.” This profession is still very sacred and solemn . ”

.” How could I scold him . ”

.” Just having a friendly and cordial conversation with him . ”

.The police officer next to him : ” Haha …”

.When he realized something was wrong , he quickly shut up .

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” What are you laughing at ?”

.The police officer is innocent : ” Wang team , I … I didn’t laugh . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Fuck ! I saw you laughing , but I didn’t stop . ”

.Police officer : ” Uh …”

.Qian Tai was helpless .

.What did he understand .

.” I said Wang Ze , you can’t do this to lawyers . ”

.” Whoever defends it , it’s their job . ”

.” Suspects also have the right to defend themselves before sentencing . ”

.” Besides , Lu Xingshu hasn’t been convicted yet, right ?”

.Wang Ze nodded again and again : ” Mmmm , Brother Qian, you’re right . ”

.Qian Tai stared : ” Did you hear it ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” I heard it. I heard it . ”

.” Brother Qian , are you tired of preaching all day ?”

.Although Qian Tai’s position in the city bureau is not high , his qualifications and experience are not comparable to ordinary people .

.I remember that when he first came to the Municipal Bureau to assist in handling the case , Qian Tai gave him a lot of useful advice .

.For Qiantai .

.Wang Ze is still very respectful .

.But respect is respect .

.When joking , he doesn’t show mercy .

.Qian Tai : ” I’m not tired !”

.” If he goes to Lao Liu to complain to you , it ‘s enough for you to drink a pot . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” He still has time to complain to me ?”

.”The gold master has gone in , he has to find a way back quickly . ”

.Qian Tai was stunned : ” Do you have evidence ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” No. ”

.Qian Tai’s face darkened : ” Then what tea are you drinking here ? It’s a race against time . ”

.” Lu Xingshu is not an ordinary person . ”

.” You can’t convict him within the time limit . ”

.” Once he’s out …”

.Wang Ze : ” You are in a lot of trouble . ”

.Qian Tai : ” You’re in a lot of trouble … eh ?”

.The two said this almost at the same time .

.This time, Wang Ze is happy .

.” Why do you like to say this ?”

.” Is it taught by a teacher ?”

.Qian Tai rubbed his forehead helplessly .

.This kid’s investigation ability is truly incredible .

.He is also very brave when he catches people .

.Especially the murderer who killed the heart-digging case last time .

.There are still people talking about that scene .

.But when I was chatting , I couldn’t stop it .

.Young people like the poor character , no doubt exposed .

.” Alright , alright, stop talking nonsense . ”

.” Seriously , how far has it been found ?”

.Wang Ze took a sip of water : ” secret . ”

.Qian Tai : ” I also keep it a secret ?”

.Wang Ze : ” You are not from our criminal investigation team . ”

.Qian Tai was angry : ” I taught you for nothing ! White- eyed wolf !”

.Wang Ze smiled : ” Brother Qian , calm down , I’ll see how excited you are . ”

.” Don’t worry , there will be results before dark . ”

?If !? Water : .Capital !:; Source .; Group .;6.5!!;6’6!!,1?’8,8″9:.6’! Preparation :; Use ! In ! turn ;;; group.’7.’6 :,”6…0″1:8″3:,2!0?Qian Tai : ” I hope so . ”


.Two o’clock in the afternoon .

.The police officers who went out to investigate have returned .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.Bao Qu said as he walked : ” Lu Xingshu’s home has been thoroughly searched , and only this one was found . ”

.He picked up the evidence bag in his hand .

.Inside the bag is a card .

.It is exactly the same as the one owned by Ding Liyi .

.Wang Ze waved his hand : ” Extract the fingerprint and compare it with Shan Qianyu’s fingerprint . ”

.” By the way , have you got her fingerprints ?”

.Bao Qu nodded : “I got it . ”

.” When the biological information was extracted last time , it was already rubbed …”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , let’s go . ”

.Then , he looked at Wang Xiaotong : ” Xiaotong , where are you ?”

.Wang Xiaotong looked at the computer and said, ” The property under the name of Lu Xingshu’s family has been checked in the morning . ”

.” Not much , six sets . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How many villas ?”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Two sets . ”

.” Bao Qu and the others went to search the villa where Lu Xingshu’s family lived . ”

.” There is also a villa in the suburbs with the name of Lu Xingshu’s wife written on it . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay . ”

.” When the fingerprint comparison results come out , we will take all actions to thoroughly investigate this villa . ”

.I want to imprison two people .

.Private villas are the most suitable .

.soon .

.Bao Qu took the comparison result and came to the case handling hall .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.” There are three and a half fingerprints on this card . ”

.” Lu Xingshu , Shan Qianyu . ”

.” The remaining half is incomplete , it is suspected to be Cao Wenchi’s . ”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu said, ” Is this hard evidence ?”

.” It means that the disappearance of Shan Qianyu must have something to do with Lu Xingshu . ”

.” Would you like to go to the trial ?”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly , and said , ” I won’t try it first . ”

.” Check that villa in the suburbs . ”

.” Judging from Lu Xingshu’s reaction , Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are likely to be there . ”

.” Everyone goes . ”

.” Yes !”

.A number of police cars drove out of the city bureau and rushed towards the suburban villa at full speed . 5.4

.The status of Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu is unknown .

.Everything has to be fast .

.Time came an hour later .

.A detached villa in the suburbs .

.The area is not small .

.Because of its remoteness , there are very few residents nearby .

.Even the arrival of the police car did not attract onlookers .

.A police officer broke the lock and everyone entered the living room of the villa .

.” So clean ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at his surroundings and waved, ” Check every corner . ”

.Everyone : ” Yes !”

.The police dispersed .

.Only Wang Ze and Wang Xiaotong remained on the spot .

.”I neglected one thing . ”

.” Little boy , call and dispatch the drone . ”

.After Wang Ze pondered for a while , he said .

.” Drone ?”

.” Oh , good . ”

.Wang Xiaotong didn’t ask any further questions .

Chapter 162 _ Smash the wall ! ? 1 ?

.an hour later .

.The search continues .

.So far , there has been no substantial progress .

.However, the size of the villa is large , and a thorough carpet inspection will take time .

.Besides, Lu Xingshu is not stupid enough to put clues on the surface and wait for them to investigate .

.Wang Ze himself , walked through every space of the villa , and finally returned to the lobby on the first floor .

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