.And there .

.So far the cases are all original , not adapted .

.The orphan grudge you mentioned is indeed a coincidence . The author has no idea or even heard of it .

.Although the author breaks the text , he is very timid . He never watches thrillers , and only watches normal suspense to increase knowledge and inspiration .

.I spent time thinking about each case .

.Thank you readers for subscribing ! .

Chapter 180 _ The case of Xicheng ? 1 ?

.” Xicheng ?”

.Hanhuacheng put down the pen in his hand .

.” Is it the same case ?”

.The secretary came over , put the document in front of Hanhua City, and said , ” Yes . ”

.Hanhuacheng picked up the document and looked at it roughly – .

.After two years , a new deceased appeared again .

.The death scene was almost identical to the previous two .

.Everyone was burned to charcoal .

.From the blurred facial expressions of the deceased .

.Mouth open .

.It should be extremely painful before death .

.In other words , it is not the cremation of the body after death .

.Instead , he was burned alive while he was awake .

.After reading the document , Han Huacheng frowned slightly .

.Three years , two years .

.In this case , the time span has reached five years .

.The secretary continued : ” Han Ting , there is one more thing . ”

.” Pang Qun of the Xicheng Bureau took the blame and submitted a resignation report . ”

.Pang Qun , the captain of the criminal investigation team of Xicheng City Bureau .

.In Dong Jun’s case last time , he came to Yuncheng and participated in the joint investigation .

.Is a good cop .

.” Take the blame and resign ?”

.Hanhuacheng snorted coldly .

.” What’s the use of resigning ?”

.” This Pang Qun has been the captain for so many years . He didn’t learn anything else . He learned to escape, right ?”

.” Do you think it’s easier to go home and raise pigs than to be a criminal police officer ?”

.The secretary smiled helplessly and said , ” After the second deceased appeared , he received an order to solve the case within a time limit . ”

.” Now , the deadline is long overdue . ”

.” It’s you who cherished your talents and didn’t deal with it . ”

.” Now that there are new deceased people , the psychological pressure on Team Pang is indeed a little big . ”

.” We still have to understand . ”

.Hearing this , Han Huacheng was slightly silent , and said , ” The matter of accountability is a later story , and we will talk about it when the case is solved . ”

.” Let him convict him !”

.The secretary pondered for a while and said , ” Han Ting , this case has a great impact . ”

.” Is it … a change of person ?”

.Han Huacheng nodded slightly , stood up and paced back and forth , and said , ” I’m thinking about this too . ”

.” Transfer someone from the Yuncheng Bureau . ”

.” This case ca n’t be dragged on like this any longer . ”

.” Li Xiangbin and Wang Ze , who do you think is reliable ?”

.The secretary smiled and said , ” Han Ting , didn’t you ask this knowingly? ”

.Han Huacheng glanced at him and smiled dumbly .

.Wang Ze’s investigation ability is far superior to that of Li Xiangbin .

.This is a fact for all to see .

.” Recently , shouldn’t he be busy ?”

.The secretary said, “I shouldn’t be busy . ”

.” There was a family murder case yesterday , and Wang Ze was at the scene . ”

.”The murderer was very unlucky and hit Wang Ze’s gun directly . ”

.”The case was solved then . ”

.Han Huacheng nodded : ” I heard that it has been poisoned for a long time, right ?”

.Secretary : ” Yes . ”

.Han Huacheng chuckled : ” This kid is very talented . ”

.” Okay , just him . ”

.” I’ll call Liu Guanghai now . ”


.Four thirty in the afternoon .

.Wang Ze , who had nothing at hand , was smoking a cigarette with Erlang’s legs crossed, and was very fascinated by playing with his mobile phone .

.a moment .

.Li Xiangbin opened the door and walked in .

.Seeing Wang Ze’s comfortable appearance , he opened his mouth and said, ” Okay , you can play with your phone during work hours, right ?”

.Wang Ze raised his head subconsciously and quickly put down the phone .

.” Captain Li , don’t knock on the door when you come in !”

.Li Xiangbin stared : ” I have to knock on the door when I enter your office ?”

.” Boy , are you really floating ?”

.” I think it is necessary to send you to the district office to exercise and chat with the aunt of the neighborhood committee . ”

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” It ‘s good to dare , it’s easy and enjoyable . ”

.in the past .

.He really thinks it’s good to be a film policeman .

.Mediation mediate family conflicts today .

.Tomorrow, help uncle and aunt to find the missing cat and dog .

.In the place where the fart is bigger , feel at ease .

.At most , catch a thief .

.how nice .

.Li Xiangbin laughed and scolded : ” You really can dream !”

.Let Wang Ze be a police officer ?

.good guy .

.Let’s not say whether the city council will answer or not .

.Departments have to intervene .

.” Liu Bureau is looking for you , hurry up . ”

.” Officer Liu is looking for me ?”

.Wang Ze quickly stood up .

.” Good or bad ?”

.Li Xiangbin shook his head : ” I don’t know , I didn’t say it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”


.office .

.After knocking on the door , Wang Ze pushed open the door and entered .

.” Liu Bureau , look for me . ”

.behind the desk .

.After seeing Wang Ze , Liu Guanghai got up and said, ” Sit down . ”

.Holding a document , he came and sat on the sofa with Wang Ze .

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

.Wang Ze glanced at the things in the other’s hand and said , ” What’s wrong with Bureau Liu ?”

.Liu Guanghai said : ” Look at the information just passed from the provincial office . ”

.Wang Ze took it suspiciously .

.” The corpse case ?”

.His eyes narrowed slightly and he turned to the first page .

.What caught my eye was a black corpse .

.Not lying on the ground .

.Instead, sit on a wheeled chair .

.is a wheelchair .

.It has been burnt out of shape .

.Except for the iron materials , the rest of the place was burnt clean .

.The wrists and ankles of the corpse were tightly secured by iron locks .

.Due to the intense struggle , deep dents can be vaguely seen .

.The deceased’s mouth opened , vaguely recognizable .

.This explains .

.Experiencing great pain during his lifetime .

.Not cremation after death .

.” This …”

.” Burn alive ?”

.Liu Guanghai nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze continued to turn back .

.He saw the second dead .

.Serial murder ?

.He continued flipping .

.On the last page , is the third deceased .

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