.Wang Ze wondered : ” Really ?”

.” Oh I see . ”

.” That Ken 020 must be thinking … a philosophy of life !”

.” You know , a person as smart as me is usually sure …”

.Halfway through .

.He found that Jiang Ying’s face was getting more and more wrong .

.Immediately , he raised his hand in surrender .

.” Well I just forgot . ”

.” I’m sorry I’m sorry . ”

.” Knowing mistakes can improve a lot , but it’s not a big deal , right ?”

.” Let’s think about it, you don’t know my birthday either . ”

.Jiang Ying blurted out : ” November 2nd . ”

.Wang Ze : “..”

.I rely on .

.Can you remember this ?

.No !

.You said how good you forgot , wouldn’t it be even ?

.This is the end of the calf .

.Jiang Ying crossed her arms , leaned on the chair and said , ” Go on , I’m listening . ”

.Wang Ze sneered and said, ” I really didn’t mean it , I’m sorry . ”

.People need to know wrong .

.Especially when Jiang Ying can remember her birthday .

.He really didn’t expect this .

.A little bit of a touch .

.” Buy the order . ”

.Jiang Ying said with an expressionless face .

.” Ah ? Good good . ”

.Wang Ze quickly scanned the code to pay .

.The restaurant scans the code to order food and pay by scanning the code , which is very convenient .

.After paying the money , Jiang Ying got up and left .

.Wang Ze quickly chased out .

Chapter 183 _ I should call you Captain Wang ? 4 ?

.” Eh ? You don’t drive ?”

.Seeing Jiang Ying walking forward without turning her head , Wang Ze was helpless and followed closely behind .

.He suddenly understood .

.Why do girls have something to do with their attitude .

.birthday thing .

.Say big or not .

.Small is not too small .

.Depends on how you understand it .

.Jiang Ying can remember his birthday without any time to think about it , which shows that she has deeply imprinted the date in her mind .

.But Wang Ze’s performance was far from satisfactory .

.In contrast , he was indeed at fault .

.This is no longer a matter of the size of the matter , it can indeed be relied on in terms of attitude .

.Unconsciously , Jiang Ying walked to a small square nearby .

.There are many citizens who take a walk after dinner .

.There are family members , and there are couples dating .

.Also includes livestreaming influencers .

.Quite lively .

.Wang Ze has been following behind Jiang Ying .

.Passing by the candied fruit stall , I did not forget to buy a bunch of candied haws .

.This stuff .

.No matter how old you are , you should like to eat , right ?

.The taste of childhood .

.Jiang Ying continued walking .

.A little boy chased and ran over and almost missed Jiang Ying .

.He raised his head and said innocently, ” Big sister , you are so beautiful . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled slightly and said , ” Thank you . ”

.The boy tilted his head and said , ” Big sister , are you unhappy ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” No. ”

.The boy wondered : ” Really ?”

.He stretched his head and glanced behind Jiang Ying , and said , ” Big brother ! Your girlfriend is not happy !”

.Wang Ze was stunned .

.Are all the children of today such a big kid ?

.” Come on !”

.The boy said something and ran away immediately .

.Wang Ze coughed lightly and took two steps to Jiang Ying’s side .

.” I’m sorry , but my mind was lost . ”

.” Here , I’ll give you something to eat . ”

.With that said , he handed the candied haws in his hand to Jiang Ying .

.Jiang Ying glanced at it and said , ” Coax the child ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” No , it’s delicious . ”

.” Don’t sweets make you feel good ?”

.After speaking , he opened his mouth and ate the top one , and continued to hand it to Jiang Ying .

.” Try it ?”

.Jiang Ying gave him a white look , and after a little hesitation , she took a bite .

.Sweet and sour feeling .

.She really hadn’t eaten candied haws for a long time .

.” Are you still angry ?”

.Wang Ze said while eating .

.Jiang Ying was speechless : ” Just a sugar gourd wants to expose this matter ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” When you said the birthday date , I should have lost my mind . ”

.” Usually , I don’t think about messy things . ”

.” If your mind wanders , you must be thinking about a very important question . ”

.” Sorry . ”

.Jiang Ying blinked .

.The other party can become the captain in such a short period of time .

.The effort must be much more than she imagined .

.Of course she wouldn’t make trouble with Wang Ze unreasonably in this kind of thing .

.just …

.woman .

.Always be playful every now and then .

.” Okay , I’ll spare you this time . ”

.Jiang Ying snatched the candied haws from Wang Ze’s hand and ate it as he walked .

.Wang Ze was overjoyed and quickly followed .

.Is this the end ?

.It seems .

.I do have a talent for coaxing women .

.On the right is the moat .

.The two walked on the bridge along the river , listening to the noise and laughter in their ears .

.A close couple happened to pass by, leaving behind a huge amount of dog food .

.Jiang Ying coughed softly .

.Wang Ze turned his head and glanced at her , not caring .

.Jiang Ying coughed again .

.Wang Ze : ” What’s wrong ? Does your throat feel uncomfortable ?”

.Jiang Ying : “…”

.” Pretentious !”

.Wang Ze : ” Huh ?”

.After being stunned for a moment , he shook his head and smiled .

.Immediately , Jiang Ying’s hand was pulled up .

.This is the first time for him and Jiang Ying to walk hand in hand .

.Jiang Ying was satisfied and wrapped Wang Ze’s wrist .

.Finished eating other people’s dog food .

.This time , I started to produce my own dog food .

.” I ordered a car for you , it will take time . ”

.Jiang Ying said suddenly .

.Wang Ze : ” Ah ? Why ?”

.Jiang Ying chuckled : ” It ‘s your first birthday present . ”

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then asked curiously, ” What car ?”

.Jiang Ying said: ” It’s the one you saw last time you were shopping for clothes in the mall . ”

.Wang Ze was stunned for a moment .

.” You … remember the brand ?”

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