.All the police officers started a carpet search of this office .

.Five minutes later .

.A police officer, wearing gloves , carefully took out a vial from a locked drawer .

.” Team Wang , there is a discovery . ”

.Hearing the sound , Wang Ze turned around and walked over .

.He took the vial handed by the police officer , opened it and smelled it .

.” Triazolam ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” What is triazolam ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” An antipsychotic drug with sedative and hypnotic effects . ”

.” In high concentrations , the anesthetic effect is very strong . ”

.” Take it back . ”

.He handed the vial in his hand to the officer .

.Wang Xiaotong was surprised : ” Is he really doing it ?”

.Wang Ze didn’t speak to 5.4 , and said, ” Continue searching !”


.It ‘s ten o’clock in the evening .

.Song Ting was also left to work overtime .

.case hall .

.The door of the appraisal room was pushed open , and Song Ting walked out with a document .

.” Wang Ze , the result is out . ”

.” After DNA comparison , it is determined that the owner of the hair is a father-daughter relationship with Ding Liyi’s father . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze grabbed the identification document and rushed directly into the interrogation room .

.The drowsy Cao Wenchi raised his head subconsciously .

.” I said officer , how long has it been , you …”

.Before he could finish speaking , Wang Ze smashed the document in his hand into his face .

.” Bastard !”

.” I’ll ask you one last time , where are Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu now ?!”

Chapter 157 _ I didn’t handcuff you , it’s already very face-saving [ 5 ]

.interrogation room .

.Cao Wenchi was smashed by Wang Ze , and quickly picked up the identification document and glanced at it .

.” This … what is this ?”

.” Also , what’s your attitude ?!”

.” I sue you for torture !”

.Wang Ze stepped forward and grabbed his collar and said coldly, ” Cao Wenchi , you heard clearly . ”

.” In your office , the controlled drug triazolam was found . ”

.” The document in your hand is the DNA identification report . ”

.” Ding Liyi’s hair was found in your car . ”

.” You still want to tell me now that her disappearance has nothing to do with you ?!”

.Hearing this , Cao Wenchi froze for a while, then glanced at the identification document in his hand again .

.The look began to change .

.After a while , he gritted his teeth and said, ” What happened to the hair ?”

.” I … I’ll take care of the guest , can’t I send her home ?”

.” As for triazolam . ”

.” I bought it , what’s up ?”

.” You just punish me . ”

.” Detention ? Or a fine ?”

.” I do . ”

.Seeing such a sophistry of Cao Wenchi , Wang Ze was furious .

.Outside the mirror .

.Ma Haoyu and others frowned when they looked at Cao Wenchi, who was extremely tough .

.The evidence is in front of him , and he is still struggling .

.The mental quality of this guy is not simple .

.Interrogation room .

.Wang Ze stared at Cao Wenchi for a while, then let go .

.” Cao Wenchi . ”

.” Are you tying these two girls for yourself ?”

.Hearing this , 27 Cao Wenchi narrowed his eyes and lowered his head slightly .

.Wang Ze continued : ” Your wife said that the relationship between you has always been very good . ”

.” Before and after Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu disappeared , you didn’t have any abnormality . ”

.”The only thing that ‘s wrong is the necklace of 120,000 yuan . ”

.” Are you so willing ?”

.” High income ?”

.” Don’t talk nonsense to me , my people are checking your bank statement . ”

.Cao Wenchi was silent and did not answer Wang Ze’s question .

.Wang Ze said: ” Cao Wenchi , think clearly . ”

.” Why did you tie them up for yourself ? ”

.” Still tied them up for someone else ‘s sake . ”

.” Don’t forget , your child hasn’t been born yet . ”

.” Do you really want to sit in prison ?”

.Mentioning children , Cao Wenchi struggled .

.Wang Ze has been observing the changes in his expression .

.Seeing this , he continued : ” It’s not for myself, is it ?”

.” Tell me , who did it for you ? ”

.” Now , if you confess , we will treat you leniently . ”

.” At least after you come out , you can accompany your children through childhood . ”

.Cao Wenchi ‘s hands subconsciously kneaded .

.It can be seen that he is very anxious now .

.Wang Ze waited quietly .

.After a long time , Cao Wenchi let out a deep breath and said , “I ‘m sorry . ”

.” Their disappearance has nothing to do with me . ”

.Wang Ze ‘s brows furrowed deeply .

.He can see it .

.Cao Wenchi is very affectionate to his wife , to his unborn children , and to his unborn children .

.But why .

.Just keep silent ?

.” Does he have a lot of energy ?”

.Wang Zedao .

.Cao Wenchi was silent .

.Wang Ze : ” He threatened you , and one day something happened to the public . If you dare to talk nonsense , you will attack your wife and children .”

.Cao Wenchi still did not speak .

.Wang Ze lost his patience and said , ” Well , your last chance is gone . ”

.” Since you don’t think I can catch him . ”

.” Then you just wait here and reunite with him . ”

.After speaking , he left the interrogation room .

.case hall .

.The crowd gathers here .

.Bao Qu said , ” Is there really someone behind this Cao Wenchi ?”

.” Looking at him being so taboo , doesn’t he have a low status ?”

.Wang Ze didn’t answer , looked at Wang Xiaotong and said, ” How’s the bank flow check ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” It has been found . ”

.” Five years ago and one week ago , Cao Wenchi made two large sums of money . ”

.” Four million and six million respectively . ”

.This number surprised several people .

.” My dear , this is ten million . ”

.” Who is so rich ?”

.Wang Ze’s eyes were cold : ” Where’s the source ?”

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” Overseas accounts are not easy to check . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” Five years ago , what company did Cao Wenchi work for? ”

.Wang Xiaotong operated the computer for a while and said , ” In …”

.” Everbright Group . ”

.” Everbright Group ?”

.Bao Qu was surprised .

.” That’s a big company that our Yuncheng is very famous for . ”

.Wang Ze said, ” What position ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong hesitated : ” Dong … the chairman is a full-time driver . ”

.Wang Ze said in a low voice , ” What’s the name of the chairman ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” Lu Xingshu . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where is he now ? Directly locate his mobile phone . ”

.Hearing this , several people looked at each other .

.Is this a direct arrest ?

.Lu Xingshu is not an ordinary person , if there is no conclusive evidence …

.Regardless of this , Wang Xiaotong began to locate Lu Xingshu’s mobile phone number .

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