.It’s just a few years of practice .

.If he went to Hanhua City to make trouble .

.That would be fun .

.If you have the guts to do this kind of thing , and have the confidence to do this kind of thing , that’s Wang Ze .

.Young and energetic .

.Who are these old detectives most afraid of ?

.What I am most afraid of is a young and vigorous person like Wang Ze , who is extremely capable .

.Can solve the case .

.Can’t fault it .

.But what .

.But every day is not light .

.as it is now .

.I didn’t say favoritism !

.You are still in a hurry .

.Wang Ze blinked and said with a half-smile, ” Liu Bureau , they moved out of your name . ”

.” I brought him back , didn’t I give you face ?”

.Liu Guanghai was taken aback : ” Move my name ?”

.” If he is really related to this case , it ‘s useless to change anyone’s name !”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” I told him the same . ”

.Liu Guanghai laughed aloud : ” Okay, okay . ”

.” Anyway , the evidence is the most important thing . ”

.” What you said just now , before dark . ”

.” You have to tell me the outcome of this matter before dark . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where’s the search warrant ?”

.Liu Guanghai : ” I sign . ”

.” You kid are not afraid , what am I afraid of? ”

.” It’s a big deal to resign with you . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Don’t, don’t, don’t . ”

.” Don’t worry , I will get the results as soon as possible . ”


.He came to the case handling hall and said as he walked : ” Ma Haoyu , Bao Qu , you bring someone with a search warrant and go to Lu Xingshu’s house to search carefully . ”

.” Little boy , check all the assets under the name of Lu Xingshu’s family . ”

.”The point is the property . ”

.” I’m going to judge people . ”

.Three : ” Yes !”

.interrogation room .

.Wang Ze pushed open the door and entered .

.At this time, Lu Xingshu was sitting quietly on a chair .

.Not handcuffed .

.Look , very calm .

.Seeing Wang Ze coming in , Lu Xingshu turned his eyes away and said with a smile, ” Captain Wang , since I’ve already come , should I talk about it , what the hell is going on?”

.Wang Ze leaned against the table , hugged his arms and said , ” What’s going on , do you still need me to tell you ?”

.Lu Xingshu spread his hands : ” Of course I need it . ”

.” Captain Wang , no matter what the case is , I’m afraid you really caught the wrong person . ”

.” We Everbright Group do business with our due diligence and never do anything that violates the discipline . ”

.” Is there any misunderstanding ?”

.Wang Ze took the photo from Chen Ping and said , ” Do you know me ?”

.Lu Xingshu glanced at it, shook his head and said, ” I haven’t seen it before , what ‘s wrong ?”

.Wang Ze picked up a photo again and said , ” What about this ?”

.This time , Lu Xingshu nodded and said: ” This understanding , Cao Wenchi chanting . ”

.” I remember a few years ago , he was my chauffeur . ”

.” But he resigned a long time ago , and I never saw him again . ”

.Wang Ze took out the information and said , ” After investigation , we found that there were two credits to Cao Wenchi’s bank account five years ago and one week ago . ”

.” Did you give it ?”

.” Why . ”

.Lu Xingshu was surprised : (chfe) ” I gave it ?”

.” Captain Wang , why do you say I gave it to you?”

.” Why should I give him so much money ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” I’m talking about two receipts , not two large receipts . ”

.” How do you know there’s a lot of money ?”

.Lu Xingshu was startled and said , ” I guess it must be a lot of money . ”

.” How can you ask if it ‘s eight thousand dollars ? ”

.Wang Ze narrowed his eyes and said , ” But Cao Wenchi said that you gave it , how do you explain it ?”

.” What ?” Lu Xingshu was stunned , ” He said I gave it ?”

.” That’s a false accusation !”

.” I never gave him money . ”

.” His money was transferred to the card by the company on time . ”

.” It’s just a driver , what am I giving him money for ?”

.” Captain Wang , you have to check him carefully . ”

.” This is defamation !”

.Wang Ze was prepared .

.People like Lu Xingshu, who have experienced shopping malls, have a much stronger psychological quality than Cao Wenchi .

.Fraudulent confession is useless .

.What he has to do now is to confirm his inference by observing Lu Xingshu’s micro-expressions .

.This way .

.Investigation time can be minimized .

.Avoid wasted effort .

.” Are those two girls still alive five years ago ?”

.Wang Zedao .

.The moment the question was asked .

.He really hoped that the two flowering girls were still alive in the world .

.Even if it is sold to the ends of the earth .

.Always alive .

.As long as you are alive , you can be saved .

.But this possibility , he thinks has been very slim .

.Lu Xingshu was at a loss : ” What girl ?”

.” Captain Wang , what are you talking about , I don’t understand . ”

.Wang Ze picked out two photos and said , ” Then these two girls should still be alive , right ?”

.He was referring to Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu .

.Lu Xingshu glanced down , his eyes fluctuated , and his expression remained unchanged : ” I don’t know it, how can I know it ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay , just live . ”

.Lu Xingshu : “.?”

.The conversation between the two does not seem to be on the same channel .

.Everyone speaks .

.Chen Ping , who was in charge of taking the notes , was also very puzzled .

.But he didn’t ask too much , and carefully wrote down every word .

.” Captain Wang , are you ill ?”

.Lu Xingshu frowned .

.Wang Ze said : ” Are you interested in girls ?”

.” Has the psychopath already reached this level ?”

.” Have you imprisoned and tortured them , have you thought about how they and their families feel ?”

.” Do you believe their parents would eat you raw when they found out ? ”

.In the end , his voice became colder .

.Lu Xingshu was startled and said quickly, ” Captain Wang , you can’t talk nonsense !”

Chapter 160 _ The lawyer is here ? 3 ?

.” Captain Wang , you can’t talk nonsense like that . ”

.Lu Xingshu seemed to be startled by Wang Ze’s words .

.” What imprisoned girls . ”

.” Are you talking about me ?!”

.Wang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it .

.After slowly exhaling a puff of smoke , he said , ” Isn’t it ?”

.Lu Xingshu frowned : ” Captain Wang , your hat is too big . ”

.” I do n’t dare to take it . ”

.” Be careful I really sue you for defamation !”

.Wang Ze shook his head and smiled , and said , ” Lu Xingshu , you are a smart person . ”

.” There are some things that I don’t need to say too bluntly, right ?”

.” Four girls are missing , there is no trace of what you want to do, is it possible ?”

.” I’ll tell you plainly . ”

.” Today , even if I flatten all the properties under your name , I must find them . ”

.Hearing this , Lu Xingshu was obviously stunned for a moment, and then got angry .

.”The surname is Wang !”

.” Are you so crazy ?!”

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