.Seeing the corpse being carried out , the crowd of onlookers quickly dispersed and moved further away .

.Wang Ze said: ” When I checked the body before, I found that the skin of the deceased was slightly dry . ”

.” There are also signs of atrophy in the internal organs . ”

.” It’s the physical manifestation of severe dehydration . ”

.” That’s why I think she shouldn’t have died normally . ”

.” The possibility of poisoning is still relatively large . ”

.Hearing this , Song Ting nodded and said , ” Yes , I saw it . ”

.” But there are many drugs that cause dehydration in the body . ”

.” It takes a full autopsy to get the results . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” Sister Song , there is another very strange thing . ”

.Song Ting : ” You say it . ”

.Wang Ze said: “The deceased kept drinking water before he was alive , as if he was very thirsty . ”

.From the night she met Xu Shuang until her death .

.He had long discovered that the other party drank too many times .

.It has far exceeded the level of normal human needs .

.This is very strange .

.Song Ting : ” Drinking water constantly ?”

.She thought for a while and said , ” If the drug causes the body to be dehydrated , the thirst is still relatively strong , which is normal . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” But , I don’t think it’s a drug . ”

.Song Ting : ” How do you say it ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Commonly used dehydration drugs are generally used in clinical treatment , and will make patients uncomfortable to some extent . ”

.” I knew the deceased for a day and didn’t notice any adverse reactions from her . ”

.” Moreover , drinking a lot of water will alleviate the physical damage caused by dehydration drugs , far from the point of death . ”

.”The more you drink, the more thirsty you get , it’s not common sense . ”

.Song Ting pondered for a while , then said , ” Then what do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at Xie Jiarui and said , ” Unless there is something wrong with the water the deceased drank . ”

.Hearing this , Xie Jiarui’s expression changed suddenly .

If ; Water ? Resources : Source ” .Group ;’;6!5;;;6,!6″.;1”.8:8,9′?6′!: Backup ? Use ..! Medium :! Turn !!, Group :”!7;;6?,6′”0″;,1,?:8!;3′:;2!0.There was surprise in his eyes .

.This is not a person who hides his emotions .

.In other words , it is impossible to perfectly hide his emotions in front of the criminal police .

.Song Ting thoughtfully : ” Is there a problem with the water ?”

.”The more you drink , the more thirsty your body becomes dehydrated …”

.” You mean heavy water ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s right . ”

.Heavy water , which looks very similar to ordinary water , is a colorless, odorless liquid .

.Their chemical properties are basically the same .

.However , some physical properties are different .

.Heavy water is a compound composed of deuterium and oxygen , and its molecular weight is much higher than that of ordinary water .

.Is it toxic ?

.It is not classified as a toxic substance .

.However , it is not good for health .

.Drinking heavy water can damage body tissues and inhibit cell division .

.Long-term consumption is life – threatening .

.” Heavy water ?”

.Jiang Ying has been listening , and she doesn’t know why .

.What Wang Ze meant was that the water Sister Xu was drinking was not normal pure water ?

.Song Ting hesitated : ” But …”

.” If you want to kill people with heavy water , it will take a long time and the price is not low . ”

.” Furthermore , severe thirst from drinking heavy water . ”

.” Victim , can’t you notice the abnormality ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” She has cancer , and the deception of someone with a heart may be confused with the disease itself . ”

.Song Ting was stunned and said , ” If that’s the case , it’s possible . ”

.” Then I’ll go back and dissect the body …”

.” Drinking heavy water for a long time will lead to dehydration and drying of the internal organs , which is very easy to check . ”

.”On the Baoqu side , if the heavy water residue can still be found , the evidence chain is complete . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay . ”

.Song Ting followed the corpse and left first .

.The technical team is still investigating .

.Inside the corridor .

.Since Wang Ze mentioned heavy water .

.Xie Jiarui’s face was constantly changing .

.Even Jiang Ying, a criminal investigation layman , could see that something was wrong with him .

.This is obviously nervous .

.” Wang Ze , can heavy water drink dead people ?”

.Jiang Ying couldn’t help but said .

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes , but you need to drink a lot for a long time . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Is it expensive ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s not cheap , 10,000 per liter . ”

.Jiang Ying was curious : ” How much do you need to drink ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” A lot . ”

.” If you want to poison a 100-pound person , you need to give him more than 50 pounds of heavy water . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded clearly and said , ” The cost is not low . ”

.After speaking , she looked at Xie Jiarui .

.The other party’s face became more and more ugly .

.Not to mention the autopsy and investigation results .

.The source of the heavy water purchase alone is enough for the police to investigate .

.Soon , the technical team came out .

.” King team , it ‘s alright . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” Take the people back and close the team . 5.4″

.Everyone : ” Yes !”

.Afterwards , Wang Ze looked at Jiang Ying and said with a smile, ” Do you want to come with me ?”

.Jiang Ying’s eyes lit up : ” Is it okay ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” This time , yes . ”

.After all, Xu Shuang was the one they knew together .

.Jiang Ying must want to know the cause of the other party’s death .

.According to regulations , outsiders are not allowed to participate in the investigation process .

.Wang Ze , it was a back door for her .

.Jiang Ying naturally wouldn’t refuse , and said , ” Then I’ll go !”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , let’s go . ”

.The police car left the resort .

.Some of the remaining tourists have chosen to leave .

.They thought it was somewhat unlucky for such things as the dead .

.The fat boss is also very helpless , he can only try his best to do the aftermath work well .

.Hopefully , it wo n’t affect the business too much .

Chapter 177 _ Interrogation of Xie Jiarui ? 3 ?

.City Council .

.lounge .

.Wang Ze took a blanket and handed it to Jiang Ying , ” Why do n’t you sleep first ?”

.” It will take time to check the results . ”

.Jiang Ying took the blanket , shook her head and said, ” Don’t sleep anymore , didn’t you sleep too ?”

.Wang Ze sat over and said with a smile , ” Can you still compare with me ?”

.” This is my job . ”

.” Go to sleep now . ”

.Jiang Ying still shook her head and said , ” Wang Ze , you said that Sister Xu was really poisoned by Xie Jiarui ?”

.Wang Ze nodded and said, ” Judging from Xie Jiarui’s reaction , it is almost inseparable . ”

.” When the test results come out , he can’t deny it . ”

.After being affirmed , Jiang Ying sighed and said , ” Why ?”

.” They are obviously very affectionate . ”

.” Look how good Xie Jiarui was to Sister Xu when we first met . ”

.” Sister Xu also looks very happy . ”

.” How did it get to this point ?”

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then said , ” Don’t look at the surface . ”

.” The matter between Xie Jiarui and Xu Shuang is not that simple . ”

.” Probably , for the money . ”

.” Also , Xie Jiarui may have run out of patience at 27. ”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” What kind of patience ?”

.Wang Ze : ” The patience to wait for Xu Shuang to die normally . ”

.” After Xu Shuang’s death , he can get a lot of money . ”

.” I have lived with terminal cancer for several years , Xie Jiarui , I can’t wait . ”

.Jiang Ying was surprised : ” How could …”

.Wang Ze patted Jiang Ying’s hand , and said , ” When the interrogation is in a while , you can listen to it . ”

.” At that time , everything will be understood . ”

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