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Chapter 153 _ We are the criminal police , not the anti-pornography team ? 1 ?

.A company in Yuncheng .

.Wang Ze met this man named Wei Jun .

.A neat suit , shiny leather shoes .

.Looks like a workplace manager .

.Just looks , looks a bit wretched .

.It is said that the phase comes from the heart .

.This guy thinks about something serious every day .

.” Two police officers , please have some tea . ”

.Wei Jun poured two glasses of water and placed them in front of Wang Ze and Ma Haoyu .

.Wang Ze said: ” Thank you . ”

.” Mr. Wei , there is a case , I hope you can cooperate with the investigation . ”

.” Ask what , what did you say . ”

.” If there is any concealment , I’m afraid we will have to go back to the city bureau to chat . ”

.Wei Jun seemed a little nervous and said with a smile : ” That’s nature , that’s nature . ”

.” Speak, please . ”

.” As long as I know , I will tell you . ”

.Wang Ze took the photo from Ma Haoyu and said , ” Do you know these two girls ?”

.Wei Jun glanced at it, his eyes narrowed slightly .

.” This …”

.” I don’t know . ”

.” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze raised his brows and said , ” Don’t know ?”

.” That’s good . ”

.” Mr. Wei , please come with us . ”

.After speaking , he waved his hand .

.Ma Haoyu understood and got up to take Wei Jun away .

.Wei Jun was taken aback and said quickly : ” Don’t , don’t , wait a while , let me think about it again . ”

.” Oh these two girls , how do I say they look familiar . ”

.” Know , know . ”

.Wang Ze stared at Wei Jun for a while, and said , ” Wei Jun , you’d better be honest . ”

.”You talk nonsense to me again , and I’ll torture you away right away . ”

.When he was done , he waved .

.Seeing this , Ma Haoyu sat back again .

.Wei Jun smiled shyly and said , ” I’m sorry , I forgot . ”

.” Mainly because I don’t know them very well . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Unfamiliar ?”

.” I have added WeChat , and I have made a phone call . Not familiar with . ?”

.Wei Jun was stunned for a moment , then annoyed .

.I said earlier that you were so thorough .

.Then why am I lying .

.Wang Ze said : ” Tell me , why do you lie and say you don’t know each other ? ”

.Wei Jun was helpless : ” Officer , I don’t want to be involved in the case . ”

.” I don’t know what happened to these two girls . ”

.” It has nothing to do with me . ”

.Wang Ze stared at him and said, ” Did you call them at the same time a week ago ?”

.Wei Jun hesitated slightly , nodded and said, “I did . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What is the content of the call ?”

.Wei Jun said : ” Just … call them out to play . ”

.” We met in the script killing hall . Since we have the same hobbies , we added WeChat . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Have the same hobbies ?”

.” Wei Jun , they are all men , what do you wear ?”

.” There are so many people in the script killing hall , why did they add them ?”

.” Don’t you know , are they underage ?”

.Hitting the attention of minors is a crime .

.Whether the other party is willing or not .

.Just call the police .

.A report is accurate .

.shall be dealt with as rape .

.” Minor ?” Wei Jun was surprised , ” I don’t know . ”

.” I thought it was a college student . ”

.Wang Ze didn’t say much on this issue, and continued : ” Continue talking about the phone . ”

.Wei Jun replied, ” I called Ding Liyi first , and she said she wasn’t available . ”

.” After that, I called Shan Qianyu again , and she said she was not available . ”

.”That ‘s all . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is it gone ?”

.Wei Jun nodded : ” No more . ”

.” Officer , I’m telling the truth . ”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” After the phone call, what did you do ? ”

.” I need your full day’s itinerary . ”

.Wei Jun : ” I’m at home . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Who can prove it ?”

.Wei Jun spread his hands : ” I live alone , no one can prove it , but I’m really at home . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Have you ever been out ?”

.Wei Jun shook his head : ” No. ”

.Wang Ze : ” Are you sure ?”

.” We’re going back to check the surveillance . ”

.” If you are found to have gone out halfway , you will be immediately listed as a major suspect . ”

.The content of the phone call is just one side of Wei Jun’s words , which cannot be trusted .

.So. _

.The exclusion of Wei Jun’s suspicion requires more evidence .

.For example , an alibi .

.Hearing Wang Ze’s words , Wei Jun fell silent .

.Seeing this , Wang Ze frowned : ” Tell the truth !”

.Wei Jun was anxious , looked up and said, ” I really didn’t meet the two of them ! You have to believe me !”

.Wang Ze : ” Please answer my question directly . ”

.” Where did you go that day ? ”

.” Otherwise , why should we trust you ?”

.Wei Jun struggled for a long time , and finally said : “�I … I did go out and dated a girl . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Name , contact information . ”

.Wei Jun rubbed his hands and said , ” Is n’t it necessary ?”

.” I said I had a date with a girl , it’s true !”

.” I swear !”

.Saying that, he raised his right hand .

.Wang Ze didn’t even look at it, and repeated : ” Name , contact information . ”

.Wei Jun bowed his head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze blinked and said , ” A girl who spends money on a date ?”

.Wei Jun’s mouth twitched , and then he nodded helplessly : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Please provide the contact information . ”

.Wei Jun knew that he couldn’t escape , so he had to take out his mobile phone .

.Ma Haoyu stepped forward and wrote down the girl’s WeChat .

.Afterwards , the two left with Wei Jun’s puzzled eyes .

.eh ?

.Don’t catch me ?

.Outside the company , Wang Ze said as he walked : ” Talk to this girl , let’s rule out Wei Jun’s suspicion of committing the crime . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Okay . ”

.He took out his mobile phone and chatted with the ( Nuo Nuo Zhao ) girl .

.soon .

.The other party provided the address .

.The two drove to an apartment .

.After half an hour .

.Apartment on the twelfth floor .

.Wang Ze knocked on the door .

.After a while , the door was gently opened a crack .

.Wang Ze directly pushed the door and entered .

.What caught my eye was a scantily clad girl .

.It looks good .

.” Huh ?”

.” Two people ?”

.The girl was stunned for a moment and said dissatisfiedly : “The two of you want to add money !”

.Wang Ze took out his documents : ” Police . ”

.The girl was taken aback and took a step back : ” Big brother , big brother , it’s wrong !”

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