.Death , basically the same .

.data display .

.The places where the bodies were found were in three sparsely populated wilderness areas .

.After investigation , it can be determined that the place where the body was found is the first crime scene .

.The crime was late at night .

.That is to say .

.The murderer controlled the victim in the middle of the night , pushed him to the scene of the crime , and burned it on the spot .

.can imagine .

.How far will the victim’s scream that resounds through the sky .

.Seeing Wang Ze finish reading , Liu Guanghai said, “The detailed dossier is at the Xicheng Bureau . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Let me check ?”

.Liu Guanghai nodded : ” Han Ting personally made a call to let you take full responsibility for the investigation of this case . ”

.”The authority is that you can mobilize all police resources in Xicheng without applying . ”

.”The premise is that the case must be solved . ”

.Wang Ze said silently , ” Xicheng …”

.”I didn’t expect Captain Pang to have a backlog of such a serious case . ”

.Three lives .

.They were all burned alive .

.It is already considered a very serious and vicious case of a catastrophic homicide .

…. wide .

Chapter 181 _ This is probably the last meal [ 2 ]

.office .

.Liu Guanghai said : ” I have heard of this case before , for several years . ”

.”The murderer seems to have a strong anti-reconnaissance ability , not an ordinary criminal . ”

.” Wang Ze , this time , you have to be mentally prepared . ”

.Wang Ze put down the information in his hand and said , ” The collision between reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance has only one result for me . ”

.Liu Guanghai smiled : ” What I like most is your confidence . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” When do you leave ?”

.Liu Guanghai said : ” This case is more complicated , I’m afraid it won’t be completed in a day or two . ”

.” That way , I’ll give you one night to get ready . ”

.” Let’s go to Xicheng tomorrow . ”

.” This guy Pang Qun is now counting on you . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Why , have you been punished ?”

.Liu Guanghai said : ” Zero 20 ” ” Han Ting said that the resignation report has been handed in . ”

.Wang Ze : “And then what ?”

.Liu Guanghai : ” Then I didn’t agree . ”

.” Pang Qun is a good criminal investigation captain , and his ability and achievements cannot be denied because of a case . ”

.” After all, police officers and criminals are both human beings . ”

.” As long as it is human , there will be strong and weak points . ”

.” Pang Qun , this time we met a formidable opponent . ”

.Wang Ze was slightly silent and said , ” Did he say that the murderer is still in Xicheng ? ”

.Liu Guanghai shook his head : ” No , you can ask him yourself . ”

.” He doesn’t even know who the murderer is , so how can he know if he is still in Xicheng ? ”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Liu Ju , I mean . ”

.” After so many years , has he not even figured out the motive of the murderer ?”

.Liu Guanghai was taken aback : ” You want to say anti-social killing and revenge killing ?”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.Liu Guanghai was silent for a while, then said, ” I don’t know much . ”

.” In order to avoid biasing your judgment , I suggest you ask Pang Qun directly . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze said indifferently, ” Okay . ”

.Liu Guanghai smiled and patted Wang Ze’s shoulder and said , ” Come on . ”

.” This case is solved , a great achievement . ”

.” Han Hall should give you a promotion . ”

.Wang Ze asked back , ” Ca n’t it be broken ?”

.Liu Guanghai : ” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Just kidding , I will try my best . ”

.Liu Guanghai was speechless .

.After leaving the office, Wang Ze came to the case handling hall .

.It was just before work , and everyone was chatting .

.Li Xiangbin was also there .

.Seeing Wang Ze come out , he quickly asked , ” What’s the situation ?”

.Wang Ze said as he walked : ” There is a case in Xicheng, and the provincial department asked me to investigate it . ”

.” Go to Xicheng to investigate the case ?”

.Everyone looked at each other .

.Wang Xiaotong said, ” Isn’t there a Captain Pang in Xicheng ?”

.” What case , I have to ask you to help . ”

.” Is it complicated ?”

.Wang Ze just wanted to speak .

.Li Xiangbin said at the next moment : ” I know . ”

.” It should be the murderer of the charred corpse case , and he killed again . ”

.” Huh ?” Wang Ze was surprised , ” Li team , have you heard of this case ?”

.Li Xiangbin said : “I heard it . ”

.Wang Xiaotong was curious : ” What is the charred corpse ?”

.” Is it killing people and then destroying the corpses ?”

.Li Xiangbin shook his head : ” No. ”

.” It was burned to death while a man was alive . ”

.As soon as these words came out , everyone looked surprised .

.Burned alive ? !

.so cruel !

.How much pain the victim has to go through .

.This murderer is really delusional .

.Burning small animals is hard to accept now , let alone burning people .

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” It seems that Pang Qun can’t hold it anymore . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : “The new deceased appears , the pressure of Captain Pang can be imagined . ”

.”The new dead ?”

.Ma Haoyu spoke .

.” Did more than one die ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Three . ”

.This number surprised everyone even more .

.Burned three people alive ?

.This is a massive serial murder case with brutal means .

.No wonder .

.As the investigator, Pang Qun seems to be unable to control the situation .

.Who knows , there will be another one .

.On the provincial side , it is impossible for Pang Qun to continue the investigation by himself .

.No wonder , let Wang Ze go .

.Li Xiangbin looked at Wang Ze and said , ” This case is not easy , you have to be mentally prepared . ”

.This sentence is the same as what Liu Guanghai said .

.Pang Qun has searched for several years to no avail …

.Even Wang Ze would not be too easy .

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” I know . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” When do you leave ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Liu Bureau gave me one night to prepare , tomorrow . ”

.Li Xiangbin : ” Is it yourself ? Didn’t let you bring a few people ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” No. ”

.” This kind of case , it’s useless if there are too many people . ”

.Li Xiangbin nodded : ” That ‘s true . ”

.” Okay , be careful . ”

.A murderer who can kill three people by this means is already insane .

.enough to be dangerous .

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”


.Seven o’clock in the evening .

.Jiang Ying and Wang Ze are eating in a restaurant .

.” It feels normal . ”

.” What kind of place did you choose . ”

.Jiang Ying felt a little unpalatable and said .

.The place was chosen by Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze said while eating : ” Treasure it . ”

.” This is probably the last meal . ”

.Jiang Ying was stunned , as if she didn’t hear clearly : ” What did you say ?”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” I mean , the last meal in a while . ”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” What do you mean ?”

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