.” You when they weren’t old ?”

.” In a few decades , they will also have to be melancholy . ”

.If you’re joking , make a few people smile

.Xu Shuang rolled his eyes at him angrily and said , ” What did you say ? ”

.Xie Jiarui : ” Haha …”

.The atmosphere of the dinner was very pleasant .

.It was not until nine o’clock in the evening that several people went back to their rooms .

.” Wang Ze , what kind of disease do you think that Sister Xu has ?”

.Jiang Ying turned on the room light and said .

.Wang Ze : ” I’m not a doctor , how would I know . ”

.” It’s a little strange though . ”

.Jiang Ying turned back : ” What’s so strange ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Sister Xu drank water a little too often . ”

.Jiang Ying was surprised : ” What’s so strange about drinking water a lot ?”

.” Who doesn’t drink water ? ”

.” By the way, the food tonight was indeed a bit salty . ”

.” Where did the boss find the chef ? It ‘s really unreliable . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s not surprising to drink water , but her demand has exceeded the normal level . ”

.” Is there any disease that can cause water shortage ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” I remembered when you said that . ”

.” One of the symptoms of diabetes seems to be thirst and drinking . ”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” Diabetes is not a terminal illness , it can’t die . ”

.” Listen to what the two of them say , Xu Shuang has very little time left . ”

.Jiang Ying shrugged and said , ” Don’t worry about it , we can’t control it either . ”

.” Go to sleep . ”

.” Get up early tomorrow , let’s go shopping . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay . ”

.After he finished speaking , he drank a glass of water and came to the sofa .

.The bed is huge .

.But the sofa is small .

.I don’t know if 5.4 was designed that way on purpose .

.Make the room layout look uncoordinated .

.” Hey , how can you sleep on such a small sofa ? ”

.” When will we men stand up ? ”

.Wang Ze came to the sofa and whispered to himself .

.Jiang Ying glanced at the sofa , listened to his self-talk , and said helplessly : ” Okay , I’ve served you . ”

.” Let’s go to bed together . ”

.” Don’t cross the line, you . ”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” Thank you . ”

.Without any hesitation , he jumped onto the bed .

.It seemed that he was waiting for Jiang Ying’s words .

.Jiang Ying rubbed his brows .

.I feel like I’ve been put together by this guy again .

.The good thing is that the bed is really big .

.Sleeping three or four people is no problem .

Chapter 172 _ Everyone has their own fate ? 2 ?

.Silent all night .

.Wang Ze was indeed very honest , he didn’t cross the line , and slept very deeply .

.The next morning .

.When Jiang Ying woke up from her sleep, she found something on her body .

.She turned around in a daze .

.I just saw Wang Ze’s face so close .

.The other party’s right arm embraced him , almost missing her arms .

.” Uh …”

.Jiang Ying’s whole person is full of energy .

.Listening to Wang Ze’s even breathing , she was stunned for a while , and then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth .

.If you look at it this way .

.It’s really pleasing to the eye .

.She tried to move , but Wang Ze was alarmed .

.Wang Ze twisted his body and got closer again .

.His mouth almost didn’t go up .

.Jiang Ying was startled and leaned back .

.This time , Wang Ze woke up completely .

.He opened his sullen eyes and met Jiang Ying ‘s .

.After two seconds .

.Wang Ze’s eyes narrowed , and he jumped up from the bed .

.” What do you want to do ?!”

.” I … am I still innocent ?”

.Wang Ze’s exaggerated 27 checks his clothes .

.Seeing Wang Ze’s movements , Jiang Ying’s veins jumped .

.this guy .

.It’ll really be a slap in the face .

.Obviously you came here by yourself !

.She doesn’t know how to take it !

.Looking at Jiang Ying’s increasingly dangerous eyes , Wang Ze coughed lightly and said , ” If you have an idea for me, tell me earlier , it ‘s all adults …”

.” Wang Ze !”

.Jiang Ying picked up the pillow and threw it hard .

.Wang Ze dexterously dodged , got out of bed and rushed into the bathroom .

.Close the door and lock it .

.Jiang Ying felt that her blood pressure was high again .

.After the two of them washed up , they went downstairs to have a simple breakfast .

.There are a few scattered tourists

.But I didn’t see Xie Jiarui and his wife .

.I don’t know if I haven’t gotten up yet , or I’ve eaten out .

.Before leaving the hall , Jiang Ying was still staring at Wang Ze fiercely .

.This look changed in the fat boss .

.He thought it was a grudge .

.The fat boss smiled and quietly gave Wang Ze a thumbs up .

.It means : Brother , you did a good job , you have to thank me well .

.Wang Ze laughed and didn’t intend to explain .

.Come to the yard .

.Wang Ze stretched his waist long and said , “The early bird catches the worm . ”

.”I feel like I haven’t woken up this early in a long time . ”

.Jiang Ying came over and said , “I really don’t know whether to envy you or sympathize with you . ”

.She knew that Wang Ze often stayed up late because of his special work .

.The biological clock is probably already out of order, right ?

.Go to bed late and get up early .

.Go to bed late and wake up late .

.Or simply don’t sleep at all .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” It’s okay , I’m used to it anyway . ”

.” Where shall we go first ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Where do you want to go ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Listen to you . ”

.Jiang Ying said lightly : ” Listen to me , are you not afraid to tarnish your innocence again ?”

.” Uh …”

.Wang Ze sneered .

.” I’m just joking with you , why do you still hold grudges ? ”

.” Come on , come on, just hug . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Go to hell !”

.” Go !”

.” take you to a good place . ”

.After speaking , she turned and walked forward .

.” Good place ?”

.Wang Ze quickly followed .

.After walking for about ten minutes , after passing through a forest of flowers , the scene in front of me suddenly became clear .

.A long wooden bridge stretches into the distance .

.From here , you can see the valley .

.Only then did Wang Ze know .

.This resort is located right above the valley .

.If you just look from the urban area , it is difficult to find .

.”The view is good . ”

.Wang Ze said .

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