.” Give me a chance !”

.Wang Ze put away his documents and said, ” We are criminal policemen , not the anti-pornography squad . ”

.” There is a case that requires your cooperation in the investigation . ”

.” Seriously answer a few of my questions . ”

Chapter 154 _ Bring me back immediately ! ? 2 ?

.” Case ?”

.The girl froze there .

.” No … you didn’t catch me ?”

.Wang Ze was too lazy to talk to her , so he took out his mobile phone and opened Wei Jun’s photo .

.” Did this person come to you a week ago ?”

.The girl looks away .

.After only one glance, he nodded : “I found it . ”

.Wang Ze put away his phone and said , ” How do you remember so clearly . ”

.” Because he stayed with me for hours , ” the girl said .

.Wang Ze said: ” What time did you leave ?”

.The girl thought : ” Probably …”

.” About five o’clock ?”

.” I didn’t check the time , it ‘s almost time for dinner anyway . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze turned around : ” Go , go back to the city bureau . ”

.The most important thing now is to quickly find Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu .

.He doesn’t have time to take care of these little things .

.The longer the delay , the greater the danger to Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu .

.After all, there is no direct clue that the two have been killed .

.Since there is a possibility of being alive , we must do our best to find it .

.Seeing the two policemen turn their heads and leave , the girl was stunned for a while , and quickly closed the door .

.” It scared the old lady to death . ”

.She patted her chest , frightened for a while .

.At first glance, the other party is dealing with a major case, and he is too lazy to care about her .

.Good luck .

.After getting in the car .

.Wang Ze said : ” Let the child check the surveillance in the apartment to see if what the two of them said on 997 is true . ”

.people’s words .

.Never as credible as evidence .

.Even the girl just now was obviously not lying .

.two hours later .

.City Council .

.case hall .

.After watching the surveillance carefully, Wang Xiaotong said , ” Team Wang . ”

.”The surveillance shows that Wei Jun did go in and out of the apartment on the day the two disappeared . ”

.” In between , there are more than four hours . ”

.” Shortly after coming out , Wei Jun was photographed returning home . ”

.” That day , I never came out again . ”

.” At the moment , he doesn’t have the time to commit the crime . ”

.Hearing this , everyone fell silent .

.I finally found a person who had an intersection with Ding Liyi’s Shan Qianyu at the same time .

.I thought this Wei Jun was suspected of committing a major crime .

.But did not expect .

.This has nothing to do with him .

.Wang Ze was also lost in thought .

.Ma Haoyu said : ” Wang team , does Su Minghui want to check ? ”

.Su Minghui .

.It is the person who pursues Ding Liyi .

.It cannot be ruled out now that he pursued fruitless pursuits and embarked on the path of crime .

.Wang Ze said : ” Su Ming (chfd) Hui’s motive is Ding Liyi , so what about Shan Qianyu ? ”

.” Also . ”

.” The two disappearances five years ago can not have anything to do with Su Minghui . ”

.” The man waits first . ”

.” Wait ?” Ma Haoyu wondered , ” Are there any other suspects ?”

.” Cao Wenchi ?”

.Cao Wenchi is the boss of the Script Killing Hall .

.In theory .

.It is also one of the strangers who know Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu at the same time .

.Suspicion still exists .

.Wang Ze nodded slightly : ” It’s him . ”

.” From the questioning of Cao Wenchi . ”

.” He has a very cool head and fluent speech . ”

.” This kind of person is often good at hiding his true emotions . ”

.” Also , have the ability to speak and speak without leakage . ”

.Ma Haoyu said : ” But he didn’t lie to us when he asked us , right ?”

.Wang Ze said: “I didn’t lie . ”

.” But there are two problems here . ”

.” Number one , he can’t lie because it’s easy to get caught . ”

.” Second , his answer is irrelevant . Even if the disappearance of the two is related to him , no useful relevant information can be extracted . ”

.” Therefore . ”

.”A seemingly undisguised answer can not be used as a basis for excluding suspicion at all . ”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu said, ” Then …”

.” Let me go and ask him to provide the itinerary on the day of the crime ?”

.Wang Ze waved his hand : ” Don’t worry . ”

.” Xiaotong , how are the files from five years ago organized ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded and said, ” It’s all sorted out . ”

.” But there are not many references . ”

.” The only thing worth investigating at the moment is that the missing persons were last photographed on surveillance footage before they disappeared . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Let me see . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.Others also gathered around .

.Wang Xiaotong split the computer screen .

.On the left and right are the last surveillance footage left by the missing person .

.All on the street .

.There are many pedestrians coming and going .

.The clarity is not very high .

.Only gender , clothing and height can be identified .

.Nothing special happened until he left the surveillance screen .

.After that .

.The missing person was never seen in other surveillance images .

.Bao Qu said : ” It’s nothing strange . ”

.” Did you find anyone following ?”

.Ma Haoyu and others shook their heads , indicating that they could not see it .

.Wang Ze said: ” Play it again . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Xiaotong rolled back the monitoring screen and played it again .

.Wang Ze : ” Go ahead , play it again . ”

.Wang Xiaotong repeated and continued to play .

.” Stop . ”

.On the third time , Wang Ze spoke halfway .

.The screen stops .

.Wang Ze said: ” Go back two seconds . ”

.Wang Xiaotong rolled back the monitoring screen for two seconds .

.Wang Ze said: ” Pause on the left and play it again on the right . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.Everyone was surprised .

.I wonder if Wang Ze found something wrong .

.” Stop . ”

.Wang Ze spoke .

.” Go back a second . ”

.At this moment , the monitoring screens on both sides are frozen .

.Wang Ze pointed to the two people on the left and right : ” These two seem to be the same person, right ? ”

.Hearing this , a few people took a closer look .

.male .

.It’s about the same height, fat and thin .

.Just dress differently .

.It’s hard to tell because of the clarity of the picture .

.Wang Xiaotong looked at it carefully for a while and said , ” It’s a bit like . ”

.” Would you like to hand it over to the Physical Evidence Center and repair it ?”

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