.Wang Ze , who hung up the phone , smiled .

.Jiang Ying’s character is more tiger .

.Chatting with her , without talking nonsense , is really uncomfortable .

.She wouldn’t be angry anyway .

.Putting the phone aside , he continued to review the dossier materials that had been sorted out .

.This case is a little more complicated , and the suspects are special .

.He needs to do everything right and make sure the chain of evidence is complete .

.take the case .

.Make iron case .

.At one point , there was a knock on the door .

.Wang Ze said without raising his head, ” Come in . ”

.The door of the room opened , and Chen Ping walked in .

.He put the documents on the table and said : ” Wang team , Lu Xingshu’s confession has been sorted out , there is no problem . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay, I know . ”

.” Leave it there . ”

.Chen Ping said: ” One more thing , Zou Yanmei is here . ”

.” Brother Qian is negotiating . ”

.Hearing Zou Yanmei , Wang Ze flipped through the document and raised his head .

.” How are you feeling ?”

.Chen Ping said : ” Not very good . ”

.” She kept asking , what did Cao Wenchi do to lock him up . ”

.Wang Ze sighed : ” It’s really enough to have such a husband on the stall . ”

.” You go out first . ”

.Chen Ping said : ” Okay . ”

.Later , Wang Ze picked up the confession sent by Chen Ping .

.After reading it once without a problem , I signed my name .

.After doing this , he got up and left the office .

.When I came to the case handling hall , I found that many people were still working overtime .

.As Wang Ze walked, he said , ” Hurry up and go back . I’ll talk about the materials that should be sorted out tomorrow , so don’t worry . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Thank you, Team Wang . ”

.Bao Qu : ” Finally able to leave , Team Xie Wang . ”

.The crowd stood up .

.Wang Ze kept walking , pushed the door and entered the reception room .

.Zou Yanmei , still talking to Qian Tai .

.” Today you must give me an explanation !”

.After entering , Wang Ze happened to hear this sentence .

.Qian Tai turned to look at Wang Ze , ignored it, and continued : ” Ms. Zou , this case is special , and I can’t tell you the specific content for the time being . ”

.” You’ll know when you get to the courtroom . ”

.Whether it is a public hearing or a private hearing .

.Families can watch .

.Zou Yanmei frowned : ” I just want to know what happened to my husband , is it difficult ?”

.” Why can’t you tell me ?”

.” I’m his wife !”

.Qian Tai patiently said : ” We have regulations , and there are also death orders from above . ”

.”The details of the case are really inconvenient to reveal . ”

.Zou Yanmei : ” Who gave the order , you call him !”

.Qian Tai opened his mouth and looked at Wang Ze subconsciously .

.Wang Ze leaned against the table and crossed his arms across his chest .

.Zou Yanmei also looked over .

.Four eyes facing each other .

.” Are you the leader ?”

.Zou Yanmei was surprised .

.She has seen this man .

.Yesterday , came to the house to search .

.I just didn’t expect that the other party was not an ordinary police officer .

.it looks .

.Young is a bit too much .

.Wang Ze nodded : ” What’s wrong with my order ?”

.Zou Yanmei was silent for a while, then said, ” I want to know what crime my husband committed . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Kidnapping , killing accomplices . ”

.Hearing this , Zou Yanmei’s expression changed : ” What did you say ?!”

.” Impossible !”

.She was visibly startled .

.I thought it was just a trivial matter like cheating .

.How is it related to kidnapping and murder ? !

.Wang Ze said: ” Ms. Zou , you are pregnant and shouldn’t have told you for the time being . ”

.” But I know you won’t get an answer today , and I’m afraid you won’t leave easily . ”

.” And at the trial , you will know sooner or later , not less than a few days . ”

.” I’m not kidding you . ”

.” Your husband, Cao Wenchi , is suspected of kidnapping and indirectly causing death . ”

.” During the interrogation , there was no confession, and he was bitten to death without saying anything . ”

.” According to the regulations , it will be a serious crime . ”

.” I’m sorry to tell you that you will not be able to reunite for at least the next ten years . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Zou Yanmei’s face turned pale .

.She murmured to herself , ” How could it be , how could it be …”

.” Impossible !”

.” How could he kidnap ? How could it be related to murder ?!”

.Wang Ze said : ” I understand your mood , and I also understand that as Cao Wenchi’s wife , your heart will definitely favor Cao Wenchi . ”

.” But . ”

.” Victim , much worse than you . ”

.” Nothing is impossible . ”

.” Do you need me to show you the bones of the victim ?”

.Zou Yanmei stayed there .

.After a long time , she said, ” He … he pleaded guilty ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : “The evidence is conclusive , he has to admit it . ”

.” Ms Zou , it’s not your fault . ”

.” But when thinking about the problem, you ca n’t just think about yourself , but also the innocent victims . ”

.” Cao Wenchi , the sin is unforgivable . ”

.” Go home and wait for the trial . ”

.Zou Yanmei lost her soul .

.She never thought that Cao Wenchi had committed such a serious crime .

.What is his reason ? !

.At this moment , she really wanted to stand in front of Cao Wenchi and ask him .

.When doing things, do you think about yourself and your children ? !

.You are caught 01 if ” water ‘ resource : source . group !’6!,;5:”””6,’!6’1?8?”!8:?;9!”” 6 ” ? :?.” Turn ;;! Group ;’7;6:.:6:0!1.”8″;3′?2:.’ 00 .

.What do we do ? !

.Wang Ze glanced at her and shook his head helplessly .

.He knew what the other person was thinking .

.But things have been irreversible .

.For the four victims , Cao Wenchi bears unshirkable responsibility .

.The exact sentence will depend on the outcome of the trial .

.It’s not up to him to decide either .

.Zou Yanmei left .

.Before leaving , she did not ask to see Cao Wenchi .

.Maybe see you .

.I don’t even know what to say .

.Wang Ze specially asked Chen Ping to send her back .

.One yard to one yard .

.Cao Wenchi’s affairs have nothing to do with her .

.To some extent .

.Zou Yanmei is also one of the victims of this case .

.reception room .

.Qian Tai poured a glass of water and said , ” Wang Ze , do you feel that Zou Yanmei will kill the child ? ”

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette and said , ” I don’t know , that was after the trial . ”

.” Whether it will or not is her own decision . ”

.Qian Tai sighed and said , ” This case affects five or six families . ”

.Wang Ze : ” No way , we can’t stop the crime from happening . ”

.Qian Tai nodded slightly .

.” Get off work . ”

.” I’ll go first . ”

Chapter 168 _ If you have something to say , come to my office and say it ? 3 ?

.Ten o’clock in the morning the next day .

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