.Jiang Ying nodded lightly : ” Okay . ”

.She wanted to know very much .

.What happened to Xu Shuang and Xie Jiarui ?

.After all , this is the new friend they just met .

.Still a good new friend .


.Time came an hour later .

.Song Ting took the autopsy report and came to the lounge .

.” Wang Ze , the result is out . ”

.”The viscera of the deceased was severely dry , which is consistent with the symptoms of drinking heavy water for a long time . ”

.” And in her body , a large amount of heavy water residue was also detected . ”

.Generally speaking , she handed the autopsy report to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took it and said, ” You’ve worked hard, Sister Song , go back and rest . ”

.Song Ting nodded : ” Okay , then I’ll go first . ”

.After she finished speaking , she looked at Jiang Ying beside Wang Ze and said with a smile , ” Girlfriend, right ?”

.Jiang Ying smiled : ” Hello , Sister Song . ”

.She called with Wang Ze .

.Song Ting smiled and nodded : ” Hello, hello , you look really good . ”

.” Wang Ze , you are a blessing that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” Did you hear it ? What about you ? ”

.Song Ting was stunned and said speechlessly, ” I’m talking about you !”

.” Just like you , it’s good not to be single !”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly .

.Jiang Ying covered her mouth and snickered .

.” Okay , I’m leaving . ”

.Song Ting was too lazy to talk to Wang Ze .

.Jiang Ying waved her hand : ” Sister Song goodbye . ”

.Song Ting smiled and said , ” Goodbye bye . ”

.Before leaving , he did not forget to give Wang Ze a glance .

.After Song Ting left , Jiang Ying said, ” Did you hear it ? You are a blessing from eight lifetimes . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Hey . ”

.” Then how many nursing homes will I have to blow up in my eight lifetimes ? ”

.Jiang Ying felt that this sentence was familiar .

.Seems like I’ve heard it before .

.Being so troubled by the other party , her sleepiness dissipated a lot .

.Soon , Bao Qu also came .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.” Heavy water was detected in the cup from which the deceased drank . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze smiled and got up and said , “The trial begins . ”

.Bao Qu : ” Okay . ”

.interrogation room .

.Wang Ze pushed open the door and entered .

.The person in charge of recording is Ma Haoyu .

.Outside the one-way mirror , everyone stood here to observe the interrogation process .

.Jiang Ying was also there .

.In fact, everyone has basically met Jiang Ying , but they have not spoken face to face .

.Look up close .

.They found that Jiang Ying’s appearance is indeed very high .

.The real value of Bai Fumei .

.” I don’t believe that the Wang team is being chased after being killed . ”

.Bao Qu glanced at Jiang Ying for a while and whispered .

.Chen Ping : ” I believe it . ”

.Bao Qu looked over : ” Chen Ping , you are really a loyal fan of the Wang team . ”

.Chen Ping said: “The Wang team is so good that any girl would like it . ”

.The voice fell , and several people looked at Wang Xiaotong subconsciously .

.With Jiang Ying present , Wang Xiaotong was taken aback by this sentence , and he said quickly, ” I don’t have it ! Why are you looking at me ?”

.After she finished speaking , she looked at Jiang Ying and said embarrassedly, ” They just like to joke , do n’t take it seriously . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled slightly : ” I know . ”

.the other side .

.Wang Ze has come to Xie Jiarui .

.” Need to see evidence ?”

.he opened his mouth .

.Xie Jiarui looked up and looked at Wang Ze .

.After a while , he said helplessly : ” No need , I’ll recruit . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” Let’s talk about it . ”

.Xie Jiarui was silent for a while and said , ” It’s me who gave Xu Shuang the heavy water . ”

.Wang Ze : ” When did it start ?”

.Xie Jiarui said, ” It’s been more than half a year . ”

.Wang Ze sighed and said , ” Why ?”

.” Xu Shuang’s feelings for you do n’t seem to be fake . ”

.Mentioning Xu Shuang , Xie Jiarui looked excited : ” Yes ! Her feelings for me are real !”

.” But so what ?”

.” Why did she marry me ? You know what ?”

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said , ” My girlfriend said it was because of your honesty and lack of children . ”

.Xie Jiarui said angrily, ” It’s all bullshit !”

.” Be honest ?”

.” She sees that I am easy to bully and easy to control !!”

.” No children ?”

.” That’s right ! Her more reason is because I don’t have children !”

.” She doesn’t want to have children with me at all !”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Why 013 ?”

.Xie Jiarui gritted his teeth and said, ” She is an extremely selfish person ! She has children , but she doesn’t want me to have children !”

.” Do you know what she said ?”

.” She said that having me is enough , isn’t it ?”

.” What the hell is this ?”

.” I don’t have the right to have children anymore ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” But isn’t it also because of money that you married her ?”

.Xie Jiarui glanced at him and remained silent .

.Wang Ze : ” Answer my question . ”

.Xie Jiarui said coldly , ” So what ?”

.” It’s only a halfway husband and wife. Do you still want to pursue pure love like you did when you were young ?”

.” What a joke !”

.” People of our age are looking at conditions !”

.” Don’t you like pretty girls too ?!”

.” Beauty is a condition , and money is also a condition !”

.” I value this condition , is there a problem ?”

.” What ?”

.” It’s okay to like beauty, but it’s not okay to like money ?”

.” Is there any reason for this ?”

.Wang Ze did not speak .

.Don’t talk about anything else, just take it literally .

.Really can’t argue with that .

.very real .

.Love at first sight is really about appearance .

.Appearance is the condition .

.Starting from the appearance , this is the truth .

.But Xie Jiarui secretly changed the concept .

.Starting from behind the beauty …

.There are also four words loyal to character .

Chapter 178 _ Contrast ? 4 ?

.interrogation room .

.Facing Xie Jiarui’s rhetoric , Wang Ze was not prepared to argue with him .

.No matter how much we discuss it, it can’t change the fact that he murdered .

.” So , when Xu Shuang was diagnosed with terminal cancer , were you really happy ?”

.he opened his mouth .

.Xie Jiarui snorted coldly : ” How about being happy ? I’ve had enough of her !”

.” Deserved !”

.At this moment, Xie Jiarui has completely changed after being convicted of the crime .

.Hard to imagine .

.The man in front of him who was gnashing his teeth at Xu Shuang .

.Just the day before , he was still greeting Xu Shuang with tenderness and love on his face .

.What is acting ?

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