.” Team Wang , the drone is here . ”

.At this time , Wang Xiaotong came from the gate .

.Wang Ze nodded slightly : ” I see , I ‘ll talk about it later . ”

.Wang Xiaotong couldn’t help saying : ” Wang team , what do you want the drone for ?”

.Wang Ze didn’t answer the question , and instead asked , ” Xiaotong . ”

.” You said that if Lu Xingshu wanted to hide people, where would he hide ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong thought for a while and said, ” Underground is the safest . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes , it is very possible . ”

.” But that’s just one possibility . ”

.” There is another possibility . ”

.” Secret dark room . ”

.” Secret darkroom ?” Wang Xiaotong was surprised , ” So you dispatched the drone ?”

.Wang Ze nodded , pointed to the surroundings and said, ” Look . ”

.” The villa has no signs of being inhabited , 27 but it was cleaned very well . ”

.” It means someone is cleaning the place regularly . ”

.” Assuming that Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are really here . ”

.” So since someone cleans regularly , isn’t he afraid of being discovered ?”

.Wang Xiaotong felt strange : ” Yes . ”

.”You can hear the cry for help , right ?”

.” He wouldn’t take such a risk . ”

.” Does the person who cleans the house know that someone is being held here ?”

.Wang Ze waved his hand : ” No. ”

.” The less people know about this kind of thing , the better . ”

.” In fact, whether it’s hiding people underground or in a dark room , it’s still very easy not to be discovered . ”

.” Only two conditions need to be met . ”

.” First , the place where people are locked is secret enough that it needs a specific organ to open it . ”

.” Second , the decoration materials are all soundproofing materials . ”

.” With Lu Xingshu’s ability , it is easy to do both . ”

.Wang Xiaotong suddenly said : ” Yes , sound insulation materials . ”

.” It’s useless to call for help if the darkroom is surrounded by soundproofing materials . ”

.” Do you need me to check the decorator of this villa ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Don’t worry , I have a faster way . ”

.” Children , fly the drone , overlook the entire villa , and the picture cuts over . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.After that, she went to work .

.Not long after , Ma Haoyu walked out of a room on the first floor and came to Wang Ze .

.” Team Wang , nothing has been found . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said nothing .

.Soon , Wang Xiaotong walked in from the outside with his laptop in his arms .

.The screen shows the aerial shot of the drone .

.The whole villa has a panoramic view .

.” King team , it ‘s alright . ”

.Wang Xiaotong said .

.Wang Ze took over the computer and checked it carefully .

.In my mind , I started to simulate the room layout of the entire villa .

.Seeing this scene , Ma Haoyu was surprised : ” Wang team , what are you doing ?”

.Wang Ze said: “The secret space can not be separated out of thin air . ”

.”To exist is to exist , and to not exist is not to exist . ”

.” If it exists , there will definitely be a difference in area and space size . ”

.” I’m looking for the difference , where is it . ”

.Ma Haoyu was surprised : ” Can this be seen ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Yes . ”

.” But it requires a strong spatial imagination . ”

.Wang Xiaotong turned his head : ” Don’t use your brain , can you compare with Team Wang ?”

.Ma Haoyu coughed lightly and smiled shyly .

.Wang Ze controlled the drone , circled the villa , and carefully checked every corner .

.Then , start the comparison with the room layout in memory .

.He looked very slowly .

.Time passed slowly .

.Twenty minutes later .

.Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed at this moment .

.The screen stops .

.” follow me . ”

.After he finished speaking , he walked in one direction .

.Ma Haoyu and others quickly followed .

.Wang Ze , walked near the study room on the first floor .

.On the right is a long corridor .

.At the end is the wall .

.The king handed the computer to Wang Xiaotong and went to check on both sides of the corridor .

.From time to time , I tapped with my hand .

.Ma Haoyu said, ” Is it here ?”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” Either the decorator has a hole in his head , or there is a problem here . ”

.Ma Haoyu : ” Darkroom ?”

.” Is there any agency nearby ? ”

.After speaking , he looked around , as if searching .

.Wang Ze said: ” Don’t worry about the organization or not , find someone to smash the wall open for me . ”

.Hearing this , Ma Haoyu was taken aback : ” Break open ?”

.” Damn it ?”

.Wang Ze repeated : ” Smash it open immediately !”

.Ma Haoyu nodded quickly : ” Okay, okay . ”

.After he finished speaking, he turned back and shouted : ” Come on a few people and smash the wall !!”

.Ten minutes later .

.The sound of thud reverberated in the villa .

.The walls were shaking .

.Five or six police officers took tools and smashed against the wall .

.Bang !

.Bang !

.Soon , cracks appeared .

.Then there is a big hole .

.The officer paused and bent over to check .

.The next moment , his expression changed .

.” Team Wang , there is a discovery !”

.Seeing this , the crowd gathered around .

.Through the smashed big hole , you can clearly see the situation inside .

.This is indeed a hidden space !

.There are no windows and the light is very dim .

.But the light from outside the cave came to 003, reflecting the figure of a young girl .

.The girl curled up in the corner , naked .

.The loud sound of hitting the wall didn’t make her want to survive , instead she was shivering with fear .

.Wang Ze’s face sank , and he took a step back and said, ” Break it all down !”

.” Go and call the two policewomen !”

.” Yes !”

.Several police officers were also angry , and the strength in their hands was even greater .

.Bang !

.Bang !

.Whoa !

.In the middle of the entire wall, a large hole was smashed that could accommodate one person .

.” Get your clothes !”

.” Little boy , you advanced !”

.Wang Ze shouted .

.As soon as the words fell , Wang Xiaotong took the clothes handed by others and rushed in quickly .

.The girl curled up in the corner is Ding Liyi .

.On the other side, because of the blind spot of sight , there is another person .

.It is a thousand words .

.The two girls didn’t know what they were going through , and they didn’t even know the police came , so they screamed in fright .

.” Ah !! Don’t come here !!”

.” Don’t come here !!!”

.Seeing the two young girls in bloom like this , Wang Xiaotong almost scolded the street .

.” Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid , we are the police !”

.As she spoke , she draped her clothes over Ding Liyi .

.Other policewomen also rushed over and wrapped Shan Qianyu in clothes .

Chapter 163 _ Old beast ! ? 2 ?

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