.The Evidence Center is a separate department .

.They can achieve difficult identification and comparison of physical evidence .

.Especially in the rendering and restoration of blur monitoring , the technology is very high .

.Wang Ze rubbed his chin and said , ” It will take a day or two . ”

.Done .

.He stepped back half a meter and raised his hand to measure the man’s height .

.” How tall is the missing person ?”

.Wang Xiaotong flipped through the information and said , ” One meter sixty-five and one meter sixty two . ”

.Wang Ze narrowed his eyes , and his brain began to calculate .

.After a while , his eyes narrowed .

.” It’s not bad for a centimeter in height . ”

.” This is Cao Wenchi !”

.” Go , bring me back immediately !”

.Ma Haoyu was obviously stunned for a moment , and then looked solemn : ” Yes !”

Chapter 155 _ Be honest with me ! ? 3 ?

.After half an hour .

.Tyco Plaza .

.Two police cars approached from a distance and stopped on the road near Tyco Plaza .

.Parking is prohibited here .

.Except for vehicles on emergency duty .

.Not far away , the traffic police on duty and the pedestrians waiting for the red light all looked over , not knowing what happened .

.Looking at this posture , it is a bit like arresting people .

.The door opened , and Ma Haoyu and others rushed into Tyco Plaza quickly .

.Negative one , the plum blossom script kills the hall .

.Ma Haoyu strode in .

.” Hello … eh ? I’m sorry , I can’t enter over there !”

.The receptionist wanted to block .

.”The police handle the case !”

.A police officer took out the documents .

.On the other side , Ma Haoyu led someone to open the door of the office .

.Cao Wenchi is drinking tea comfortably .

.Hearing the movement , he turned his head subconsciously .

.Found out that it was the police who had come before .

.He quickly stood up and wondered, ” Officer , what’s the matter ?”

.Ma Haoyu stared at him and said coldly , ” Cao Wenchi , there is a case that needs your assistance in investigating . ”

.” Please come with us right now !”

.Cao Wenchi was taken aback : ” Case ?”

.” What case ?”

.Ma Haoyu : ” You’ll know when you get to the city bureau . ”

.Cao Wenchi was helpless : ” Okay , okay , then I’ll clean up , please wait a moment . ”

.Ma Haoyu stopped him : ” No need . ”

.” Now , come with us right away . ”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Uh …”


.an hour later .

.City Council .

.interrogation room .

.Without any delay , Wang Ze pushed the door and entered .

.He came to Cao Wenchi , threw the two photos on the table, and said coldly , ” Cao Wenchi !”

.” Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu , where are they now ?!”

.Wang Ze is now quite sure .

.These four disappearance cases are absolutely inseparable from Cao Wenchi .

.Two incidents five years ago , CCTV caught him .

.Five years later, Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu have a lot of intersection with Cao Wenchi .

.How can it be so coincidental ?

.Cao Wenchi’s face was covered in a circle : ” Ding Liyi is a thousand words ?”

.” Who ?”

.” The two girls ?”

.” I don’t know !”

.Wang Ze stared at him closely : ” Give me more !”

.Cao Wenchi smiled bitterly : ” Officer , what can I pretend to do ? ”

.” The person in the photo is indeed familiar to me . ”

.” But you ask me where they are …”

.” How do I know . ”

.From the micro-expression , Cao Wenchi does not have any problem .

.Also , there was no panic at the sudden question .

.Only surprised and innocent .

.Or , this person is really innocent .

.Or , this person has strong psychological quality .

.Before the police came to the door , he was fully prepared .

.Seeing that the other party was stubborn , Wang Ze waved his hand .

.Wang Xiaotong stepped forward and showed the surveillance screen to Cao Wenchi .

.Cao Wenchi looked over .

.Wang Zedao : ” Five years ago , two girls also disappeared . ”

.”The last surveillance footage before the disappearance showed you . ”

.” How do you explain it ?”

.Cao Wenchi approached , took a closer look , and said , ” Who are you talking about ?”

.There are many pedestrians in the surveillance screen .

.Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed slightly : ” Why , you don’t even know the clothes you wear ?”

.Cao Wenchi was helpless : ” How can I remember the clothes from five years ago . ”

.” But there is someone who does look a lot like me . ”

.” Officer , are you sure it’s me ?”

.Wang Ze said slowly : ” Do we need to send it to the Evidence Center to restore a clear picture ?”

.Cao Wenchi said : ” I think it is necessary for you to improve the clarity . ”

.” Besides , even if it was me , what happened ?”

.” Is it normal for me to happen to pass by ?”

.” What does their disappearance have to do with me ? ”

.Wang Ze : ” It doesn’t matter ? What were you doing on the 12th a week ago ?”

.” The twelfth a week ago ?”

.Cao Wenchi frowned and thought for a while , then said , ” Should I be in the store ?”

.” Oh no . ”

.” I went out to do a publicity survey . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where did you go ? ”

.Cao Wenchi said: ” Where else can I go , run around the city . ”

.” You can go to the surveillance , I must have been driving outside that day . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Can someone prove it ?”

.Cao Wenchi shook his head : ” No. ”

.Wang Ze asked , ” You went out to promote propaganda and didn’t contact anyone ?”

.” What are you promoting ?”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Who stipulates that propaganda must contact people ? ”

.Bang !

.Wang Ze slammed the table and said coldly , ” Cao Wenchi ! Be honest with me !”

.” I’ll ask again . ”

.” Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu , where are they now ?!”

.Cao Wenchi sighed and said , ” Officer , I really don’t know . ”

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.” If you have to say that their disappearance is related to me , I can’t help it . ”

.” Why don’t you take the evidence . ”

.” If not , I’ll ask for a lawyer . ”

.” You are completely wronged good people !”

.It was obvious that he was also angry .

.Wang Ze stared at him for a while, and said, ” Apply for a search warrant , let’s go to his house . ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Hearing this , Cao Wenchi immediately became unhappy : ” Why did you search my house ?!”

.” I told you my wife is pregnant !”

.” If I scare her, I’ll sue you !”

.Wang Ze said : ” Let’s talk when you can come out . ”

.He left the interrogation room .

.” Bao Qu , take someone to Tyco Plaza and check Cao Wenchi’s car carefully . ”

0 0 0

.” Don’t let go of any details . ”

.Bao Qu : ” Yes !”

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