.A hospital in Yuncheng .

.Wang Ze and others came to the ward where Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu were .

.The parents of the two have been taking good care of them .

.The distress and remorse on his face lingered .

.” Police brother . ”

.It was Ding Liyi who spoke .

.Her condition seems to be much better than Shan Qianyu .

.After a day and a night , plus the company of my parents .

.At this moment , I can no longer see the panic and fear when I was rescued .

.The single thousand language status is slightly worse .

.The whole person is still afraid .

.When I saw a few people coming in , I couldn’t help but shiver .

.But after discovering that it was Wang Ze , she relaxed again .

.” Police … brother police officer . ”

.They knew it yesterday .

.It was Wang Ze who saved them .

.” You …”

.” Are you Captain Wang of the Criminal Investigation Team ?”

.Father Ding spoke .

.Wang Ze smiled and nodded : ” Hello , it’s me . ”

.After being affirmed , Ding Liyi’s parents and Shan Qianyu’s parents got up quickly .

.” Captain Wang , thank you ! Thank you !”

.” Captain Wang , thank you for saving my daughter ! Thank you !”

.The four kept bowing .

.They already knew the ins and outs of the matter .

.It can be said that if it weren’t for Wang Ze , their daughter would be in danger .

.Now , I don’t know how .

.This is a life saver .

.Wang Ze quickly stretched out his hand : ” You don’t have to do this , it’s our duty . ”

.” Sit down now . ”

.” Thank you , thank you . ”

.” Thank you …”

.Several people were still talking .

.Shan Qianyu’s mother even cried .

.Of course not crying Wang Ze .

.Rather, I am saddened by what happened to my daughter .

.At this moment , Father Ding said angrily, ” Captain Wang , where is that old bastard ?”

.Wang Ze said: “The custody has been handed over . ”

.” When the procuratorate’s review is completed , the court will choose a day . ”

.Father Ding nodded : ” That’s good … that’s good …”

.”I must sentence him for a few more years ” ~ !”

.Shan Qianyu’s father also said , ” Yes !”

.” This kind of beast will have to be sentenced for a few more years !”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” In his hands , there are still two lives . ”

.” Two girls’ lives . ”

.” So , it’s not a question of how many years he will be sentenced . ”

.Hearing this , several people were immediately stunned .

.After a long time , they all sighed .

.Compared with those two girls , my daughter …

.Are you lucky ?

.It’s ridiculous to think about .

.After a week of torment , I still have to use the word lucky to describe it .

.Wang Ze said : ” That …”

.” We are here today for two purposes . ”

.”The first is to see how Ding Liyi and Shan Qianyu are recovering . ”

.” Second , it’s to record the confession . ”

.” I know that this may be a secondary injury , but in order to allow the suspect to receive the punishment he deserves , please invite a few … let’s make it difficult . ”

.Several people looked at each other and nodded .

.Since it is to punish criminals .

.Of course they won’t refuse .

.” Haoyu , Chen Ping . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head .

.The two stepped forward .

.” Yes , Captain . ”

.Wang Ze reminded : ” Pay attention to the wording . ”

.The two nodded : ” Don’t worry, Captain . ”

.Wang Ze did not stay in the ward , turned around and left .

.After half an hour .

.Ma Haoyu and Chen Ping walked out and handed the transcript to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took it and looked at it for a while, then said, ” Close the case . ”


.three days later .

.It was the last afternoon before the weekend .

.Tomorrow and the day after Wang Ze don’t need to be on duty , it’s a rest day .

.After work .

.Jiang Ying said that he would come to pick him up .

.And Li Xiangbin came back at this time .

.” Team Lee ?”

.” Eh ? Team Li is back !”

.” Haha , why does it feel like I haven’t seen you for a long time . ”

.After seeing Li Xiangbin , Wang Xiaotong and others quickly got up and said with a smile .

.Li Xiangbin threw the backpack on the table and said , ” With Wang Ze , you have forgotten me , haven’t you? Huh ?”

.Wang Xiaotong smiled and said , “How can you, welcome Team Li back . ”

.” Applause and applaud !”

.Li Xiangbin raised his hand : ” Don’t , don’t fix these useless things . ”

.” Where’s Wang Ze ?”

.” Did you skip work ?”

.Ma Haoyu poured a glass of water and handed it to Li Xiangbin , saying , ” Team Wang is in the office . ”

.Hearing this , Li Xiangbin snorted : “I almost forgot . ”

.” This kid is delivering good news from the delivery room , he has been promoted !”

.”I have my own office . ”

.” What’s the matter , when I came back , I didn’t see him greet me?”

.” Is he going to revolt ?”

.The crowd burst into laughter .

.”The King’s Team !”

.” Team Lee is back !”

.Ma Haoyu shouted .

.Soon , the office door opened , and Wang Ze stuck out half of his head .

.Somewhat funny .

.After seeing Li Xiangbin , he said in a low voice , ” Team Li is back ?”

.” Cough , if you have something to say , come to my office and say it . ”

.” I’m busy . ”

.Everyone : “…”

.Li Xiangbin’s face was shaking , and he said angrily, ” Wang Ze ! Come out for me !”

.” It’s long enough, isn’t it ?”

.” Let me go to your office to talk ?!”

.” Believe it or not, I will smoke you !!”

.” Come out !”

.Everyone held back their laughter .

.Wang Ze , he likes to be poor with Li Xiangbin when he has nothing to do .

.It is also one of the few pleasures of their criminal investigation team .

.Wang Ze blinked and walked out of the office with a smile .

.” Hi , old Lee … uh , Team Lee . ”

.Li Xiangbin said with a cold face , pointing to the front : ” Stand here . ”

.Wang Ze came over .

.Li Xiangbin : ” Stand at attention !”

.Wang Ze adjusted his stance .

.Li Xiangbin looked at him and said, ” Okay , Captain Wang , I have n’t seen you for a few days , and the spectrum is getting bigger and bigger . ”

.” What’s the matter . ”

.” Flying ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” Team Li , how dare I. ”

.” Congratulations to Team Li , the glory is back !”

.Li Xiangbin laughed and scolded : ” If I catch a prisoner , what glory will return ?”

.” It’s you . ”

.” I heard that you managed Lu Xingshu of Everbright Group ? ”

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