.That’s called acting !

.Kill all actors .

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then said, ” Then what ?”

.” After a period of time , you found that Xu Shuang’s condition did not worsen at all . ”

.”On the contrary , the more you live, the better , right ?”

.Xie Jiarui said angrily, ” Yes !”

.”The doctor said she didn’t live for half a year , but she lied to me !”

.” Two years later , she is still alive and well !”

.Wang Ze : ” So , you can’t wait ?”

.Xie Jiarui completely released himself , clenched his fists and said, ” That’s right !”

.” I don’t want to mess with her anymore !”

.” I’m going to kill her !”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze rubbed his eyebrows and said , ” How do you know that drinking a lot of heavy water can cause death . ”

.Xie Jiarui snorted coldly and said , ” When she was diagnosed with cancer, she searched the Internet for remedies . ”

.” I found out that some people say that heavy water can cure cancer . ”

.” But someone below retorted , saying that if you drink heavy water , you will die . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly .

.The other party should not lie .

.Heavy water and cancer can be linked .

.Because of the damage of heavy water to the body , one of them is the inhibition of cell division .

.It can inhibit the division of ordinary cells , and of course it can also inhibit the division of cancer cells .

.But if you talk about treatment, it’s completely nonsense .

.Otherwise .

.Cancer will not be a problem in the world .

.already conquered .

.” How rich is she ? ”

.Wang Ze was a little curious .

.Speaking of this , Xie Jiarui fell silent .

.After a while , he opened his mouth and said, ” It’s probably more than ten million yuan , not counting fixed assets . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised .

.Liquid capital of more than ten million ?

.Indeed a lot .

.Xie Jiarui can get a lot from the inheritance shared by Xu Shuang’s biological children .

.There was a question he didn’t ask .

.That is, if Xu Shuang was not diagnosed with cancer, would you still kill her ?

.this question .

.It doesn’t make much sense now .

.Cancer is more like a fuse for murder .

.Even without a fuse .

.Xie Jiarui probably had the idea of killing his wife long ago .

.Just do n’t dare to take action .

.The appearance of cancer just gave him a chance .

.At this moment , Xie Jiarui stared at Wang Ze for a while, and said , ” I’m really unlucky to meet you !”

.” Cloud City is so big , where are you going ?!”

.” It’s okay to go , if you don’t go early or late , you have to go at this time ?!”

.Wang Ze said in a low voice , ” What do you mean , it’s my fault ?”

.Xie Jiarui said angrily, ” Isn’t it ?”

.” If it weren’t for you , my future life would be very good !”

.Everyone was stunned by Xie Jiarui’s brain circuit .

.It means I killed someone , why are you arresting me ?

.This is really a ” big problem ” that shatters the three views .

.Wang Ze sighed and said , ” Although I really want to say don’t commit crimes . ”

.” But for you , I don’t think it’s necessary . ”

.” If you can blame the police for the fault , you are no longer there , amazing . ”

.” I want to say admiration . ”

.” Okay , let’s wait for the guilt to be sentenced . ”

.After speaking , he turned to leave .

.Xie Jiarui shouted from behind : ” Wang Ze, you bastard !”

.” You ruined my life !!”

.As if Wang Ze didn’t hear it, he left the interrogation room without looking back .

.He was really worried that he would stay for a while longer , not knowing what shocking words he would hear .

.Outside the one-way mirror , Wang Ze came over .

.Looking at Xie Jiarui who was irritable inside , he shook his head helplessly .

.Jiang Ying was also silent .

.She listened to the interrogation in its entirety .

.Almost , no doubt about life .

.Xie Jiarui, who was supposed to be in love with his wife , suddenly turned into a deliberate murderer who murdered his wife .

.Xu Shuang , who was supposed to be grateful to her husband , also seemed to have become a selfish woman with a strong desire to control .

.That is to say .

.Was everything she had seen before , all false ?

.Wang Ze said .

.Don’t just look at the surface of anything .

.She really learned this sentence .

.Bao Qu said, “� ” This Xie Jiarui didn’t want to kill people , but he didn’t expect Xu Shuang , who was diagnosed with terminal cancer , to live so long . ”

.” It’s kind of dramatic . ”

.” Actually, he doesn’t need to be in such a hurry, right ?”

.What he meant was obvious .

.What if you wait a few more years than a lifetime ?

.There is really no need to take risks and commit crimes .

.Wang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, and said , ” I remember he told me four words : everyone has their own fate . ”

.” This may be life . ”

.” You’re right . ”

.” If Xu Shuang and the doctor predicted that he would die in about half a year , Xie Jiarui would not be a murderer . ”

.” It’s a pity . ”

.” There is no if in the world at all . ”

.” As he said , everyone has their own fate . ”

.The crowd fell silent .

.I always hear that the young wife ( De Zhao ) murders the old rich man .

.Unexpectedly, today , encountered a contrary example .

.” Okay , everyone has worked hard , let’s go and rest . ”

.Wang Ze waved his hand .


.Case closed .

.Jiang Ying drove and led Wang Ze on the streets of Yuncheng in the early morning .

.The direction is Wang Ze’s home .

.Along the way , Jiang Ying was a little silent , not as active as usual .

.Wang Ze said, ” Affected ?”

.Jiang Ying nodded and said , “A little bit . ”

.” Hey , I even considered them a model couple for a while . ”

.” And Xu Shuang looks like a very good elder sister . ”

.” Do you think Xie Jiarui deliberately smeared her ?”

.She wanted to find some psychological comfort from Wang Ze .

.It was the contrast that this incident brought to her , which was too great .

.a heaven .

.An underground .

Chapter 179 _ You are really poisonous ? 5 ?

.inside the car .

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” Tell me the truth ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Of course . ”

.Wang Ze pondered a little and said , ” You should have seen Xie Jiarui’s state as well . ”

.” At this time , every word he said was from his heart . ”

.” That is to say . ”

.” His resentment towards Xu Shuang is not a day or two . ”

.” Let’s not judge her biased just because she is a victim . ”

.” Xie Jiarui , it shouldn’t be a deliberate smear . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying was silent for a while, then sighed, ” Hey . ”

.” If that’s the case , then it’s better to get a divorce . ”

.” Why does Xie Jiarui need him ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” As expected, it’s something you have, and it ‘s easiest to ignore . ”

.” It’s because of the money, of course . ”

.” Xie Jiarui is only with Xu Shuang because of money , can he be reconciled ?”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” Is money so important ?”

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