.” You dare !!”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Why , are you afraid ?”

.” What am I afraid of ?”

.” Since you are here . ”

.” I’m afraid it will be difficult to go out again . ”

.Lu Xingshu was unhappy : ” What do you mean by that ?”

.”The surnamed Wang , you insisted that I committed a crime , do you have any evidence ?”

.” Without evidence, what nonsense are you talking to me here ?!”

.It was obvious that he had lost patience .

.Or rather .

.After Wang Ze’s words , he lost his patience .

.Wang Zegang wanted to say something .

.At this moment , there was a knock on the door .

.A police officer probed : ” King team . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” What ‘s wrong ?”

.The police officer glanced at Lu Xingshu and said , ” What … Lu Xingshu’s lawyer is here . ”

.” I want to see you . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows and said , ” Okay , I see . ”

.The door is closed .

.Seeing this , Lu Xingshu snorted coldly : ” My lawyer is here , should I let me go ?”

.This sentence made Wang Ze almost stop laughing .

.” Why are you so cute . ”

.” What does it have to do with whether your lawyer will come or not ?”

.” Is he the presiding judge ?”

.Lu Xingshu said angrily, ” Wang Ze, you …”

.” OK !”

.” Caught me inexplicably and charged me with an inexplicable crime, right ?”

.” You wait for me . ”

.” When I go out , you must look good !”

.Wang Ze smiled slightly and said, ” Okay , I ‘ll wait . ”

.” But there is a premise for what you said . ”

.Lu Xingshu wondered : ” What premise ?”

.Wang Ze approached and said slowly , “The premise is that you can get out . ”

.After finishing speaking , Wang Ze turned around and left without waiting for Lu Xingshu , who had an ugly face, to scold the street .

.reception room .

.Wang Ze walked in .

.A man in a suit was sitting there drinking tea .

.A police officer was watching him .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.Seeing Wang Ze , the police officer quickly adjusted his posture .

.Hearing the movement , the man turned his head .

.” Is this Captain Wang ?”

.”I didn’t expect to be so young . ”

.He stood up .

.At the same time, he extended his hand .

.” Hello , I’m Mr. Lu’s lawyer , Zhou Yuanzhi . ”

.Out of courtesy , Wang Ze shook hands with the other party and said , ” Hello , sit down . ”

.” Thank you . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi sat back .

.Wang Ze came to the water dispenser and poured himself a glass of water .

.Before drinking, he said , ” Lawyer Zhou , is there anything wrong with coming here this time ?”

.After he finished speaking , he took a few sips of water .

.Zhou Yuanzhi smiled and said, ” Captain Wang , why should you ask me knowingly ? ”

.” My client, Lu Xingshu, was forcibly brought to the city bureau by you . Of course I came for him . ”

.” Oh ?” Wang Ze turned his head , ” Go on , I’m listening . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi said , “I don’t know why Captain Wang took my client back to the city bureau forcibly ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” nonsense , of course because of the case . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi smiled and said , ” What case ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at him : ” You don’t need to know this . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi’s smile remained unchanged : ” As Mr. Lu’s lawyer , of course I must know . ”

.” After all , I may need to provide an alibi for him . ”

.” And , he needs to be defended . ”

.” Also ask Captain Wang to make it clear . ”

.Wang Ze took a sip of water and said , ” As far as this case is concerned , the alibi is a piece of waste paper . ”

.” As for the defense . ”

.” When it comes to court , you have a chance to play , what’s the hurry . ”

.” So , lawyer Zhou, please come back . ”

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.Zhou Yuanzhi said: ” Captain Wang , I’m afraid you do n’t meet the rules by doing this ?”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Doesn’t meet the regulations ?”

.” For those suspected of committing crimes , our criminal investigation team has the right to temporarily detain and interrogate the suspects . ”

.” Lawyer Zhou , do you need me to read the literature for you now ?”

.Zhou Yuanzhi smiled and said , ” Captain Wang , Mr. Lu is not an ordinary person . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” What ordinary people are not ordinary people , they are all people . ”

.” Why , do you think he is more noble than you ?”

.” It ‘s the first time I’ve met myself . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi frowned : ” Captain Wang , are you scolding me ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Which ear did you hear me scolding you ?”

0 0 0

.” Our Bureau Liu’s office is there , why don’t you file a complaint ?”

.” Do I need to provide you with monitoring and recording ?”

.Hearing this , Zhou Yuanzhi slowly stood up and said , ” Captain Wang , young people, don’t be too arrogant . ”

.” You think about it . ”

.” Once Mr. Lu walks out of this door , you will be in big trouble . ”

.Wang Ze was immediately amused : ” Why do you speak the same as Lu Xingshu ? ”

.” It’s really fish looking for fish , shrimp looking for shrimp , toad looking for … uh , ahem . ”

.He almost took it .

.” Let’s talk when he can get out this door . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi’s eyelids trembled .

.this kid .

.How is it like being sick ?

.On the provincial side , how could he be promoted to be the captain of the criminal investigation ?

.Seeing that the other party did not enter the oil and salt , Zhou Yuanzhi was silent for a while, and said, ” Then my client , when can I leave . ”

.Wang Ze put down the water glass and said , ” Forty-eight hours later . ”

.Hearing this number , Zhou Yuanzhi was dissatisfied : ” Captain Wang , subpoena for cross-examination shall not exceed twenty-four hours !”

.Wang Ze said : ” What you said is that the law and order are illegal . ”

.” Lu Xingshu is suspected of serious and complex criminal offenses . ”

.” According to the regulations , the period of custody and questioning can be extended . ”

.” As for whether to extend or not to extend , and how long to extend , the person in charge of the case has the final say . ”

.” That is , I have the final say . ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi : “…”


.ps: It’s not my brother- in-law in front of me. I wrote it in a circle . It should be my brother-in-law .

.Thanks for pointing out .

Chapter 161 _ Call and dispatch the drone [ 4 ]

.Twenty minutes later .

.Zhou Yuanzhi left angrily .

.When he was at the door, he passed by Qian Tai who was approaching .

.” Eh ?”

.” Lawyer Zhou , what’s the matter ? ”

.Zhou Yuanzhi ignored him and walked quickly .

.Qian Tai was suspicious and turned around and entered the reception room .

.” Wang Ze , what’s wrong with him ? He ‘s so angry . ”

.Wang Ze poured himself a glass of water again and said , ” Who knows . ”

.” It may be that I suddenly remembered something bad and made myself angry . ”

.Hearing this , the police officer next to him tried his best to hold back his laughter .

.Wang Ze slapped that guy just now .

.That’s called a boost .

.Seems to be still enjoying it .

.Especially seeing that Zhou Yuanzhi was leaving , Wang Ze was actually disappointed and reluctant to part with it .

.Qian Tai glanced at the laughing police officer , then looked at Wang Ze , and said speechlessly, ” Wang Ze , you wouldn’t scold him ” Zero Zero ” , would you ?”

.Wang Ze took a sip of water and said , ” How come . ”

.” Lawyers are the cornerstone of the road to the rule of law . ”

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