.” It didn’t get to the heart of the case at all . ”

.” No. ” _

.” Don’t talk about the core , we didn’t even enter the edge of the case . ”

.” So the first task now is to find a breakthrough and forcibly enter the case . ”

.Pang Qun sighed .

.He understood what Wang Ze meant .

.In the cases that I have encountered before , I can see the outline and direction to some extent .

.In this serial murder case , they have been wandering around the periphery , unable to find an effective thread .

.As long as you can find the end of the thread , you can check it down a line .

.Even if the identity of the murderer cannot be locked quickly .

.At least , I can slowly know what is going on in this case .

.” Have you checked the source of gasoline ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Pang Qun said: “I checked , and I found nothing . ”

.” Now the oil price is not low , and there are many small gasoline workshops , it is difficult to check . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly and whispered to himself : “The corpse is burned like this , I am afraid that the time of death cannot be judged . ”

.Hearing the voice , Pang Qun said, ” Yes . ”

.” With normal criminal investigation methods , it is difficult to find effective clues . ”

.For this case .

.Their luck is bad .

.It can also be said that the murderer was lucky .

.Yuan Shengqiang, the only one who knows his identity , still lives alone .

.When he was killed , he had already separated from his wife and lived alone .

.Although they have children , they rarely see each other except during festivals .

.In this case , even monitoring does not know where to start .

.That’s why Pang Qun said it .

.Normal criminal investigation methods seem to have lost their effectiveness .

.Wang Ze rubbed his eyebrows : ” Also , there are no ruts or footprints . ”

.The murderer chose to kill in the wilderness , with a wheelchair .

.Transportation is definitely required .

.Sadly , it rained before the body was found .

.All three cases are .

.All traces were washed clean .

.Corpse , on fire .

.The scene of death , flooded .

.The murderer , it can be said that he will counter-reconnaissance and play well .

.Mentioning this matter , Pang Qun was even more helpless : ” This bastard really knows how to pick the time . ”

.” Just choose to do it before it rains . ”

.” Before the body was found , a rain washed it all away . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.Should say or not .

.This murderer is really tough …

.No wonder Xicheng Bureau has such a headache .

.Who knows if this guy will kill the next person .

.” Three years , two years . ”

.Wang Ze was lost in thought .

.The killing interval is a bit longer .

.Is it a random murder within the range ?

.Thinking of this , Wang Ze said , ” Is there a bus driver among the missing persons in recent years ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” No. ”

.Wang Ze : “The dossier says that Yuan Shengqiang is a self-employed person , what exactly does he do ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” It’s just opening a fruit shop . ”

.Wang Ze continued to ask : ” Is there any other fruit shop owner among the missing persons ?”

.Pang Qun shook his head : ” Neither . ”

.” I thought about killing people randomly . ”

.” But among the missing persons in recent years , no one with similar characteristics to Yuan Shengqiang has been found . ”

.Wang Ze habitually rubbed his fingers and said , ” Similar features include many aspects . ”

.Pang Qun smiled bitterly : ” I have even checked the missing persons who have been separated for many years . ”

.” At present , the possibility of revenge for killing is still relatively large . ”

.Wang Ze was noncommittal .

.The two possibilities , in his opinion, each accounted for 50% .

.The specific situation will be judged slowly based on the results of subsequent investigations .

.After pondering for a while , he opened his mouth and said, ” We now have only Yuan Shengqiang as one line . ”

.” Then just keep checking . ”

.” So , five directions . ”


.” First , thoroughly investigate Yuan Shengqiang’s child and investigate deeply . From pregnancy to birth , don’t let go of any doubts . ”

.” Secondly , also thoroughly investigate Yuan Shengqiang’s wife , including her family , and the reasons for their separation . ”

.” Don’t listen to what she has to say , listen to what the people around her have to say . ”

.” Third , check Yuan Shengqiang’s business , start with why he chooses to sell fruit , and find out . ”

.” Fourth , check Yuan Shengqiang’s past when he was a bus driver . ”

.” Fifth , check Yuan Shengqiang’s hobbies , no matter what he likes , find all the people who have the intersection . ”

.” How to assign specific tasks , Captain Pang is responsible for it . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Okay . ”

.According to what Wang Ze said , that would really turn Yuan Shengqiang upside down .

Chapter 187 _ A hypothesis [ 4 ]

.After half an hour .

.Forensic room .

.In front of Wang Ze , lay a corpse .

.To be precise, it was a charred corpse .

.The whole body was black , and it had been burned beyond recognition .

.” Is this a man ?”

.Wang Ze turned to look at the man next to him .

.Gao Wenjie , chief forensic doctor of Xicheng City Bureau .

.Gao Wenjie said: ” From the hip bone , it should be a man . ”

.While speaking , he kept looking at Wang Ze .

.I have heard that the provincial office sent a young expert to solve the case .

.And he’s the vice-captain of the criminal investigation team .

.I didn’t expect to be so young .

.Much like school students .

.Wang Ze looked back and forth , and said , “The burn is really thorough . ”

.The whole body, from head to toe , without any intact parts , has been completely carbonized .

.If you burn it for a while , it will turn into ashes .

.It is hard to imagine the despair experienced by the deceased before death .

.He watched helplessly as the murderer ignited the gasoline on his body , but there was no way to stop it .

.What we face after that is endless pain and suffering .

.Pang Qun sighed : ” You said that this is a great hatred . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” If the murderer is not a psychopath, then it is a life-and-death vengeance . ”

.While speaking , he wore gloves and gently snapped the toes of the deceased .

.The only thing that can be seen is that the nails of the deceased appear to have been injured .

.Nails , which are composed of keratin , are combustible .

.However, due to the contact area , insufficient combustion may occur .

.It can be seen that the blackened nails have subtle faults .

.But to no avail .

.This is not a directional clue .

.Anyone can hurt their nails .

.” Ca n’t extract DNA ? ”

.Wang Ze stared at his nails for a while, then raised his head .

.Gao Wenjie said: ” It’s a pity that I could n’t extract it , and the burn was very serious . ”

.Wang Ze straightened up and said , ” It’s really a tricky case . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun and Gao Wenjie nodded in agreement .

.how many years .

.It was the first time they had encountered such a clueless serial murder case .

.” Captain Pang , it seems we are busy . ”

.Wang Ze continued .

.There is simply no basis for a criminal mind profile right now .

.If you force a portrait , the accuracy rate is less than 10% .

.Such a low accuracy rate can not be used as an investigation direction .

.Pang Qun was helpless : ” I’m ready for a protracted war . ”

.” It’s just that I worked hard for you and involved you too . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” What kind of involvement is this ? ”

.” As a criminal police officer , your duty is to investigate cases , no matter where they are . ”

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