.Wang Ze said: ” I’m going to Xicheng tomorrow . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Go to Xicheng ?”

.” Investigate the case ?”

.Wang Ze nodded and said, ” Yes . ”

.” There is a big case over there , and the Provincial Department 5.4 asked me to investigate . ”

.Jiang Ying took a sip of water and said , ” How long are you going ? ”

.Wang Ze said: ” I don’t know . ”

.”The case may be more complicated . I estimate that it will take ten days and a half months . ”

.” Or , longer . ”

.Jiang Ying fell silent .

.She was suddenly a little reluctant about the upcoming separation .

.After half pay , she said, ” Can I go ?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze raised his head : ” What are you doing ?”

.” I’m here to investigate the case , and I may not have much time to accompany you . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled and said , “I don’t need you to accompany me . ”

.” I’m not going to be idle , and I won’t disturb your investigation . ”

.” Go and research Xicheng’s market and see if you can expand your business . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze thought for a while , then nodded and said, ” In this case , it’s okay . ”

Chapter 182 _ Password my birthday ? 3 ?

.Seeing Wang Ze’s promise , Jiang Ying was a lot happier and continued to eat .

.The original taste of the dishes has become delicious .

.Wang Ze looked at her suspiciously and said , ” Is n’t it bad ?”

.Jiang Ying paused and said , ” Uh … Anyway, I have no other choice . ”

.” Are you going to eat ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” I’ve made you feel wronged . ”

.” If it doesn’t work , we’ll go eat somewhere else later . ”

.” You choose the place , I’ll treat you . ”

.Jiang Ying was stunned , as if she had discovered something novel, and said , ” Are you a treat ?”

.” That’s really rare !”

.The voice came out .

.The guests at the adjacent table all looked over subconsciously .

.Especially on Wang Ze, he stayed for a while longer .

.But after discovering Jiang Ying’s beauty …

.It’s not true , think of Wang Ze in the direction of Xiaobailian .

.Aren’t all those old ugly rich women who take care of little white faces in general ?

.Such a beautiful girl .

.Shouldn’t it be ?

.Feeling the speculative gazes around him , Wang Ze’s face darkened and he said , ” What do you mean by 27 ?”

.” Have I not invited guests ?”

.Jiang Ying nodded seriously and said , ” Yes . ”

.” About one or two times out of ten . ”

.Wang Ze’s tone was suffocated , and he said angrily, ” That’s not because …”

.The surrounding guests looked over again .

.He felt that the volume was a bit loud , and then whispered : ” It’s not because of you , is the place you are looking for too expensive ?!”

.On one side is a family of hundreds of billions .

.On one side is the working class .

.Can you like to eat the same thing ?

.Even if Wang Ze maxed out all the cards , he couldn’t afford it .

.Jiang Ying smiled and said, ” Why are you still angry , I’ll just make a joke with you . ”

.” Or …”

.” I’ll give you a card , and you’ll pay later ?”

.” Do n’t worry , there is no limit , it will never embarrass you . ”

.This sentence directly detonated the hearts of all the men around .

.They turned their heads in unison and looked at Jiang Ying in astonishment .

.The lethality of this sentence to a man is simply unparalleled .

.It’s like a man telling a woman that it’s okay to spend it .

.Think differently .

.Same reason .

.However , the contrasting impact brought by the gender change is really not small .

.All of a sudden , jealous fire-breathing eyes shot straight at Wang Ze .

.Why ?

.It’s okay to have a beautiful girlfriend , so what if.:?Water”;:Resources ” source “‘! Group !,6:5 . ” ; 6′!!6?:1’:,8:!8.9 “!6; Standby ‘ Use , Middle “‘; Turn ;! Group ?.?7″6!?6″.:0″1.?.8″!?3;2,”0 Return the money ?!

.Why can’t I come across something like this ?

.That kid looks good .

.But growing up like this , the whole country has gone .

.Why did you see him ? !

.” Uh . ”

.Wang Ze didn’t expect it either .

.Jiang Ying’s words actually caused such a big reaction .

.what are you looking at me for ? !

.I didn’t agree !

.I don’t eat soft rice .

.” This … isn’t it ?”

.As he spoke , Wang Ze moved his right hand and waved it in mid-air .

.It means : give it to me quickly !

.The men around were vomiting blood .

.This is too shameless !

.Although they like money .

.But even if you really want it , you have to say something polite and push it, right ? !

.Jiang Ying smiled , took out her wallet, took out a card , and handed it to Wang Ze, ” Here , the password is my birthday . ”

.” Your birthday ?”

.Wang Ze paused for a second .

.Seeing this , Jiang Ying drew back one centimeter and did not hand him the card completely .

.” You won’t forget my birthday , will you ?”

.She stared at Wang Ze closely .

.Wang Zeton felt bad .

.I remember that Jiang Ying did talk about her birthday once before .

.But at the time he seemed to be thinking about something else and didn’t listen .

.Otherwise , it is absolutely impossible to forget .

.” How come !”

.Wang Ze said quickly .

.” I won’t forget it for sure !”

.Saying that, he pulled the card hard .

.Thinking about finding time in the future, I will put my birthday out of the clich� .

.or …

.Ask others .

.Jiang Ying pinched the bank card and said in a low voice , ” Since I’m sure I won’t forget it , let’s talk about it . ”

.” What month is my birthday ?”

.Wang Ze felt that his smart brain was stagnant at this moment .

.Three hundred and sixty-five days .

.No matter how good he is , it is impossible to deduce the birthday date .

.That’s a fairy !

.”What month is it …”

.Wang Ze raised his left hand and scratched his forehead .

.The male compatriots around began to gloat .

.Such a strange animal as a woman , you dare to forget your birthday .

.Enough for you to drink a pot !

.Jiang Ying asked, ” Tell me , what is the date of the month ?”

.Wang Ze swallowed his saliva and said , ” Three … March 8th . ”

.Hearing this date , Jiang Ying looked at Wang Ze in disbelief and pulled the card back directly .

.” You are the thirty-eighth !”

.” Haha !!”

.” Haha , I laughed so hard !”

.There were real people around who laughed .

.The resentment caused by envy , jealousy and hatred just now improved a lot in an instant .

.” Come on , drink !”

.” Do it !”

.It’s like a New Year ‘s Eve .

.Wang Ze glared at those people and said with a smile , ” misunderstanding , this must be a misunderstanding . ”

.” I remember thinking about the case at the time . ”

.Jiang Ying stared at Wang Ze and said , ” Is n’t it right ?”

.” But I remember at the time , you didn’t investigate the case at all . ”

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