.After a while , the two put down their luggage and prepared to go to dinner .

.Just happened to meet the man and woman from before .

.Coincidentally .

.The two lived not far from each other .

.Two rooms apart .

.Seeing Wang Ze and the two , the man smiled and said, ” Go to dinner ?”

.Wang Ze walked towards him , nodded and smiled : ” Yes , are you too ?”

.The man said: ” Yes . ”

.” Would you like to join us ? Just have something to eat . ”

.” The food here is actually average , it’s the only downside . ”

.” If you want a lavish candlelit dinner , I’m afraid it won’t be possible . ”

.He was joking .

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” For candlelight dinner, it would be nice to have scrambled eggs . ”


.” Then let’s go together , there are so many people . ”

.Twenty minutes later .

.Downstairs restaurant .

.chatting .

.Wang Ze knew the names of the two .

.The man’s name is Xie Jiarui .

.The woman’s name is Xu Shuang .

.each other as husband and wife

.When talking about work , Xie Jiarui fell silent .

.After a while , he said : ” I have resigned . ”

.” My wife doesn’t have much time . I just hope to accompany her well in her lifetime without any regrets . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze quickly said : ” I’m sorry, Brother Xie , I don’t know about this situation . ”

.Without waiting for Xie Jiarui to speak , Xu Shuang smiled and said , ” It’s okay , it’s nothing , it’s just a fact . ”

.” It’s only me who has dragged down Jia Rui for too long . ”

.It was obvious that she was still optimistic .

.In other words , it has been seen .

.Since it will be soon in this world , it is better to enjoy life .

.Hearing this , Xie Jiarui hugged Xu Shuang and complained, ” What are you talking about ? You are not allowed to say it in the future , do you hear me?”

.Xu Shuang smiled apologetically and nodded slightly .

.The relationship between the two is obviously very good .

.Aside from illness , it’s enviable .

.At this moment , Xie Jiarui glanced at the two and said , ” Are you married ?”

.Wang Ze waved his hands again and again : ” No no no . ”

.” Oh . ”

.Xie Jiarui nodded and said with a smile , ” Hurry up . ”

.”The right person must be grasped . ”

.Jiang Ying held her chin : ” Who knows if he is the right person . ”

.Wang Ze : ” It’s all right to be wrong , and you still want to pick and choose ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” What did you say ?!”

…. wide .

Chapter 171 _ How can I sleep on such a small sofa ? 1 ?

.Xu Shuang looked at Wang Ze and Jiang Ying who were ” noisy ” and smiled .

.In his eyes , with envy .

.young .

.Just good .

.healthy …

.Just good .

.” This is a happy couple . ”

.” Don’t look at them like this , their feelings will not be worse than ours . ”

.Xu Shuang whispered .

.Xie Jiarui nodded with a smile and said , “I can see it , I can see it . ”

.” I haven’t seen such a good-looking couple for a long time . ”

.Xu Shuang : ” Am I not pretty ?”

.Women’s brain circuits are quite strange .

.Regardless of age .

.Xie Jiarui shook his head and laughed : ” Here again . ”

.” Of course you are the most beautiful in my heart . ”

.” But that doesn’t prevent me from giving evaluations to others . ”

.All are not blind .

.Beautiful things , ” zero and one zero ” things , like to look twice .

.His three views are still very positive .

.Xu Shuang thought about it and said , ” Okay , you’re right . ”

.”The girls are really good looking , and the guys are pretty handsome too . ”

.After speaking , she coughed a few times and frowned .

.His face also began to turn pale .

.Seeing this , Xie Jiarui quickly took out a large water glass from his bag , opened it and handed it to her : ” Drink some water quickly . ”

.Xu Shuang took the water glass and took several sips , looking very thirsty .

.Wang Ze and the two looked over .

.Xu Shuang’s face was not very good .

.Clearly , he was really sick .

.Out of courtesy , they didn’t ask more .

.Wang Ze picked up the kettle next to him : ” Drink some more, Sister Xu . ”

.He poured some water into Xu Shuang ‘s cutlery cup .

.Drink plenty of hot water .

.There is no harm after all .

.Xie Jiarui said quickly : ” I’m sorry, Wang Ze , she doesn’t drink the water outside , I’m worried about impurities . ”

.” When I go out , I always bring purified water from home . ”

.” Ah ?” Wang Ze was stunned , nodded and said, ” Oh, okay , sorry . ”

.He also didn’t know what kind of illness Xu Shuang had .

.But it’s people’s habit , he won’t put his beak .

.Tap water and purified water are indeed quite different in taste and composition .

.After you are used to drinking pure water , it is difficult to drink the boiled tap water .

.There will be an odor .

.Xu Shuang coughed a few times again , and Xie Jiarui gently patted her on the back very intimately .

.Wang Ze and Jiang Ying looked at each other and both sighed secretly .

.Birth, sickness and death are unavoidable .

.This is everyone’s life .

.After Xu Shuang took another sip of water, she felt better .

.” I’m sorry . ”

.She apologized .

.Wang Ze hurriedly said, ” It’s okay, it’s okay . ”

.The food will be ready soon .

.Several people chatted while eating .

.Xie Jiarui also specifically asked for a bottle of liquor .

.” Brother Wang Ze , have a drink ?”

.Wang Ze nodded with a smile : ” Yes . ”

.As a criminal policeman , there are not many opportunities to drink alcohol at ordinary times .

.It doesn’t matter if you drink a little during the holidays .

.Seeing that the other party agreed , Xie Jiarui opened the bottle and filled Wang Ze .

.” What do you do ?”

.he asked casually .

.I only talked about myself just now , and I have n’t asked Wang Ze and Jiang Ying yet .

.Jiang Ying smiled and said, ” I work in a company . ”

.She didn’t say much .

.Xie Jiarui looked at Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze : ” Me ? I’m a policeman . ”

.Hearing this , Xie Jiarui was obviously taken aback .

.Xu Shuang was also a little surprised : ” Xiao Wang , are you a policeman ? I really didn’t expect it . ”

.” I thought you just graduated soon . ”

.” How old are you ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Sister Xu , I’m twenty-one . ”

.Xu Shuang was even more surprised : ” Twenty-one ?”

.” Being a policeman at such a young age , skip the grade ?”

.” Looking at you , you’re the kind of person who learns well . ”

.Wang Ze : ” No, no , it’s okay , you won the prize . ”

.Xu Shuang glanced at the two of them and said , ” It really is a young talent . ”

.” Jia Rui , why do I feel like I’m getting old all of a sudden ?”

.Xie Jiarui looked away from Wang Ze and said with a smile : ” Compared to these two people , aren’t we old , haha . ”

.” It’s all right . ”

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