” Okay , go to my office and talk . ”

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