.After the 020 office , Wei Rong raised his head .

.Seeing the young man behind Pang Qun , he quickly stood up .

.” Captain Wang . ”

.” Hello , hello, sit down . ”

.He received an order from the Provincial Department yesterday .

.Wang Ze , who is solely responsible for the investigation of the coke corpse case .

.Although this will somewhat show their incompetence in Xicheng Bureau .

.But in a way , it’s a good thing .

.The earlier the case was solved , the earlier he could breathe a sigh of relief .

.Save yourself the nerves .

.If the dead keep appearing .

.He ‘s got this position .

.The three were seated .

.Wei Rong glanced at Wang Ze and said , ” Captain Wang . ”

.Wang Ze quickly said : ” Wei Ju , just call me Wang Ze . ”

.” Anyway, I’m also a junior . ”

.Wei Rong smiled and admired Wang Ze’s humility .

.” Wang Ze , you are the youngest deputy chief of criminal investigation I have ever met . ”

.”The last one seems to be twenty-eight years old , from Jingzhou . ”

.” How old are you ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Twenty-one . ”

.Wei Rong was surprised : ” I thought it was two (chfe) fourteen or five . ”

.” Then you should be the last one . ”

.Twenty-one and twenty-eight are two completely different concepts .

.The one from Jingzhou is also a rare case-solving expert .

.But there are still four or five years of accumulation and training in the middle .

.And Wang Ze is here .

.It is equivalent to being the captain directly after graduation .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Wei Bureau has won the prize . ”

.After chatting for a while , Wei Rong said , ” Wang Ze , you should know about the coke case , right ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : “I probably understand , the specific details are not clear . ”

.” Liu Bureau asked me to come over and ask Captain Pang directly . ”

.Wei Rong sighed, ” This case has dragged on for several years . ”

.” From the time of the first deceased , the killer left no clues and the motive is unknown . ”

.” After the appearance of the second deceased , the case was classified as a serial murder case . ”

.” Now , there is a third dead person . ”

.” Wang Ze , we have to prepare for a protracted war . ”

.” This time , he cannot be allowed to go unpunished and continue to kill . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Wei Bureau can rest assured , I will do my best . ”

.Wei Rong nodded and said , ” From now on , all the police resources in Xicheng will be deployed by you . ”

.” Whether it’s a criminal police officer or a special police officer , as long as you need it , you can give orders . ”

.” Also . ”

.” Whether it’s a search warrant or an arrest warrant , you don’t have to go through me , you decide . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , I know . ”

.Afterwards , Wei Rong turned to look at Pang Qun and said , ” Pang Qun . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Wei Bureau . ”

.Wei Rong said: ” This time , you will fully cooperate with Wang Ze , and you must find out the real culprit in the coke case . ”

.” But don’t let anything go wrong with you . ”

.What he meant was obvious .

.Wang Ze has the chance to make mistakes .

.But you don’t .

.If this time , the case still goes wrong with you , I’m afraid you, the captain , really can’t keep it .

.Pang Qun nodded : ” I know , Bureau Wei . ”

.Wei Rong : ” Okay , let’s go get busy . ”

.” I am waiting for your good news . ”

.The two got up .

.” Then let’s go first . ”

.Wang Zedao .

.The two who left Wei Rong’s office went straight to the conference room without delay .

.All are ready .

.We all know the details of the case .

.Mainly for Wang Ze .

.Wei Rong said as he walked, ” Guo Zipeng . ”

.A police officer named Guo Zipeng handed a document to Wang Ze .

.” Captain Wang , this is the complete dossier of the coke case . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and took it : ” Okay . ”

.He found a random place to sit down .

.” Captain Pang , give me five minutes . ”

.Pang Qun said: ” Okay , don’t worry , take your time . ”

.At the moment , the entire conference room fell silent .

.All that was left was Wang Ze’s voice reading the dossier .

.Wang Ze’s eyes focused on the document in his hand .

.Information on the deceased .

.Live photos .

.suspicious traces .

.and so on .

.He looked very seriously .

.Finally , I have an intuitive understanding of the difficulty of the case .

.The most serious problem is : the identity of the deceased .

.Three dead .

.There is only the first one , and the identity is confirmed .

.Yuan Shengqiang , fifty-four years old .

.Occupation is self-employed , used to be a bus driver .

.The reason why it can be confirmed ?”; Water ‘!’ Resources ,, Source ; Group ,;;6?5;”,6!;6!1,!8″!;8:9:!6; Prepared for ‘ ! .?:? zhuan .; group ?;7;:”6’6:,0;’,1;?;8′,3;2,0 to determine his identity because in the corpse’s right leg , there are An implanted plate .

.This shows that the deceased suffered serious injuries to his right leg before he died .

.It was also because of the injury that he could no longer continue to be a bus driver , and instead worked as an individual .

.The cause of the injury was a car accident .

.This steel plate was not damaged in the fire .

.According to the number on the steel plate , the treatment hospital was found , and the identity of the deceased was locked .

.As for the other two dead …

.Don’t know who it is .

.The corpse was severely carbonized .

.Not to mention fingerprints , DNA cannot be extracted .

.The investigation of missing persons has also yielded no results , and it is difficult to respond .

.After seeing this , Wang Ze took a deep breath .

.No wonder Pang Qunhui was helpless in this case , and after so many years of investigation, there was no clue .

.Any serial murder case .

.The first question is to investigate the connection between the deceased .

.By investigating the connection between the deceased , determine the motive for the murder , and then follow the clues to find the murderer .

.No one knows who the dead are now .

.How to check ?

Chapter 185 _ There is no psychological safety zone [ 2 ]

.soon .

.Wang Ze closed the dossier and fell into deep thought .

.Pang Qun waited for a while and said , ” Wang Ze , how is it ?”

.” If anything is unclear , you can ask me . ”

.”The dossier is actually not that detailed . ”

.Wang Ze thought for a while and said , ” There is no problem temporarily . ”

.” I just think this murderer is a little heavy on revenge . ”

.The burning substance on the body was gasoline .

.Even inside the body , gasoline components were detected .

.That is to say .

.The murderer not only filled the body of the deceased with gasoline , but also forced a lot of it .

.This shows that the murderer is more likely to be angry when he kills .

.Since anger , it is revenge .

.As for revenge on society or on individuals , it is still unknown .

.Hearing this , Pang Qun nodded and said , ” That’s right . ”

.”The murderer used such cruel means to kill , obviously with a strong sense of revenge . ”

.” But I checked Yuan Shengqiang’s interpersonal relationship , and I didn’t find anyone who had such a big hatred with him . ”

.Burn people alive .

.If it’s a vendetta, it should be a big vendetta .

.Otherwise , there are many ways to kill people , and this method is not used .

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