.Wang Ze : ” I’m going !”

.” It doesn’t hurt to stand and talk , do you think everyone is the same as you ?”

.” The vast majority of people in this world are worried about money . ”

.” You , I’m afraid you won’t be able to experience it in this life . ”

.Jiang Ying was born with a golden key , which is understandable .

.There are some things she has never experienced .

.Jiang Ying turned her head and stared at Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze hurriedly pointed ahead : ” Look at the road! Look at the road !”

.Jiang Ying said quietly : ” You 017 is so smart , much smarter than Xie Jiarui . ”

.” Do you love money too ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned for a moment , then smiled lightly : ” Whether you love money or not is another matter . ”

.” Anyway , you have to be careful in the future . ”

.” If I want to do something , it’s useless for the police from all over the country to come . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” So crazy .”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” Then how do you think I got into the mental hospital ?”

.Jiang Ying was curious : ” How did you get in ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I won’t tell you . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Cut , don’t say pull it down !”

.” I don’t want to know yet !”

.During the chat , Wang Ze’s community arrived .

.” It’s so late , let’s go together . ”

.Wang Ze said casually .

.It’s not the first time anyway .

.No. _

.Not the second time either .

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying hurriedly hugged her clothes and exaggerated : ” What do you want ?!”

.Wang Ze felt that this scene seemed familiar .

.It’s like he said it himself .

.This girl .

.Revenge, right ?

.After discovering this , he blinked and said seriously, ” I want to . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Huh ?”

.She didn’t respond .

.After saying this, Wang Ze opened the door and ran .

.” Wang Ze !!!”

.Jiang Ying immediately understood and was extremely embarrassed .

.She found a random place to park , got out of the car and chased after her .

.” Wang Ze ! Come here for me !”

.Jiang Ying chased to the door .

.The door is open .

.Wang Ze probed inside : ” Hey , what a coincidence , do you want to stay overnight ?”

.Jiang Ying walked in , picked up her bag and called .

.” What did you just say ?”

.” Tell the old lady again !”

.Wang Ze was so violent , he immediately shouted : ” I think ! I think ! What’s going on ?!”

.Jiang Ying was even more embarrassed and angry : ” You … Ruo .;: Water !”? Capital :!’ Source ;,, Quan ,!;6;’!5″6,,6..1:’8’8. :9?6? Backup ‘ , “?:: transfer ;”. Group ‘,7″6?,6?:0?.1:8!3:’2!”0You … ”

.” You’re not allowed to say that in the future !”

.Wang Ze grimaced : ” Hey, I’ll say it, I’ll say it . ”

.”The sample can’t cure you . ”

.Jiang Ying was very angry , stared at Wang Ze for a while, and said, ” Come on then . ”

.” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned for a moment , then nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.After speaking , he took off his shirt , revealing a strong figure .

.Jiang Ying’s eyes widened , she was so frightened that she pushed Wang Ze away and got into the bedroom .

.Don’t forget to lock it .

.Wang Ze sneered : ” I’m a hooligan, who am I afraid of? ”

.After that, he went to wash up .

.Twenty minutes later .

.Wang Ze hugged the quilt and lay on the sofa .

.Just about to sleep .

.The bedroom door opened .

.Jiang Ying glanced at Wang Ze and walked over lightly .

.” What are you doing ?”

.Wang Ze’s ear moved , and he said .

.Jiang Ying came closer and whispered , ” You won’t become someone like Xie Jiarui, will you ?”

.Wang Ze opened his eyes and said with a smile , ” I’m a policeman , understand ?”

.Jiang Ying said : ” I mean , to Xu Shuang . ”

.The two looked at each other for a while .

.Wang Ze slightly tidied up the quilt and said , ” Why are you asking this ? We are not …”

.Before he could finish speaking , Jiang Ying suddenly approached ( chfe ) and tapped Wang Ze’s face .

.Wang Ze was immediately stunned .

.Jiang Ying : ” What about now ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh … no . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled slightly : ” That’s good , good night . ”

.” Why don’t you go to bed too ?”

.Wang Ze raised his mouth : ” No , the sofa is big . ”

.Jiang Ying didn’t insist : ” Okay , whatever you want . ”

.After speaking , she turned and left .

.Watching Jiang Ying leave , Wang Ze rubbed his hair .

.A strange feeling seems to be coming .

.the next day .

.Jiang Ying sent Wang Ze to the city bureau .

.The relationship between the two seems to have undergone subtle changes .

.In short .

.Weird .

.It may take time to get used to .

.Maybe when we meet again, it will be back to normal .

.” Are you going to have dinner together tonight ?”

.Jiang Ying shouted .

.Wang Ze turned back and made an OK gesture .

.case hall .

.Li Xiangbin held the thermos cup and saw Wang Ze coming .

.” Morning , Team Lee . ”

.Wang Ze waved his hand .

.” Wang Ze , you are really poisonous . ”

.Li Xiangbin said .

.Wang Ze was surprised , and said as he walked, ” What poison ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” When you go out on a date with your girlfriend , you can encounter a murder case . ”

.” Isn’t that poisonous ?”

.Wang Ze took a glass of water and said , ” Can this have anything to do with me ?”

.” Did I let him kill ?”

.” By the way , is the case finished ?”

.After speaking , he took a sip of water .

.Wang Xiaotong said: ” Not yet , I’m working on it . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” After finishing, send it to my office . ”

.Wang Xiaotong : ” Okay . ”

.Li Xiangbin said, ” This woman Xu Shuang is drinking the heavy water of love, right ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” You want to talk about the poison of love ?”

.Li Xiangbin thought for a while and said , ” Almost . ”

.Wang Ze shook his head and said , ” No , Xie Jiarui has no love . ”

.Li Xiangbin said : ” Loving money is also a kind of love . ”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Eh ? Team Li , your opinion is very unique . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” That’s it !”


.this afternoon .

.Provincial Office .

.an office .

.There was a knock on the door .

.” Come in . ”

.In front of the desk , sitting a middle-aged man , wearing a white police shirt , unsmiling .

.The room door opens .

.The secretary came in and said as he walked, ” Han Ting , something happened to Xicheng again . ”


.ps: If you feel that the cases are frequent and you want to add more daily life , you can leave a message and let me know .

.Anyway, the case is a waste of brains ( funny laugh ), and sometimes it does cause headaches .

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