.Wang Ze said: ” Then your heart is too dark . ”

.” I’m a sincere compliment , but I can’t treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Are you still a gentleman ?”

.Wang Ze : ” It’s like a fake gentleman . ”

.” You haven’t said where to go yet ?”

.Jiang Ying said : ” I found a nice place recently . ”

.” Near mountains and rivers , beautiful scenery , far away from the hustle and bustle of the city . ”

.” Go and see ?”

.Wang Ze was taken aback : ” Tourism ?”

.Jiang Ying : “That’s right . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Say earlier , I’m not prepared for anything . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” What are you going to prepare ? Will you be back the day after tomorrow ?”

.”The day after tomorrow ?” Wang Ze glanced at Jiang Ying and said , ” Are you staying with me for two days ?”

.Jiang Ying glanced at her eyes and said , ” You want to be beautiful !”

.Wang Ze sighed : ” Hey , what kind of love is this talking about ? ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying clenched the steering wheel slightly .

.Heartbeat , suddenly a little faster .

.She didn’t think so much .

.But when Wang Ze said this , the sense of picture suddenly came .

.” How far ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Jiang Ying took a deep breath , shook off the inexplicable thoughts in her mind , and said, ” Fifty kilometers . ”

Chapter 170 _ Husband and wife who love each other ? 5 ?

.an hour later .

.The vehicle left the main road and entered a small road .

.There are fields on both sides .

.Not far ahead , a construction area can already be seen .

.Jiang Ying said: ” That’s it . It seems that it has just opened . It is a private leisure resort . -”

.Wang Ze looked at it for a while and said , “The area doesn’t seem to be large . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded : ” It’s not really big . ”

.” Only twenty people at most . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Have you reserved a room ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” No. ”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” Then how can you be sure that there must be a room ?”

.” At night , I don’t want to sleep in the wilderness !”

.Jiang Ying smiled and said , ” Didn’t I tell you, it ‘s not long before it started . ”

.” Not many people know this place . ”

.” And I have already consulted the boss , you don’t need to make a reservation , just come directly . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze nodded and was relieved .

.This Jiang Ying .

.It doesn’t feel very reliable .

.The vehicle was on the trail for ten minutes .

.The parking lot has arrived .

.The two got out of the car .

.”The trunk is in the back . ”

.Jiang Ying shouted .

.Wang Ze : ” I see . ”

.He took out his luggage from the trunk , and the two walked towards the door .

.There happened to be a man and a woman in front , who seemed to be here to play .

.Just the woman .

.in a wheelchair .

.There must be a problem with the legs .

.Wang Ze glanced at it .

.The two were about forty years old .

.Seeing that the slope was relatively steep , Wang Ze put down his suitcase and walked quickly to help .

.” Be careful . ”

.The man turned his head and said with a smile, ” Thank you . ”

.The woman also turned her head and said , ” Thank you, young man . ”

.Wang Ze smiled back : ” It ‘s alright , it ‘s all right .

.Together , the two pushed the wheelchair up .

.When the man saw Jiang Ying coming , he smiled and said , ” You are also here to play, right ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes , this is the first time . ”

.The man said : ” It’s not the first time for us , this place is really good . ”

.” When I’m free , I’ll tell you about the strategy . ”

.” Don’t look at how small this place is , it has everything . ”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Then it couldn’t be better . ”

.The four of them came to the hall together .

.The boss is a fat guy who is playing mobile games .

.When he saw a guest coming , he put down his mobile phone and said enthusiastically, ” Do you still only eat when you check in ?”

.The man turned his head : ” You guys , go ahead . ”

.Wang Ze was not polite , and said , ” Okay , thank you . ”

.He took a few steps forward and said , ” Boss , open two rooms . ”

.At this time , Jiang Ying also came over and did not speak .

.” Two rooms ?”

.The fat boss looked at Wang Ze and then at Jiang Ying .

.” Is it two rooms ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.The boss coughed lightly : ” I’m sorry , there’s only one left . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Huh ?”

.The boss blinked at Wang Ze , and said , ” There is still a luxury couple’s double bed room left . This is the room card . ”

.” Have a nice evening . ”

.After he finished speaking , he put the room card into Wang Ze’s hand .

.” Five hundred and eighty-eight , how to pay ?

.Wang Ze : ” Huh ?”

.When he was stunned , Jiang Ying took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to pay for the house .

.” Come on, you sleep on the sofa . ”

.” It’s not that I haven’t done it . ”

.Jiang Ying opened his mouth .

.That’s what I did last time I was at Wang Ze’s house .

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Okay . ”

.” Didn’t you say there are many rooms ?”

.He pulled the suitcase and left with Jiang Ying .

.Jiang Ying said as he walked, ” Maybe it’s busy on weekends . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head and said apologetically, ” Brother , I’m sorry . ”

.The man held back his laughter and waved his hand : ” It’s alright, it’s alright . ”

.” Boss , open a room . ”

.The fat boss nodded : ” No problem , just the last room . ”

.Wang Ze : “..”

.Whoops !

.This boss can handle it , he really talks nonsense when something happens !

.Jiang Ying was also stunned .

.After hearing ” just the last room ” , she didn’t know if it was true or not .

.But it doesn’t matter .

.Anyway, Wang Ze is not an outsider .

.” Let’s go . ”

.The two came to the room .

.so-called …

.Deluxe couple room .

.That’s right .

.Luxurious indeed .

.If “:! Water ‘: Resources :;: Group ‘6!’ 5,6 ? 6,”1”:;8;’8:9!;6′ for use , “?! : Turn ? !! Group ;:?7?6;!,6″!:0?;1;.”8;””3;”2′;!0 is indeed a big bed .

.And indeed … a couple .

.Because the bed is covered with roses .

.After seeing the layout of the room , Jiang Ying blushed slightly and said , ” Be honest at night !”

.” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned for a moment , and immediately became unhappy .

.” This is my line !”

.Jiang Ying stared : ” What do you mean ?”

.” How can I be dishonest to you ?”

.Wang Ze mused : ” That’s not necessarily true . ”

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.Jiang Ying raised her hand : ” I think you owe a fight !”

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