.There are deep depressions there .

.Song Ting squatted down and looked at it for a while, and said , ” It was crushed to death . ”

.The voice fell .

.Everyone present turned their heads to look at Cao Wenchi .

.Being stared at by so many policemen , Cao Wenchi tightened his body and said quickly, ” It’s none of my business , I didn’t kill it !”

.” It’s that Lu Xingshu !”

.” I am … I am …”

.Before he finished speaking , Wang Ze turned around and kicked him .

.” Dog thing !”

.”The accomplice still has so much nonsense ?!”

.Cao Wenchi was hit so hard that he almost didn’t fly out .

.Thankfully there are police officers in control .

.” Wang Ze !”

.Song Ting frowned and shouted , signaling Wang Ze not to do anything to the suspect .

.Suspects have their own legal trials .

.But Wang Ze , who hates evil , can understand .

.This case is really too tragic .

.Especially the corpse in front of him .

.years of torture in captivity .

.It’s hard to imagine what she was going through .

.compared to her .

.Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are lucky .

.” Let’s close the team . ”

.Wang Ze shook his head and turned to leave .


.City Council .

.interrogation room .

.Wang Ze stood in front of Lu Xingshu again .

.Looking at Wang Ze’s gloomy face , Lu Xingshu was frightened .

.” You … what are you doing ?”

.” I warn you not to mess around !”

.The place where he was kicked by the other party before , still hurts now !

.Wang Ze said coldly , ” You old bastard knows you’re afraid ?”

.” Are you happy when you tortured them ?”

.” Aren’t you excited when you kill someone with a heart ?”

.Lu Xingshu swallowed and said , ” I agree , I agree ! I agree !”

.” You, you … you stay away from me !”

.On the other side , Chen Ping, who was in charge of taking the notes, hesitated for a moment .

.Seems to be considering whether to turn off the recording .

.He was really worried that Wang Ze would get angry and beat him up here .

.That’s illegal .

.It is not a trivial matter to spread to Liu Bureau .

.Wang Ze clenched his fists , turned around and said, ” Chen Ping , please ask , ask clearly . ”

.” Do n’t miss any details . ”

.Chen Ping nodded : ” Okay King Team . ”

.After leaving the interrogation room, Wang Ze came to Liu Guanghai’s office .

.All the files were handed over .

.After reading it carefully , Liu Guanghai looked angry : ” This Lu Xingshu …”

.” Several crimes are punished together , and the death penalty cannot escape . ”

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette and did not speak .

.Vendetta and love , there is always a motive .

.But this case is entirely because of Lu Xingshu’s abnormal psychology .

.As a result, two girls were killed and two girls were tortured .

.For a long time or even a lifetime in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out of the psychological shadow .

.The last thing he wanted was a case like this .

.Liu Guanghai glanced at him and said , ” What are you thinking about ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” I’m thinking , how many people like Lu Xingshu are in the whole country . ”

.Liu Guanghai smiled and said , ” Why , do you want to arrest them all ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” If you have the conditions … of course . ”

.Liu Guanghai said : ” If you want to do this , I’m afraid you need a thousand of you . ”

.” Don’t overthink it . ”

.” This case has been handled beautifully , ready to close and hand it over . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”


.that night .

.A single-family villa in Yuncheng .

.A luxury car came from a distance and parked in the yard .

.Jiang Hong got off the car , opened the door and walked in .

.Dinner is over .

.Jiang Ying and the others were watching TV and chatting .

.” Eh ? Brother ?”

.” Why are you free to come back today . ”

.After seeing Jiang Hongtian , Jiang Ying seemed to have discovered a new continent .

.Jiang Hongtian took off his coat and said , ” There is a problem with the business , come back and rest . ”

.” Something wrong ? Oh . ”

.Jiang Ying didn’t ask any further questions and continued to eat melon seeds .

.She didn’t ask , it didn’t mean Jiang Jianye didn’t ask .

.” Hongtian , what ‘s wrong ?”

.” Isn’t it negotiating a contract with Everbright Group ? What’s wrong ?”

.Jiang Hongtian came to the living room and said as he walked, ” Forget it . ”

.”I was at the Everbright Group this morning to discuss cooperation with Lu Dong . ”

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

.”I didn’t expect someone from the city bureau to take him away . ”

.Jiang Jianye was taken aback : “The Municipal Bureau ? Who ?”

.Jiang Hongtian glanced at Jiang Ying and said , ” People from the criminal investigation team . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Jianye frowned : “The Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau ?”

.” Old fellow Lu Xingshu , what happened ?”

.Jiang Hongtian poured himself a glass of water , shook his head and said, ” I don’t know . ”

.Hearing the criminal investigation team , Jiang Ying turned her head : ” Who went ?”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Who else could be your boyfriend . ”

.” With nearly twenty people . ”

.” That posture , it is estimated that it is a big case . ”

.Hearing that it was Wang Ze , Jiang Ying came to the spirit : ” Wang Ze took Lu Xingshu away ?”

.Jiang Hongtian nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Jiang Jianye was surprised : ” What’s the situation , who is leading the team ?”

0 0 ……

.Jiang Hongtian : ” I didn’t say it , Wang Ze . ”

.Jiang Jianye wondered : ” He is a newly hired criminal police officer , what team does he lead ?”

.Jiang Hongtian was helpless : ” I said Dad , and you , Xiaoying . ”

.” Can your news be blocked any more ?”

.” Wang Ze is now the deputy captain of the city bureau’s criminal investigation team , not a new criminal police officer . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Jianye was surprised : ” Deputy captain of the criminal investigation team ?”

.” Really ?”

.Jiang Hongtian sighed : ” Of course the nonsense is true . ”

.” This morning , Wang Ze rushed into the conference room with a group of criminal policemen and took Lu Xingshu away without saying a word of nonsense . ”

.” Also , there is no arrest warrant , just a subpoena . ”

.Jiang Ying was surprised : ” Eh ? He was promoted ? So fast ?”

.Jiang Hongtian was suspicious : ” You really don’t know ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” I really don’t know , he didn’t tell me . ”

.Jiang Jianye was silent for a while, and said , ” What case do you not know about ?”

.Everbright Group and Jiang’s Group do have cooperation .

.And it’s a great collaboration .

.If something happened to Lu Xingshu , it would also affect them .

.Jiang Hongtian shook his head : ” I don’t know , he didn’t say it, it shouldn’t be a trivial matter . ”

.” I have to quickly distance myself from the Everbright Group . ”

.Jiang Jianye was surprised : ” Lu Xingshu is not an ordinary person , was he taken away so honestly ?”

.Jiang Hongtian smiled bitterly : ” Dad , of course I was not honest at first . ”

.” But Wang Ze is even more ruthless . He almost took out his gun and even moved his hands . Can you be honest ?”

.” I see , this old guy , it ‘s really a mess . ”

…. wide .

Chapter 166 _ He is a money fan ? 1 ?

.Inside the living room .

.” So serious ?”

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