.It really means getting started !

.The other security guards were also frightened and stood in place not knowing what to do .

.Back off ?

.The chairman is behind .

.on ?

.The police are in front !

.Who dares to go ? !

.” You …”

.The security captain , who had obviously trained , looked angry and was about to resist .

.But Wang Ze’s force was so strong that he couldn’t move with one hand .

.Seeing the captain make his move , all the other police officers surrounded him .

.” Don’t move ~ !”

.” Stand there and don’t move !”

.Several of them have already made the move to draw guns .

.Wang Ze leaned over , stared at the security captain , and said slowly : “The police dare to stop the case , you are really loyal . ”

.” If you dare to talk nonsense again , you will be tortured away . ”

.After he finished speaking , he pulled him up .

.Because of the strength , the security captain staggered under his feet and was almost hit against the wall .

.After stabilizing his body , his expression changed and he became a lot more honest .

.Afterwards , Wang Ze looked at Lu Xingshu , who had an ugly face, and waved his hand .

.Ma Haoyu and others strode forward to control it .

.Knowing that he couldn’t resist , Lu Xingshu stared at Wang Ze and said, ” Captain Wang , do I have the right to refuse the summons ?”

.” Or , are you arresting someone ?”

.” Is there an arrest warrant ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” I’m sorry , you don’t have one . ”

.” For criminal suspects who do not accept subpoenas without justifiable reasons , or who evade subpoenas . ”

.” We have the power to force a subpoena in a way that restricts personal liberty . ”

.” Lu Xingshu , you brought this on your own . ”

.” Take it away !”

.When the words fell , Ma Haoyu and others took Lu Xingshu and left the conference room .

.No one dared to move .

.The other shareholders in the conference room also bowed their heads in silence .

.They didn’t think so .

.The vice-captain of the criminal police, who had just assumed office , was so tough in the face of the chairman of China Everbright Group .

.It just doesn’t give any face to anyone .

.It is useless to lift Liu Guanghai out .

.At the same time , they cannot imagine .

.Lu Xingruo :: Water ;;: Resources ,? Source ,! Group .;6,5;!.6?6?1::8′”8,?’9″”6!;: Preparation :!; Use ,? ❓ Go to ” Group ?7.6?”.6:!;0″!:1.,.8;:3″?.2′:0 What did the tree do ?

.Look at this posture .

.It’s not like a small thing .

.Someone has already started to think about the way back .

.The largest shareholder of the group was arrested , which has a great impact .

.At this time , Wang Ze was about to leave .

.After a little hesitation , he stopped and looked at Jiang Hongtian .

.” I’m sorry , I’m rude just now on official business . ”

.Wang Ze smiled .

.Jiang Hongtian let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile : ” Where is it , understand . ”

.”The last time you and Xiaoying went home , it happened that my company was busy . I’m sorry . ”

.” When Captain Wang is free , let’s have a good drink . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled and nodded : ” Definitely . ”

.” Then … Brother Jiang , see you later . ”

.After speaking , he waved away .

.All the detectives left the conference room .

.Jiang Hongtian stood there, shook his head and smiled .

.He only knew that his sister’s boyfriend was a city police officer .

.Unexpectedly, he has become a vice-captain .

.how so fast ?

.It’s impossible to go through the back door .

.After the meeting room was quiet for a while , someone said , ” That … President Jiang , what do you think about the business ?”

.The cooperation between Jiang’s Group and Everbright Group involves hundreds of millions of dollars in business .

.To be able to facilitate , or as far as possible to facilitate .

.Jiang Hongtian looked over and said , ” Let’s talk another day . ”

.” Wait until I ask Wang Ze what’s going on with Lu Dong . ”

.The man said , ” Mr. Jiang , you and Lu Dong have known each other for so many years . ”

.” Since Captain Wang is your brother-in-law and his own , do you think …”

.Jiang Hongtian frowned and said, ” I’m sorry . ”

.”� ” Wang Ze and I are my own people , not Lu Dong . ”

.” If he really commits a crime , I can’t help it . ”

.Let him have a nice talk ?

.What a joke .

.He is not for Wang Ze .

.But for Jiang Ying .

.Supporting Wang Ze means supporting Jiang Ying

.In this situation now , it ‘s just support .

.How could he beg for mercy as his future brother-in-law .

.Only an idiot can do such a thing .

.The other party is silent .

.At this moment , someone whispered : ” President Jiang , how old is that Wang Ze ?”

.Jiang Hongtian turned his head : ” How many years younger than my sister , twenty-one ? What’s wrong ?”

.Everyone was shocked .

.They felt that the Jiang family seemed to have found a very good son-in-law this time .

.A deputy criminal investigation captain in his early twenties ?

.How did this go up !

.Don’t have to go to college ?

.” Goodbye everyone . ” _

.Jiang Hongtian didn’t want to stay any longer , so he picked up the documents and left the conference room .


.City Council , Office .

.Liu Guanghai heard that Wang Ze had arrested Lu Xingshu , and called him over immediately .

.” Wang Ze !”

.( of ) ” What the hell are you doing ? Why didn’t you tell me in advance ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Liu Bureau , Lu Xingshu is a major suspect in this case . ”

.”The recent disappearance of two girls , as well as the disappearance of two girls five years ago , has nothing to do with him . ”

.Liu Guanghai was stunned for a moment , then said , ” Do you have any evidence ?”

.Wang Ze : ” No. ”

.Hearing this , Liu Guanghai knocked on the table : ” You dare to arrest someone without evidence ?”

.Wang Ze said in a low voice , ” It’s not arresting people , it’s forcibly summoning people . ”

.” Lu Xingshu is different from the other suspects . ”

.” Any bit of wind may startle the snake . ”

.” It’s easy for someone like him to run . ”

.” So , bring the person back as soon as possible , and then find zero evidence . ”

.Liu Guanghai was silent for a while, and said, ” How sure are you ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I will answer your question before it gets dark today . ”

.” If after forty-eight hours , he left the city council safely . ”

.” I , take the blame and resign . ”

Chapter 159 _ Interrogation of Lu Xingshu ? 2 ?

.” Take the blame and resign ?”

.Liu Guanghai was helpless .

.” It’s not that serious , I’m not blaming you . ”

.” I just think that for such a big thing , you should inform me in advance so that I can be mentally prepared . ”

.” After all , Lu Xingshu is different from ordinary suspects . ”

.” His status in the Yuncheng business world is very high and his connections are extensive . ”

.” If there is no absolute evidence , it will be difficult to do . ”

.” His lawyer , I ‘m afraid, is already on his way . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Extensive connections ?”

.” He will keep it for the next life . ”

.” If this kind of scum can still get away with it , I’ll go to Han Ting and see what he has to say . ”

.Liu Guanghai : ” Look , what are you anxious about ? ”

.” That’s what I meant . ”

.” Any criminal , we as police officers can’t show favoritism , no matter who he is . ”

.He knew that Hanhuacheng valued Wang Ze very much , and he would be transferred to the provincial government for reuse in the future .

.at the city council .

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