.After a while , she looked at the map on the screen and said , ” In the outer city . ”

.” Outside the city ?”

.Wang Ze frowned .

.Wang Xiaotong then said : ” But he bought a ticket back to Yuncheng tomorrow morning . ”

.” About eight o’clock , I can land . ”

.Wang Ze said, ” At nine o’clock tomorrow morning , summon Lu Xingshu . ”

.” I lead the team . ”

.Wang Xiaotong nodded : ” Okay . ”

.At this time , Ma Haoyu hesitated : ” That … the king team . ”

.” Lu Xingshu’s status in the business world of Yuncheng is not low , are we …”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” Ma Haoyu . ”

.Ma Haoyu was stunned for a moment , and quickly said : ” Yes!”

.Wang Ze : ” Stand at attention . ”

.Ma Haoyu maintained an upright posture .

.Wang Ze : ” Two questions . ”

.” First , what is your identity ? ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Report to Team Wang , Criminal Investigation Team of Yuncheng Bureau , Criminal Police !”

.Wang Ze : ” What are your responsibilities ?”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Fight crime and protect people’s lives and property !”

.Wang Ze : ” Is there any problem ?”

.Ma Haoyu : ” No !”

.” At nine o’clock tomorrow morning , summon Lu Xingshu . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What if he doesn’t come ?”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Compulsory summons !”


.Nine o’clock in the morning the next day .

.Several police cars rushed into the Everbright Group with their sirens on .

.The door is open .

.Nearly twenty criminal policemen got out of the car one after another and walked quickly towards the hall .

.A security guard wanted to come forward and ask .

.”The criminal investigation team is handling the case , get out of the way !”

.Some police officers showed their credentials and forced their way into the hall .

.Wang Ze led people straight to the front desk .

.” Where is Lu Xingshu ?”

.The girl at the front desk was frightened by the situation in front of her , and quickly said, ” Director Lu is … meeting on the sixth floor . ”

.” Thank you . ”

.Wang Ze turned around and left .

.Instead of taking the elevator , they chose to quickly climb the stairs .

.soon .

.The door of the conference room on the sixth floor was pushed open .

.In the huge conference room , two rows of people in suits turned their heads in unison , surprised .

.Wang Ze glanced at it and put his eyes on the middle-aged man at the front .

.” Lu Xingshu , there is a case that requires your cooperation in the investigation . ”

.” Please come with us . ”

.When the words fell , Lu Xingshu was stunned and slowly stood up .

.At this time , a security guard had already rushed in and blocked Lu Xingshu on both sides .

.” Officer , what do you mean ?!”

.” Rush into our company building casually ? I’m going to sue you !”

.Someone stood up and said angrily .

.At any time , there is no shortage of people who want to perform in front of the chairman .

.Wang Ze ignored the other party’s words and stared at Lu Xingshu in front of him .

.Lu Xingshu smiled and said , ” This little police officer , what’s the case ?”

.Wang Ze : ” When it arrives , you will know . ”

.Lu Xingshu said : ” I’m sorry , I just came back from out of town and I’m very busy today . ”

000.” Why don’t you wait until I’m free ? ”

.” Don’t worry , it is our obligation to cooperate with the police in investigating the case . ”

.” I will definitely go . ”

.Wang Ze said in a low voice , ” I don’t want to repeat it . ”

.” Now , please come with us . ”

.Lu Xingshu stared at Wang Ze for a while, and said , ” Little police officer , did you just come here ?”

.Wang Ze took out his documents : ” Deputy Captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau , Wang Ze . ”

.” Deputy Captain of the Criminal Investigation Team ?!”

.Lu Xingshu was surprised and couldn’t help but start to look at each other again .

.so young ?

.The rest were also whispering .

.Obviously , he didn’t expect this young man who looked like he had just graduated to be the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau .

.At this moment , a man on Lu Xingshu’s right hand stood up .

.” Wang Ze ?”

.” Do you know Jiang Ying ?”

.Hearing Jiang Ying’s name , Wang Ze subconsciously turned his head and looked at the man .

.” You are ?”

.The man smiled and said, ” I’m Jiang Ying’s brother , Jiang Hongtian . ”

.” Today , I’m here to discuss business matters with Director Lu . ”

.” Are you my sister’s boyfriend ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned for a while , then said , ” We’ll talk about it later . ”

.” Lu Xingshu , please come with us . ”

.Lu Xingshu looked at Jiang Hongtian and said with a smile , ” So it’s President Jiang’s brother-in-law ?”

.” Tell me , isn’t this a misunderstanding ? ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes were cold : ” Lu Xingshu , don’t waste your time , it ‘s useless . ”

.” You can’t hide . ”

.Seeing that the other party was determined to take him away , Lu Xingshu smiled slowly .

.” Captain Wang , I know you Liu Bureau , so many people are here today , give me a face ?”

.Thinking of the four young girls whose life and death were uncertain , Wang Ze’s eyes became colder and harsher .

.He took out the handcuffs directly .

.” Lu Xingshu , I didn’t handcuff you , it’s already a lot of face . ”

.” Today , even if you know the Jade Emperor , you have to give me a trip right away !”

Chapter 158 _ Dare to talk nonsense again , even you will be tortured away ? 1 ?

.Wang Ze’s cold and stern voice echoed in the huge conference room .

.Jiang Hongtian frowned slightly and glanced at Lu Xingshu .

.The two companies have always had business dealings .

.He and Lu Xingshu had not known each other for a day or two .

.What is the case .

.Involved him ?

.The business has achieved this level , and there is nothing to do .

.Is there any need to take risks and commit crimes ?

.But it doesn’t look like it’s fake to see Wang Ze being so active .

.I’m afraid it’s really found something .

.After weighing it , he decided not to .

.Again .

.Compared with Lu Xingshu , Wang Ze is obviously closer to him .

.Although it was the first time we met , I didn’t know what the future would be like .

.But at least for now .

.The other party is Jiang Ying’s boyfriend .

.Or the kind that he had already met his parents .

.And listening to his parents , it seems that he is quite satisfied with this Wang Ze .

.And Lu Xingshu’s face sank at this moment .

.He took a step back .

.Next to him , the security captain winked and stood in front of Wang Ze .

.” Sorry officer , please leave . ”

.man said .

.Wang Ze said lightly : ” Get out of the way . ”

.” Warning for the first time , you are obstructing official business . ”

.The man didn’t move .

.Wang Ze : ” Warning for the second time , get out of the way . ”

.The man said: ” I’m sorry …”

.The voice just fell .

.Wang Ze stretched out his hand suddenly , grabbed the opponent’s head , and pressed his arm hard against the conference table .

.Bang !

.There was a sound of the head colliding with the table .

.Everyone in the conference room was frightened .

.Jiang Hongtian’s eyes narrowed , and he quickly pulled away his chair and stepped back .

.This guy Wang Ze …

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