.” Where is the other corpse buried ?!”

.Wang Ze’s voice reached Lu Xingshu ‘s ears .

.His face changed suddenly at this moment .

.What the other party asked was not where the two bodies were .

.But where is the other corpse .

.This means that one of the bodies has apparently been found .

.” You …”

.Lu Xingshu opened his mouth , but didn’t say a word , his expression changed drastically .

.Wang Ze stared at him for a while, then let go of his hand and straightened up and said, ” Pull him up for me !”

.heard .

.The two police officers behind him stepped forward and dragged Lu Xingshu back to the chair .

.Wang Ze approached and said coldly, ” Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu have been found . ”

.” In the dark room of the villa , there are fingerprints and DNA of the girl who disappeared five years ago , and there are biological traces of you everywhere . ”

.” The body of one of them was dug up in the courtyard of the villa . ”

.” Lu Xingshu , you have completely committed the crime !”

.” Tell me immediately where the other body is ?!”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Lu Xingshu’s face turned pale .

.If Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are not found , he can shirk not knowing .

.If the body is not found , he can also deny the murder .

.But he never thought of 003 .

.less than a day .

.The other party actually investigated so thoroughly .

.” I … I don’t know . ”

.Lu Xingshu lowered his head , completely lost his previous arrogance and calmness .

.” I don’t know ?” Wang Ze narrowed his eyes , ” Cao Wenchi buried it, right ?”

.Lu Xingshu nodded : ” Yes …”

.Upon seeing this , Wang Ze turned around and left the interrogation room .

.another room .

.Wang Ze pushed open the door and entered .

.Cao Wenchi’s condition is much better than that of Lu Xingshu .

.Wang Ze walked up to Cao Wenchi and said, ” Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu have been found . ”

.Hearing this , Cao Wenchi’s eyes narrowed and he raised his head to stare at Wang Ze .

.but did not speak .

.Wang Ze said : ” Don’t think I’m deceiving you . ”

.” Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are in the hospital now . ”

.” Your former boss, Lu Xingshu , who is now next door , has pleaded guilty . ”

.” One of the two girls who went missing five years ago has been found . ”

.” Another corpse , did you deal with it ?”

.” Where is it buried ?”

.Cao Wenchi still did not speak .

?(chfe)?Seeing this , Wang Ze took out his mobile phone and dialed a number .

.” Hello ? Send me the photos of Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu in the ward . ”

.After hanging up the phone and waiting for a while , the photo came .

.Wang Ze showed the photo to Cao Wenchi .

.Cao Wenchi glanced at it and immediately changed color .

.Wang Ze put away his mobile phone and said coldly , ” Four girls , two died , and the other two were tortured in a terrible way . ”

.” Cao Wenchi , you are also going to be a father . ”

.” How would you feel if your child was treated like this in the future . ”

.Cao Wenchi clenched his fists and closed his eyes in pain .

.” Yes … I did it . ”

.Seeing Cao Wenchi asking the guilt , Wang Ze turned around and sat on the chair , saying , ” Tell me about the process . ”

.Cao Wenchi lowered his head and said , ” Five years ago , I was Lu Xingshu’s full-time driver . ”

.” One day he suddenly asked me if I wanted to make some money …”

.At the moment , Cao Wenchi will explain what happened five years ago .

.How to tie the person , how much was charged .

.Speak slowly , but carefully .

.He knows .

.In the face of absolute evidence , there is no point in continuing to carry it .

.Don’t say anything else .

.The testimony of Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu alone is enough to convict him .

.” Not long after I took the money , I quit my job and opened a script killing studio . ”

.The police officer in charge of the record was writing .

.Wang Ze stared at him and said, ” What happened to Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu ? ”

.Cao Wen said slowly : ” About half a year ago , Lu Xingshu contacted me and asked me to go to the villa to find him . ”

.” I didn’t expect … I didn’t expect …”

.” I didn’t think he was asking me to deal with the body . ”

.Wang Ze frowned : ” The second girl died six months ago ? ”

.Cao Wenchi nodded : ” It should be . ”

.Wang Ze took a deep breath and said coldly , ” Lu Xingshu has been imprisoning her ?”

.Cao Wenchi : ” Well . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How did the first girl die ? ”

.Cao Wenchi sighed, ” Accidental . ”

.” Lu Xingshu said that he played too much and accidentally killed him . ”

.” Be cautious with the second girl . ”

.Wang Ze said, ” How did the second girl die ?”

.Cao Wenchi said: ” Lu Xingshu killed , I’m tired of playing , let me catch two more .: water ; resources ?; source , group !;6,’,5?.6,6.1;!8.”‘8 .9,.6,?. Prepare , .Use “”; Intermediate ? Transfer !! Group ‘7,”6,’6,:.0’1.;8″3:2;?. 0 . ”

.Hearing this , the police officer in charge of recording looked up at him and was shocked .

.This case is simply subversive .

.Bang !

.Wang Ze slammed the table and said angrily, ” Why are you so obedient for money ?”

.”I ‘m married , my wife is pregnant , don’t think about them ?”

.Cao Wenchi smiled bitterly and said , ” I’m not doing it for money this time . ”

.” He made me do it . ”

.” Lu Xingshu , I can’t afford it . ”

.Wang Ze didn’t want to listen to these bullshit , and continued to ask : ” What’s the matter with the so-called commemorative card . ”

.Cao Wenchi was silent for a while, then said , ” After I locked Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu , I gave them two cards , saying they were custom cards . ”

.” With this kind of card , you can play privately customized high-end script kills for free , and you can pick them up and send them by car . ”

.” Then ask them out and drive to that villa . ”

.” After fainting , give it to Lu Xingshu . ”

.Asked here , the case has basically become clear .

.On the day of the incident, Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu went out almost at the same time , and they got into Cao Wenchi’s car .

.They thought they were lucky to be selected .

.Unexpectedly , they would be greeted by a week-long hell .

.If not found .

.Then the fate of Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu was no better than the two girls who disappeared five years ago .

.Wang Ze said: ” Where is the second girl buried ?”

.Cao Wenchi said, ” In the woods not far from the villa . ”

.Wang Ze got up : ” Take him to identify the scene . ”


.an hour later .

.Suburban woods .

.Four police officers took tools and started digging in the dirt .

.beside .

.Cao Wenchi was in handcuffs and was escorted by the police , watching this scene quietly .

.His face was calm though .

.But it was the calm of despair and regret .


.ps: Sorry for the slow update , it’s a bit lame .

.Thank you readers for subscribing .

Chapter 165 _ This old guy is really in trouble [ 4 ]

.” Royal team , dug it up . ”

.The police officer stopped digging and turned to look at Wang Ze .

.Hearing this , Wang Ze came over .

.inside the pit .

.A girl’s body can be clearly seen .

.Judging from the state of corruption , the time of death will not exceed one year .

.” Sister Song , I’ll leave it to you . ”

.Wang Zedao .

.Song Ting nodded and said , ” Carry it out . ”

.Two forensic doctors stepped forward and carefully lifted the body onto the white cloth .

.Song Ting glanced at the girl ‘s body and sighed .

.There are many visible wounds all over the body .

.The fatal wound , probably in the head .

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