.Wang Ze nodded : ” Excuse me . ”

…. why .

Chapter 151 _ It is a commemorative card ? 3 ?

.office .

.” What would you two drink ?”

.The man said with a smile .

.Wang Ze said : ” Don’t bother , let’s ask a few questions and leave . ”

.” All right then . ”

.The man didn’t insist , turned around and sat on the sofa diagonally opposite Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” Boss Cao , can I look at the ID card ?”

.The man nodded : ” Of course . ”

.As he spoke , he found his ID card and handed it to Wang Ze .

.” Officer , can I ask what the case is ?”

.Wang Ze took a look at his ID card and said , ” Two cases of disappearance . ”

.The name on the ID card is Cao Wenchi .

.By date of birth .

.Thirty-two years old .

.foreigner .

.” Ok thank you . ”

.Wang Ze returned the ID card to the other party .

.” Missing case ?”

.Cao Wenchi put away his ID card and said strangely, ” What do you mean , you disappeared in my store on ‘ Nine Nine Seven ‘ ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Boss Cao, don’t get me wrong , I didn’t say that . ”

.” It’s just that the missing person should have come to play with you , and it’s just a routine investigation . ”

.Hearing this , Cao Wenchi nodded and said , ” Oh , that’s what it is , it scared me . ”

.The next moment , Wang Ze took the photo from Ma Haoyu and said , ” Boss Cao . ”

.” Please take a look , have these two met ?”

.Cao Wenchi looked at the girl in the photo , frowned and said , ” It looks familiar . ”

.” Should have seen it . ”

.” I’m sorry , there are usually too many customers , I can’t be sure . ”

.” But since it’s familiar , you should have seen it before . ”

.When the voice fell , Ma Haoyu took out his mobile phone and called up the photo .

.” This card , do you know it ?”

.Cao Wenchi glanced at it and nodded immediately : ” I know , of course I know . ”

.” This is a souvenir card for our shop . ”

.” Oh ? A souvenir card from your store ?”

.Wang Ze frowned .

.” Is it an ordinary commemorative card ?”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Yes , it’s just an ordinary commemorative card . ”

.” Look at the plum blossom logo of our store in the upper right corner . ”

.He pointed to a spot in the photo and said .

.Wang Ze said: ” Since it is a commemorative card , why is there a number ?”

.Hearing this , Cao Wenchi smiled and said , ” Each commemorative card is unique, and of course it will have a number . ”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” Under what circumstances would such a commemorative card be issued ?”

.Cao Wenchi said: ” Actually, there are no hard and fast rules . ”

.”The ultimate goal of issuing commemorative cards is to attract guests . ”

.” For example, those who come to play often , or who play well , or who are more famous in the circle , will be issued commemorative cards . ”

.” For the guests, it can also be regarded as a status symbol of script killing . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Who decides who to send it to ?”

.Cao Wenchi said : ” I. ”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” One of these two girls has this kind of card . ”

.” Are you just familiar ?”

.Cao Wenchi was helpless : ” It’s really just familiar , I don’t communicate much with the guests . ”

.Wang Ze picked up Ding Liyi’s photo and said , ” Then tell me why you sent her a commemorative card . ”

.” Do you come to play often ?”

.” Or famous in the circle ?”

.When asked at school before , Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu’s friends both said that script killing is more expensive .

.It is impossible to play regularly .

.And middle school students need to go to school , time is limited .

.As for being famous in the circle .

.He doesn’t think that two middle school students who don’t come to play often can get this kind of evaluation in the script killing circle .

.Cao Wenchi said embarrassedly : ” This girl has an obvious advantage . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Pretty ?”

.Cao Wenchi smiled and said , “The police officer is a sensible person . ”

.” Yes , it’s beautiful . ”

.” I have done statistics , and the number of people who received this kind of commemorative card has increased significantly in the number of times they come to play in the store . ”

.” Besides , script killing sometimes requires a table fight . ”

.” Those teenage boys , sure like playing with pretty girls , don’t you think ?”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.There is nothing wrong with this explanation .

.And .

.Very business-minded .

.This is similar to the routine of discos and bars .

.Ladies are free , men are charged .

.There are more women who go to dance and drink , and naturally there are more men .

.Earn money from men .

.Both are about the same .

.Wang Ze picked up Shan Qianyu’s photo again and said , ” Then does this girl have a commemorative card ?”

.Cao Wenchi said, ” I don’t remember very well . ”

.” But if I’ve seen her a few times, I should give her one . ”

.” The girl looks pretty good too . ”

.At this moment , there was a knock on the door .

.” Please come in. ”

.Cao Wenchi raised his head and said…

.The door of the room opened , and Wang Xiaotong walked in .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and looked at Cao Wenchi : ” Boss Cao , this is a colleague from our city bureau . ”

.” Oh , hello . ”

.Cao Wenchi smiled .

.Wang Xiaotong nodded .

.Wang Ze said: ” Boss Cao , do you have surveillance in every room here ? ”

.Cao Wenchi nodded : ” Of course , this is a requirement , and there must be monitoring . ”

.Wang Ze : ” All the monitoring before that week , please call up and let my colleagues copy . ”

.” Can you ?”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Of course , it’s no problem . ”

.” Just go directly to the front desk to find my staff . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Xiaotong said, ” Then I’ll go first . ”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.After Wang Xiaotong left , he continued : ” Boss Cao , take the liberty to ask , are you married ?”

.Cao Wenchi smiled : ” Of course , already married . ”

.” It was the year before last . ”

.After speaking , he glanced at Wang Ze and said , “The police officer looks so young , just graduated, right ?”

.Wang Ze smiled : “That’s right . ”

.Cao Wenchi : ” I joined the city bureau right after graduation , and my future is limitless . ”

.These little bosses are very good at talking .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Boss Cao has won the prize . ”

.” One more thing , a week ago , do you remember anything special that happened in the store . ”

.Cao Wenchi wondered : ” What do you mean ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” For example , whether there is an overshoot 5.3 between the guests and other behaviors . ”

.Cao Wenchi thought for a while , then shook his head and said, ” No. ”

.” If there is such a thing , I must be very impressed . ”

.” It ‘s all here to play , what kind of conflict can happen , right ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” Then those who come to play here are all young people ?”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Yes , very few are over 30 years old . ”

.Wang Ze : ” It sounds like it’s easy to meet new friends with the table-fighting game . ”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Of course . ”

.” After a game , you will know a few people . ”

.” It’s pleasing to the eye , maybe they will leave WeChat to each other and keep in touch . ”

.Wang Ze picked up the photo : ” Then these two girls are easy to be targeted . ”

.Cao Wenchi was taken aback : ” This …”

.” I don’t want to say much . ”

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