.Wang Ze fell silent .

.Pang Qun continued : ” This murderer is obviously very smart . ”

.” Murdering by fire can not only make the deceased feel great pain , but also destroy the remains . ”

.” Destroy clues , cover up identities . ”

.” Fortunately, Yuan Shengqiang has a steel plate in his right leg . ”

.” Otherwise , none of the three dead will be identified . ”

.There are still many missing persons in the city .

.In the case of no fingerprints and no DNA .

.If there is no obvious characteristic , it cannot correspond to the identity at all .

.I don’t even know my identity .

.It’s hard to find a case .

.Fortunately , they already have information on one of them .

.It’s lucky in misfortune .

.After thinking for a while , Wang Ze said, ” Before I saw Yuan Shengqiang , he was a bus driver ?”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” That was more than ten years ago . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Since Yuan Shengqiang has no enemies recently . ”

.” Then did something happen when he was a bus driver ? ”

.Pang Qun said : ” I checked and found nothing suspicious . ”

.” The line that Yuan Shengqiang ran back then was rather biased . ”

.” In terms of passenger traffic, it’s very little . ”

.” By asking Yuan Shengqiang’s former colleagues , things like disputes with guests have never been mentioned by anyone . ”

.” Wang Ze . ”

.” Do you think Yuan Shengqiang’s death has something to do with his previous experience as a bus driver ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” I didn’t say that , it’s just a direction for investigation . ”

.” Actually we can understand that . ”

.” Yuan Shengqiang’s current experience is relatively transparent and easy to check . ”

.” But he was a bus driver for a long time . ”

.” If he had sinned against someone before . ”

.” Then it will be more difficult for us to investigate. It is normal to have omissions . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun nodded and said , ” Yes , it’s more difficult . ”

.things ten years ago .

.It has long been a different person .

.It is not an easy task to accurately find out the motive of the murder .

.Unless you are lucky .

.At this time someone said: ” Pang team , Wang team , must it be a vendetta ?”

.Pang Qun looked over and said , ” Wang Ze , this is Wu Ming , a police officer from the Criminal Investigation Team . ”

.Wang Ze nodded to show his understanding , and said , ” Of course not necessarily . ”

.” At present , it cannot be ruled out that the murderer has an antisocial personality . ”

.” His mental state , we can’t judge either . ”

.” But one thing can be inferred . ”

.” He’s very calm and smart and probably a highly educated guy . ”

.Pang Qun said : ” If it is really random killing , then it will be difficult to handle . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly : ” Especially the identity of the deceased is unknown . ”

.Random killing , of course, is not random in the true sense .

.There is always a certain range .

.But now the identity of the deceased cannot be known , and it is impossible to make an effective judgment at all .

.Even Wang Ze was unable to advance the investigation after he had just learned about the case .

.Pang Qun was silent for a while, and said , ” Wang Ze , what should you do next ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” I don’t know Xicheng . Can you show me the map first ? Mark the location of the crime . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Of course . ”

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.After speaking , he turned to look at one of the police officers and said , ” Zhang Chao , turn on the projector . ”

.Zhang Chao said: ” Good captain . ”

.After speaking , he got up and turned on the projector , and then operated on the computer for a while .

.Soon , the big screen lights up .

.A map is shown .

.Among them , there are three circles with red dots .

.Zhang Chao said, ” Team Wang , these three places are the scene of the crime . ”

.Wang Ze stared at the map for a while, then said , ” This murderer …”

.” It seems that there is no psychological safety zone . ”

.” Captain Pang , have you discovered this problem ?”

.Psychological safety zone is a term often mentioned in criminal investigations .

.Everyone has their own familiar and often active areas .

0 .. 0

.This is the so-called psychological safety zone .

.For extreme behaviors like crime , the psychological safety zone is even more important .

.Especially serial murders .

.Most of the serial killers , the first few crimes , are basically within their own psychological safety zone .

.The scope of the psychological safety zone is usually centered on the murderer’s residence , work unit , and frequented entertainment venues , and radiates to all sides .

.If the habit is to walk , then the radius of the radiation does not exceed one kilometer .

.If riding a bicycle , the radiation radius does not exceed three kilometers .

.If you drive , the radiation radius is more than five kilometers .

.Pang Qun nodded : “I found it . ”

.” So I think …”

.” It’s very strange that the murderer should not be local . ”

.Wang Ze was thoughtful .

.The three crime scenes radiate to the surrounding area , and the area covered by them is basically the psychological safety area of the murderer .

.But from a practical point of view , they are too far apart from each other .

.It takes more than 30 kilometers of radiation to see the intersection .

.Even if you choose the wilderness , the difference is unlikely to be that big .

.Small probability events are excluded .

.maximum possible .

.The murderer does not have a psychological safety zone at all .

.He was randomly chosen to commit the crime .

.He was not familiar with Xicheng .

.After being silent for a while , Wang Ze said, ” There is another possibility . ”

.”The murderer’s anti-reconnaissance ability has reached the level of breaking through the psychological safety zone . ”

…. wide .

Chapter 186 _ A thorough investigation of Yuan Shengqiang ? 3 ?

.Wang Ze’s words caused the entire conference room to fall silent .

.If the murderer’s anti-reconnaissance ability has really broken through the psychological safety zone .

.This means that the other party not only has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability , but also has an understanding of criminal psychology .

.How much is known , no one knows now .

.Deliberately avoiding the psychological safety zone ?

.If so .

.The prudence and high IQ of the murderer is really rare .

.Pang Qun was silent for a while, then said , ” Wang Ze , do you prefer the murderer to be a local ?”

.Wang Ze nodded and said, ” It’s more likely that locals , or long-term residents , are here . ”

.”The murderer chose to set fire to this serial murder case . ”

.” There are no more than two motives . ”

.” First . ”

.”The murderer has a serious anti-social personality , and the purpose of killing is to retaliate against the social ” zero two three ” . ”

.” Then , the possibility of creating three cases at the same time in an unfamiliar city is very low . ”

.” It’s just a matter of cross-region . ”

.” But the three cases all happened in Xicheng , so it’s unlikely . ”

.” Second . ”

.”The murderer is revenge for killing , and the hatred for the deceased is very high . ”

.” Being able to have a life-and-death feud with three people in the same city at the same time . ”

.” To say that he is an out-of-towner for a short stay is a little less credible . ”

.” And the most important point : the killing time span . ”

.” A few years is definitely not a short time . ”

.” Enough for a foreigner to be thoroughly familiar with this place in Xicheng . ”

.” So , I prefer the murderer to be familiar with Xicheng . ”

.”The reason there is no psychological safety zone for investigation is because he has extremely strong counter-reconnaissance capabilities . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Pang Qun took a deep breath and said , ” That will be difficult . ”

.Serial murders are inherently difficult to detect .

.If the murderer has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability , it will be even more difficult .

.Especially when the identity of the deceased is unknown .

.It’s just a black eye , and there is no way to start .

.Wang Ze said, ” It’s true … it’s a bit difficult . ”

.He rarely says that .

.” Our biggest problem right now is that we’re still outside the case . ”

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