.” You can come in !”

.Wang Xiaotong turned back and shouted .

.Hearing the voice , Wang Ze and others walked in immediately .

.Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu shuddered in the arms of the policewoman before they recovered .

.They were even more frightened when they saw the male policemen who filed in .

.The eyes that should have been filled with pure innocence were now full of panic and helplessness .

.Wang Ze gritted his teeth and glanced at it .

.It was found that both of them had heavy chains on their ankles .

.Because of the struggle , deep purple scars have been produced .

.” Grass ! ( a plant ) . ”

.” What a beast !!”

.Ma Haoyu said angrily .

.The rest of the police officers were also angry .

.Imprisoning and tormenting two young girls here , is this still human ? !

.Although he didn’t say anything , he was afraid that Lu Xingshu had already greeted the whole family countless times in his heart .

.” Don’t be afraid , we are the police , we are the police . ”

.” It’s okay , the bad guy has been caught , we’re here to save you . ”

.Wang Xiaotong and other female police officers kept comforting .

.When Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu finally confirmed the fact that they had been rescued , Qi Qi cried .

.Crying hissed lungs .

.It’s hard to imagine the hellish ordeal the two have gone through during this week .

.Wang Ze took a deep breath and said slowly : ” Go to unlock , be careful , don’t hurt them . ”

.His tone was calm .

.But the anger contained in it can be heard by anyone .

.” Apart from the person who opened the lock, everyone else goes out . ”

.” Children , you first help them check their bodies and treat the wounds a little . ”

.” Call an ambulance . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.Forty minutes later .

.Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu were rescued .

.After a brief treatment , I got into the ambulance and went to the hospital .

.Beside the broken wall , Wang Ze lit a cigarette and said , ” Little boy , what’s the matter with the two of them ? ”

.Wang Xiaotong was silent for a long time , then said : ” Violation , whipping , and burns ” ~ .

.” Sister Song didn’t come , I can’t see the rest . ”

.” A lot of scars anyway . ”

.Wang Ze’s expression remained unchanged , and he continued to smoke .

.But the coldness in his eyes grew stronger and stronger .

.Because there are other reasons for men and women , he did not check their bodies in person .

.This matter needs to be handed over to Song Ting .

.” Bao Qu , lead someone to thoroughly investigate this secret room . ”

.” I just want a result . ”

.” DNA or fingerprints of girl who disappeared five years ago . ”

.Bao Qu looked cold and stern , nodded and said, ” Yes ! Team Wang !”


.time .

.came four hours later .

.The work on Baoqu’s side has ended , and he returned to the Municipal Bureau for the final inspection .

.villa .

.yard .

.Wang Ze sat quietly on a rock , smoking a cigarette .

.Everyone in the criminal investigation team stood by and waited .

.No one speaks .

.At one point , the phone rang .

.Wang Ze took out his mobile phone and connected .

.” Hello ?”

.Bao Qu : ” Team Wang , the result is out . ”

.” There are many traces left in that secret room . ”

.” I used the ninhydrin method and even found a fingerprint from five years ago !”

.” The two girls who disappeared five years ago are also related to Lu Xingshu !”

.Wang Ze : ” I see . ”

.Human fingers sweat .

.Sweat contains trace amounts of protein .

.When you hold a soft object like paper with your fingers , it will follow the pattern of the fingerprint and leave the protein in the sweat on the object .

.Even years later , these proteins remain .

.Fingerprints can be seen simply by showing blue-violet coloration with ninhydrin .

.After hanging up the phone , Wang Ze said slowly : ” Dig the whole yard three feet into the ground . ”

.All police officers : ” Yes !”

.Wang Ze is clear .

.The two girls who disappeared five years ago have little chance of being alive .

.Interrogating Lu Xingshu is the fastest way .

.But this old bastard probably won’t admit to killing himself so easily .

.Kidnapping, captivity and murder .

.There is a big difference in sentencing .

.Therefore , he needs to find the … corpses of the two girls by himself .

.in the next time .

.All the people present in the criminal investigation team , holding tools , began to selectively excavate the courtyard of the villa .

.Everyone knows it .

.The two girls who disappeared five years ago are probably already dead .

.Well .

.What will Lu Xingshu do with the dead body ?

.Burial is the greatest possibility .

.No matter what the result is , what should be checked must be checked .

.Wang Ze was not idle either , he just found a place and started digging .

.five years .

.It is almost impossible to find suspicious spots from the soil surface .

.Only use the most stupid method , a little bit of digging .

.Time passed slowly .

.Some police officers seem to have dug up something , and their expressions are condensed .

.”� ” Team Wang , there is a discovery !”

.Hearing the sound , Wang Ze threw away the shovel and walked over quickly .

.under sight .

.The soil surface of the deep pit appears to be partly bone .

.Wang Ze said: ” Keep digging , be careful . ”

.Other police officers also gathered around and began to dig carefully .

.soon .

.The whole corpse sees the light of day again .

.Wang Ze squatted down and looked .

.The corpse was not completely ossified, with tendons and cartilage remaining .

.This means that the time of death does not exceed five years .

.Judging from the amount of tendon and cartilage remaining , it should be within four years .

.Seeing the body , all the police officers fell silent .

.The last slightest possibility is gone .

.The girl who disappeared five years ago .

.Basically confirmed death .

.Wang Ze took a deep breath and said , ” There is one more , and I will dig for another half an hour . ”

.” Can’t find it in half an hour , go back to the game . ”

.Everyone : “( It ‘s good ) Yes !”

.Time flies , and half an hour has passed .

.Another body was not found .

.Wang Ze didn’t waste any more time . After sealing the villa, he led the team back to the city bureau .

.case hall .

.Seeing Wang Ze coming back , Bao Qu got up quickly : ” Team Wang . ”

.Wang Ze didn’t speak , with a gloomy face , he entered the interrogation room directly .

.Interrogation room .

.Lu Xingshu sat with pain all over his body and kept moving .

.Seeing Wang Ze come in , he said unpleasantly, ” I said Captain Wang , when are you going to let me go ?”

.Wang Ze kept walking , stepped forward and kicked him to the ground .

.Lu Xingshu lay on the ground and covered himself for a while, and immediately stood up and said angrily, ” You dare to do it ?!”

.” I’m going to sue you !!!”

.Wang Ze strode over , pinched his hair and said coldly , ” An old thing like a beast !”

.” Where is the other corpse buried ?!”

Chapter 164 _ Final interrogation ? 3 ?

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