.Jiang Ying was a little surprised .

.She felt that Wang Ze was a good-tempered person .

.It can make Wang Ze angry .

.I’m afraid that Lu Xingshu has committed a lot of things .

.Jiang Jianye took a sip of tea and said , ” We and Everbright Group are old partners . ”

.”I didn’t expect such a thing to happen suddenly . ”

.” Lu Xingshu , shouldn’t you be too confused ?”

.” Maybe it will come out after a while ?”

.Jiang Hongtian pondered a little , and said , ” I think it’s enough . ”

.” If it’s a trivial matter , Wang Ze can’t be so inspiring . ”

.” And Wang Ze’s attitude towards Lu Xingshu at that time …”

.” Let’s put it that way . ”

.” If he refuses to cooperate , I feel that Wang Ze wants to kill him directly . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Jianye fell silent .

?” zero one zero “?The last time I saw Wang Ze .

.see it .

.The other party is a young man with a strong sense of justice , who hates evil like hatred .

.To make him like this , it seems that the case Lu Xingshu is involved in is really unlikely to be a small case .

.” It would be nice to have a little bit of news ahead of time . ”

.” You can also prepare early . ”

.After being silent for a while , Jiang Jianye spoke .

.After speaking , he looked at Jiang Ying .

.After Jiang Hongtian nodded , he also looked at his sister .

.Being stared at by the two , Jiang Ying was speechless : ” You don’t want me to call him and ask ?”

.Jiang Hongtian said : ” If it is possible , of course it would be the best . ”

.Jiang Ying hesitated and said , ” Is this not a violation ?”

.Jiang Jianye smiled and said , ” If it involves secrets , he won’t tell you if you ask . ”

.” Probably get to know it . ”

.” Do n’t worry , it ‘s all my own and I won’t cause him any trouble . ”

.Jiang Ying shrugged : ” That’s fine . ”

.After speaking , she took out her phone .

.Afraid of disturbing the other party’s investigation , she did not call directly , but sent a WeChat first .

? Are you busy ? ?

.After a while , Wang Ze replied : I ‘m not busy , what’s wrong ?

.Jiang Ying : Is it convenient to make a phone call ?

.Wang Ze : Convenient .

.Seeing this , Jiang Ying no longer hesitated and dialed Wang Ze’s number .

.The call was connected quickly .

.Wang Ze : ” Hello ? What’s wrong ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Uh , it ‘s nothing . Greetings to you . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Your brother asked you to call ?”

.Jiang Ying was surprised : ” Eh ? How did you know ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I arrested his business partner in front of him . He must know the situation . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Okay okay , then … is it convenient to say ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I can’t tell you the rest . ”

.” But Lu Xingshu can’t leave . ”

.The affairs of Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu should be kept secret in all aspects .

.This incident was enough to hurt the two girls .

.If it is sent out again .

.The two faced more than just physical stress .

.And mental stress .

.It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no suicidal tendencies .

.We must do our utmost to prevent this from fermenting .

.But the seriousness of Lu Xingshu’s crime is not a secret , it will spread sooner or later .

.Jiang Ying : ” Ca n’t leave ? Do you want to be sentenced ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Yes . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” How long will the sentence be ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Not long , death penalty . ”

.Jiang Ying was stunned for a moment , and then said: ” Death ?!!”

.” He killed ?!”

.Wang Ze : ” I can only tell you so much . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Oh, okay , sorry . ”

.” Thank you , call me tomorrow and the day after the case is over . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Why are you being so polite all of a sudden , I really don’t get used to it . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled and said, ” I’m not afraid of making it difficult for you . ”

.Wang Ze : ” If I can help , of course I will . ”

.” If you can’t help , you will understand . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Hey , why do you rate me so highly ?”

.Wang Ze : ” That is , who made you a girlfriend who fell from the sky . ”

.Jiang Ying coughed lightly : ” Yes , I’ll give you a reward next time . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Open a room ? What kind of room ? I’m a serious person . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Go away!!”

.The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone .

.Jiang Jianye and Jiang Hongtian stared straight at Jiang Ying .

.Ask about things , why do you start flirting ?

.” Look at what ?”

.” Have you ever been in a relationship before ?”

.Jiang Ying stared back .

.Jiang Jianye coughed and said , “I just said , death penalty ?”

.Jiang Ying nodded : ” Yes , I didn’t mention the others , it should be kept secret …”

.Jiang Hongtian frowned .

.He obviously didn’t expect it .

.Lu Xingshu actually committed such a serious thing .

.It seems that the high probability has something to do with human fatalities .

.Such words .

.He really has to think about the follow-up work issues .

.That’s it .

.It is impossible to retreat without any loss .

.” That old bastard !”

.Jiang Hongtian gritted his teeth .

.Jiang Jianye also sighed : ” Know the person, know the face, but not the heart . ”

.”I didn’t expect Lu Xingshu to be involved in such a big lawsuit . ”

.” People are arrested in the morning and convicted in the evening. It seems that Wang Ze has found irrefutable evidence . ”

.” Otherwise , he wouldn’t talk nonsense . ”

.Jiang Hongtian nodded and said , ” Sentencing is not something that the Municipal Bureau can decide , but since Wang Ze has given a definite answer , it means that Lu Xingshu’s crime is definitely not trivial . ”

.” Even if a powerful lawyer comes , it’s probably useless . ”

.Jiang Jianye said: ” Hurry up and take it out , do n’t get involved with the Everbright Group . ”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Okay . ”

.Afterwards , Jiang Jianye thought for a while and said , ” Wang Ze’s promotion , do we have to make arrangements ?”

.Jiang Ying said quickly : ” Farewell , he probably doesn’t like this . ”

.” I’ll just treat him to a bowl of chop suey . ”

.If Wang Ze is here , I am afraid he will be scolded .

.Jiang Jianye : “.?”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Uh …”

.At this moment , he suddenly sympathized with Wang Ze .

.When you’re with your sister , you ‘re usually bullied a lot, right ?

.” Hey . ”

.He sighed quietly .

.Jiang Ying looked over : ” What do you mean by sighing ? I am a very qualified girlfriend . ”

.” Get him clothes , get a haircut , buy cigarettes . ”

.” After a while for his birthday , I’m going to give him a car he likes . ”

.” He’s gotta have fun . ”

.Jiang Hongtian coughed lightly : ” I’m not a person who loves money , so take it easy . ”

.Jiang Ying stared : ” He’s a money fan !”

.Jiang Hongtian and Jiang Jianye looked at each other .

.” Do you believe it, Dad ? ”

.Jiang Jianye shook his head : ” I don’t believe it . ”

.The two looked at Jiang Ying .

.Jiang Ying’s mouth twitched : ” I don’t believe it ! I’ll record it for you next time !”

Chapter 167 _ Zou Yanmei ? 2 ?

.City Council here .

.office .

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