.” My wife apparently died normally , what are you wasting your time doing ?”

.” Also called a forensic doctor ?”

.” Could it be that you still want an autopsy ?”

.” Are you going to do an autopsy ?”

.” I tell you , I can’t possibly agree !”

.Wang Ze said: ” First , no one knows whether Xu Shuang died normally . ”

.” Secondly , whether you want to dissect it, it doesn’t matter if you say it . ”

.” Third , you are strange . ”

.Xie Jiarui was taken aback for a moment : ” What’s wrong with me ?”

.” Don’t say it’s useless . ”

.” I am Xu Shuang’s husband , and of course I have the right to refuse an autopsy !”

.Wang Ze said: ” No , you are a suspect now . ”

.Hearing this , Xie Jiarui’s expression changed .

.Beside him , Jiang Ying also looked at Wang Ze in surprise .

.Obviously he didn’t expect that he would suddenly say such a sentence .

.Could it be that the death of Sister Xu has something to do with Xie Jiarui ?

.won’t it ?

.There is so much love between the two of them .

.Xie Jiarui was very angry : ” Wang Ze ! Don’t deceive people too much !”

.” I will sue you !”

.” You are a little policeman , do you want to make a contribution when you see a dead person ?”

.” I’ve been wronged for taking me back , in exchange for your medals ?”

.Unceremoniously , let the onlookers whisper .

.It’s hard to say .

.But it’s still possible .

.Jiang Ying was immediately unhappy : ” Xie Jiarui ! What nonsense are you talking about ?!”

.” Our Wang Ze , we still need to wrong you to make merit ?!”

.Xie Jiarui snorted coldly : ” he is your boyfriend , of course you will speak for him . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” You fuck …”

.She was about to scold the street , but was stopped by Wang Ze .

.” Xie Jiarui , when you know I’m a policeman , you ‘ve been indoctrinating me since this morning . ”

.”The characters before and after are completely conflicted . ”

.” I just thought it was weird . ”

.” How can I be so open and say so much to someone I just met . ”

.” Xu Shuang is not here , how could the attitude change so much ? ”

.”On the surface , you’re lamenting how short life is . ”

.” But , I’m afraid there is another purpose . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Xie Jiarui’s face trembled slightly , and he said unpleasantly, ” What instilling thoughts ? Do you know what you are talking about ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” You are instilling in me the idea that Xu Shuang will die at any time . ”

.” Let me have no doubts about what’s to come . ”

.Xie Jiarui was stunned : ” Wang Ze , are you sick ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Many people have said that to me . ”

.” either a friend or a criminal . ”

.” Which do you belong to ?”

.Xie Jiarui lost his patience and waved his hand : ” I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you !”

.” You wait !”

.” When your captain comes , I will definitely complain to you !”

.Jiang Ying said : ” My boyfriend is the captain , who are you complaining about ?!”

.Hearing this , Xie Jiarui was obviously taken aback , and then sneered : ” Nonsense , how old is he ?”

.” Humph !”

.Jiang Ying didn’t want to talk to the other party any more .

.I had a good impression of Xie Jiarui .

.Now , it’s getting worse and worse .

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

.Wang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, and stopped talking to Xie Jiarui .

.things .

.There is always a time when the truth comes out .

.Wait for half an hour .

.The criminal investigation team moved quickly , galloping all the way , and arrived here at the fastest speed .

.With the sound of the siren , Ma Haoyu and others walked quickly to the second floor .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.”The king team has arrived . ”

.” Wang team , what’s the situation ?”

.Several people spoke one after another .

.Xie Jiarui was startled .

.King team ?

.Is this kid really the captain ? !

.Not bragging ? !

.The surrounding crowd also looked at Wang Ze in surprise .

.Such a young captain ?

.The fat boss was also stunned .

0 .�?

.He never thought that what he thought was the rich and rich second generation would actually be the captain of the city bureau’s criminal investigation team .

.I rely on !

.true or false ?

.Song Ting came over with the forensic case in her hand .

.” Wang Ze , where ‘s the corpse ?”

.Wang Ze pointed to the next room and said, ” It’s inside . ”

.Before entering , Song Ting asked , ” Have you checked ?”

.Wang Ze said: “I don’t have any tools , I can only look up . ”

.” It should have something to do with poisoning . ”

.After he finished speaking , he added : ” Chronic poisoning . ”

.Song Ting nodded : ” Okay , I see . ”

.After she finished speaking , she walked into the room .

.Wang Ze pointed at Xie Jiarui and said, ” Come and watch him with two people . ”

.” Baoqu , lead the technical team to investigate the scene , and don’t let anything at the entrance be missed . ”

.Bao Qu : ” Yes !”

.The technical team entered the room .

.In the corridor , Chen Pingren surrounded Xie Jiarui .

.Being stared at by the police , Xie Jiarui became frightened and felt uncomfortable .

.” Wang Ze , you …”

.” Did you misunderstand something ?”

.Xie Jiarui’s attitude turned 180 degrees .

.Wang Ze did not respond .

.Xie Jiarui was helpless and had to stay where he was , not daring to move .

.It was the first time for Jiang Ying to accompany Wang Ze to investigate the case , and she was a little excited .

.She also suddenly found out .

.Wang Ze , who was investigating the case , seemed to have changed .

.How to describe it ?

.Stand out !

.It ‘s completely different from the usual joker .

…. wide .

Chapter 176 _ Need long-term drinking ? 2 ?

.Time passed little by little .

.Xie Jiarui turned to look at the room from time to time , seeming to be more and more nervous and uneasy .

.Beside Wang Ze , Jiang Ying whispered, ” Wang Ze , was Sister Xu really poisoned by him ?”

.She heard Wang Ze mention chronic poisoning before .

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” I don’t know yet , let’s talk about it later . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Oh , good . ”

.” Wang Ze . ”

.At this moment , Song Ting’s voice came from the room .

.Wang Ze turned around and walked in .

.When he came to the bed , he asked , ” What’s the situation ?”

.Song Ting looked at Xu Shuang’s body and said, ” The time of death is between three and four hours . ”

.”The deceased did not have any trauma on the body surface , nor did he have any defensive wounds . ”

.” Preliminary toxicology testing found no abnormalities . ”

.” No trace of homicide has been found yet . ”

.” More detailed autopsy report of ‘ 013 ‘ requires further autopsy . ”

.” Wang Ze , are you sure it’s poisoning ?”

.Wang Ze pondered a little , then waved his hand and said, “The body should be transported back . ”

.” Go , come out and talk . ”

.Song Ting : ” Okay . ”

.The two came to the corridor to make room for the body to be transported .

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