.Wang Xiaotong printed out the search warrant and handed it to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took it and went directly to Liu Guanghai’s office .

.For Wang Ze , Liu Guanghai still trusts Wang Ze very much and signed it without saying a word .

.soon .

.Several police cars drove out of the city bureau and headed for Vanke Plaza and Cao Wenchi’s house .

.After half an hour .

.A community in Yuncheng .

.Wang Ze knocked on the door .

.Not long after , with the sound of footsteps , the door was opened .

.” Who are you ?”

.Young woman opening the door wondering .

.Wang Ze said: ” Hello , the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau . ”

.” We need to search Cao Wenchi’s home . ”

.” This is a search warrant . ”

.After showing the search warrant , without waiting for the other party to respond, he waved his hand and ordered everyone to break in .

.The woman’s face changed slightly : ” No … what are you doing ?”

.She couldn’t stop it .

.I could only watch those police officers and enter all the rooms .

.Wang Ze glanced at Ruo . ‘ Water : Resources 😕 Source ;;; Qun , “6:!5!: 6,6 ‘!1’;8″‘.8:9: ? 6 ! ?, Middle “!’ Turn !” group ;7;..6′?6;”:0″1!8.3,?2:0 house layout , said: ” You are Cao Wenchi’s wife , Zou Yamei ?”

.Zou Yamei looked inexplicable , nodded and said , ” Yes . ”

.” Officer , what ‘s the matter ?”

.” Why search my house ?”

.Wang Ze didn’t answer the other party’s question , took out the photo and said , ” Have you seen these two girls ?”

.Zou Yamei glanced at it, shook her head and said, ” I haven’t seen it before , who are they ?”

.Wang Ze put away the photo and said , ” Did Cao Wenchi go home every day for the past week ?”

…. wide .

Chapter 156 _ Thorough investigation of Cao Wenchi ? 4 ?

.Zou Yanmei nodded : ” Of course . ”

.” He goes home every day . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” What time is it ?”

.Zou Yanmei sensed something was wrong and said nervously, ” He … what happened to him ?”

.” He didn’t do anything , did he ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at the other party’s slightly bulging belly , and said in a calm tone, ” We are just doing a routine investigation . ”

.” I hope you can answer my question seriously . ”

.Zou Yanmei said quickly : ” Okay , what time did you just say ?”

.” That what , usually after eight o’clock . ”

.Wang Ze : “The Script Killing Hall closes at eight o’clock, right ?”

.Zou Yanmei nodded : ” It normally closes at eight o’clock . ”

.” Maybe a little later if there are guests . ”

.Wang Ze continued to ask , “On the 12th a week ago , what time did he come back ?”

.”A week ago ?”

” zero zero zero “.Zou Yanmei recalled for a moment and said , ” It should be … it’s past eight o’clock, right ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Do you remember the specific time ?”

.” Or , did he come back later than before . ”

.Zou Yanmei shook her head : ” No. ”

.” If it’s very late , I can certainly remember . ”

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, and said , ” How is your relationship lately ?”

.Zou Yanmei wondered : ” Very good . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is it no different from before ?”

.Zou Yanmei said : ” No. ”

.” To tell the difference , he treated me better after the pregnancy . ”

.” Two days ago , he even bought me a necklace . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where’s the necklace ?”

.Zou Yanmei pointed to a room and said, ” In the bedroom , I have never been willing to bring it . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze glanced at Wang Xiaotong .

.Wang Xiaotong understood and walked into the bedroom .

.Soon , she came out .

.In his hand is a necklace that looks like a diamond .

.Wang Ze looked over .

.Wang Xiaotong searched with his mobile phone and said , ” 120,000 . ”

.” Twelve thousand ?”

.Zou Yanmei was a little surprised .

.” So expensive ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at her and said , ” Why are you so surprised ? ”

.” Cao Wenchi’s script kills the hall , doesn’t it make a lot of money ?”

.Three or four years ago , it was almost the time when the script killing hall emerged .

.The bosses of the first batch of script killing halls made a lot of money .

.Now if you enter the market again .

.A bit late .

.Zou Yanmei said : ” It’s okay , there are hundreds of thousands a year . ”

.” Hundreds of thousands ?”

.Wang Ze turned to look at the necklace .

.If the annual revenue of the script killing hall is really only a few hundred thousand .

.So how could he be willing to buy such an expensive necklace for his wife ?

.” Little boy , check his assets and bank statement after returning to the bureau . ”

.” Bring the necklace back too . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.Zou Yanmei became more and more nervous : ” Officer , what happened to my husband ?”

.” Isn’t it some illegal business ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Ms. Zou , I can’t answer you this question right now . ”

.” Everything is still under investigation . ”

.”I take the liberty to ask how long you and Cao Wenchi have known each other . ”

.Zou Yanmei : ” Probably … more than two years ?”

.Wang Ze : ” That is to say . ”

.” He opened the shop when you knew him, didn’t he ? ”

.Zou Yanmei nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What did he do before opening this script killing studio ?”

.Zou Yanmei : ” It seems to be working in the company . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Which company ?”

.Zou Yanmei : ” Then I don’t know , I didn’t ask . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , thank you for your cooperation . ”

.an hour later .

.Everyone left Cao Wenchi’s house .

.So far , no valuable clues have been found .

.” Go to Tyco Plaza . ”

.Wang Zedao .

.After half an hour .

.Tyco Plaza parking lot .

.When Wang Ze arrived , Bao Qu and the technical team were conducting a detailed survey of Cao Wenchi’s car .

.” This car is not cheap , can you buy it for 400,000 yuan ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said .

.Wang Ze said: ” Almost , four or five million . ”

.” How’s it going ?”

.As soon as the voice fell , Bao Qu got out of the car .

.Tweezers in his hand , holding a hair .

.” Team Wang , a female hair was found in the gap in the back seat . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is this the only one ?”

.Bao Qu nodded : ” I have checked it all , and only this hair is found so far . ”

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” It wouldn’t be Zou Yanmei’s, would it ?”

.Wang Ze said , ” I’ve rarely seen her husband driving and his wife sitting behind …”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” That’s true . ”

.” That’s Ding Liyi , or Shan Qianyu ?”

.Wang Ze didn’t answer and said , ” Bao Qu , before you go back to the city bureau , go to the two people’s house and extract their biological traces . ”

.” If it can’t be extracted , get their father’s DNA back . ”

.In homes that have lived for a long time , it stands to reason that there will be biological traces left behind .

.In case not .

.Then the identity of the owner of the hair can be determined through a paternity test .

.Bao Qu made an OK gesture : ” Understood . ”

.After that .

.Everyone came to the script killing hall , Cao Wenchi’s office .

.” Search carefully !”

.Wang Ze ordered .

.” Yes !”

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