.Jiang Ying snorted and didn’t say much .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” It’s very expensive . ”

.Jiang Ying said indifferently : ” It’s not expensive , as long as you like it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh …”

.At times like this , shouldn’t you be moved ?

.Alright .

.A wave of inspiration .

.” Can you go back ?”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” Why do you want to retire ?”

.” This …” Wang Ze coughed lightly, ” I’m a policeman …”

.Jiang Ying said, ” Can’t the police accept gifts from girlfriends ?”

.Wang Ze scratched his head : ” There is no such rule . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Then what nonsense are you talking about ?”

.” If someone doubts , you ask him to find a rich girlfriend too !”

.This sentence is quite arrogant .

.Wang Ze widened his eyes and gave a thumbs up : ” Good way !”

.The two walked around until after nine o’clock in the evening before returning to Wang Ze’s house together .

.We can go together tomorrow .

.Silent all night .

.the next morning .

.Wang Ze drove and took Jiang Ying on the expressway to Xicheng .

.The drive takes about three hours .

.The vehicle is running .

.The two chatted .

.The co-pilot Jiang Ying said, ” Are you a secondment or what ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” No , come back after the case is investigated . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” Is it a big case ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Not small . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” I understand . ”

.” It means that Xicheng can’t do it, and it was reported to the provincial department , and then the provincial department sent you to investigate the case , right ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” It’s almost like this . ”

.Jiang Ying was surprised : ” If it was in ancient times , you would be considered an imperial envoy ?”

.” Is there a decree ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s still the imperial decree when you make a movie . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” That’s not right . ”

.” You are a deputy captain , go to the strange Xicheng to investigate the case , how can you do without any power . ”

.” Unscientific . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Of course it’s not that simple . ”

.” In this case , I can mobilize all the police resources in Xicheng . ”

.” They need unconditional cooperation . ”

.This case is indeed not small , and there will be variables .

.If he does not have the authority to investigate the case , he may encounter resistance in Xicheng .

.Therefore, the consideration of Hanhua City is still necessary .

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying was surprised : “� ” So powerful ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Only this case is valid , what’s so great ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Anyway, I’m good when I hear it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” That’s right , don’t even look at who’s boyfriend . ”

.” Can it be great ?”

.Jiang Ying held her forehead : ” Here again . ”


.Time , came three hours later .

.Xicheng Municipal Bureau .

.A sports car approached from a distance and stopped at the door .

.The two got out of the car .

.Jiang Ying said : ” Wang Ze , I will send you the hotel address and room number when I make a reservation . ”

.” When you’re resting , come here . ”

.” If anything happens , call me anytime . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” Okay, I know . ”

.” You too, just call me if you have anything . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Mmmm . ”

.Inside the box , a police officer has already walked out , ready to come over to inquire about the situation .

.Why is this still stopped at the gate of the city bureau ?

.” Hello . ”

.” Sorry , we can’t park here , please leave immediately . ”

.The policeman was polite .

.Wang Ze said , ” I’m Wang Ze from the Yuncheng Bureau , wait a minute . ”

.After finishing speaking , he came to the main driver , bent over and instructed : ” Be careful in unfamiliar places , and don’t go too far . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled and said , ” I see , it’s not my first time here . ”

.” Go away . ”

( yes )

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Drive slower . ”

.After Jiang Ying left , Wang Ze turned around .

.At this time, the police officer was standing at attention .

.” Captain Wang , I’m sorry to meet you for the first time . ”

.Wang Ze smiled : ” It’s okay , where is your Captain Pang ?”

.The police officer said: ” It’s in the criminal investigation team hall , I’ll take you in . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.Soon , Wang Ze met Pang Qun in the case handling hall .

.This is their second time meeting .

.” Wang Ze ?”

.” You can count , I’ll wait for you . ”

.After seeing Wang Ze , Pang Qun hurried over .

.” Oh no , I should call you Captain Wang . ”

.He can’t think of it .

.In such a short time , the other party has actually become the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team .

.It seems that the provincial government really values him very much .

.No wonder .

.The opponent’s ability , he has seen the force last time .

.The two shook hands .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Captain Pang, don’t be polite , just call me Wang Ze . ”

.” We didn’t just meet . ”

.the other side .

.Everyone in the Xicheng Criminal Investigation Team stood up and looked at Wang Ze curiously .

.The case-solving genius that Pang Qun is full of praise for seems to be …

.Young is a bit too much .

Chapter 184 _ Case Difficulty ? 1 ?

.Some police officers are still fresh graduates , in the stage of internship or just turning into a regular .

.On the other hand , Wang Ze has become the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team .

.The difference is indeed a bit big .

.After all, if you work in the Criminal Investigation Team , you can be promoted to police rank , but not your position .

.This is related to the fight against crime and the control of power .

.Above , it is natural to be cautious .

.In case you don’t know anyone .

.The consequences will be quite serious .

.”The King’s Team . ”

.” Wang team , hello hello . ”

.” Hello Team King . ”

.After a short silence , everyone quickly said hello .

.They were specially sent by the provincial department to investigate the case .

.And not to assist in the investigation .

.It is solely responsible for the investigation of the case .

.That is to say .

.Even Pang Qun had to obey his orders .

.How dare they disrespect .

.” Hello . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and nodded .

.Pang Qun said at this time : ” Let’s go , Wei Ju is also waiting for you . ”

.After speaking , he turned his head and said, ” Everyone goes to the conference room and prepares for the meeting . ”

.” Yes !”

.office .

.Pang Qun pushed open the door and entered .

.” Wei Bureau , Wang Ze is here . ”

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