.” By the way , is the line that Yuan Shengqiang ran more than ten years ago still there ?”

.Pang Qun nodded and said, ” It’s still there, it’s just …”

.”The route and stops have changed on the way . ”

.” You also know that more than ten years is indeed not a short time . ”

.” Many places have been demolished , and many new roads have been built . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly , and said , ” Have the starting point and ending point changed ? ”

.Pang Qun said, ” That’s not true . ”

.” The bus that Yuan Shengqiang drove before started from Xingyue Shoe Factory and ended at Nanhe Village . ”

.” It’s the same now . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Then let’s go and sit again . ”

.” Sit from start to finish . ”

.” Ah ?” Pang Qun was stunned for a moment , then nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.The investigation task has just been assigned .

.He and Wang Ze were responsible for investigating Yuan Shengqiang’s past when he was a bus driver .

.Plus a police officer .

.Wang Ze , I don’t want too many people .

.Seeing this , Gao Wenjie couldn’t help but ask , ” Captain Wang thinks that the starting point of this case was more than ten years ago ?”

.Wang Ze didn’t hide it, nodded and said, ” It’s possible . ”

.Pang Qun was surprised : ” Why ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Because I made an assumption . ”

.” We don’t have a definite direction for the investigation right now , we can only make assumptions . ”

.Pang Qun was curious : ” Oh ? What assumption ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Assume , this is a case of revenge homicide . ”

.” Then the three dead have a grudge against the murderer . ”

.” Since there is hatred , why did the murderer take five years to kill them ?”

.” Irrational . ”

.” If I were the murderer , I should have wanted to kill them in the shortest time possible . ”

.Pang Qun fell into deep thought .

.Wang Ze continued : “The truth is that the murderer did spend five years . ”

.” What has he been doing in the past five years , preparing ?”

.” So how many years did it take him to kill the first person ?”

.” Two years ? Or three years ? Even more ?”

.” In this way , the time it took for him to kill the three must not take five years . ”

.” At least , seven years to start . ”

.Pang Qun didn’t understand and said , ” What do you want to say ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” What I want to say is that the murderer may be looking for someone . ”

.” It took me a few years to find the first person . ”

.” After that, it took three years to find a second person . ”

.” After that, it took another two years to find a third person . ”

.” So , such a long-term serial murder case . ”

.” It started probably more than a decade ago . ”

.” Ten years ago , Yuan Shengqiang was still a bus driver . 023″

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Pang Qun took a deep breath and suddenly realized .

.If the assumption holds true .

.This is the most likely outcome .

.There is really no need to wait that long for revenge murders .

.Even if it is preparation , it is impossible to prepare for a three-year period , a two-year period .

.It’s just too long .

.The first three years can be explained by other reasons .

.But the second two years were really strange .

.The biggest possibility is that the murderer is not sure about the identity of the victim .

.He is investigating .

.Gao Wenjie was a little surprised .

.To be honest .

.He really hadn’t thought of this possibility .

.Whether true or not , it is always a reasonable possibility .

.Possibility is the direction of investigation .

.Pang Qun said, ” If your assumption is true . ”

.” Then Yuan Shengqiang must have offended someone because of something . ”

.” Also , three people participated together . ”

.Wang Ze corrected : ” At least three people . ”

.Pang Qun’s eyes flickered : ” Then we really need to take this bus again . ”


.ps: There is a bug in the time, it is five years not seven years , it has been revised .

.I’m sorry , it’s sloppy .

.You don’t have to look at the mask .

Chapter 188 _ Doorman ? 1 ?

.an hour later .

.The three drove to the vicinity of Xingyue Shoe Factory .

.Xingyue Shoe Factory is one of the oldest factories in Xicheng .

.A few decades ago , it was quite brilliant .

.At that time, it was difficult to find a job , and it was very decent to be able to work in a factory .

.In addition, Xingyue shoes were more popular at the time , and the employees in the factory had benefits .

.Therefore .

.At that time, the workers of Xingyue Shoe Factory lived relatively well .

.Not anymore .

.After capitalization and corporatization .

.The status of workers has basically dropped to the bottom .

.But the magic is .

.Xingyue Shoe Factory has not closed down .

.Wang Ze looked at the gate of Xingyue Shoe Factory in the distance , and said, ” Does anyone still buy this kind of shoes ?”

.He didn’t mean to belittle .

.Times are developing .

.Nowadays, everyone in China is not necessarily interested in it , let alone such an old-fashioned brand .

.Baby decades ago .

.Decades later …

.To put it bluntly , it’s rubbish .

.Pang Qun smiled and said , ” This Xingyue shoe factory is the only old factory left in our Xicheng . ”

.” Others either go out of business or transform . ”

.” I also wonder why it’s still alive . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” There is still demand . ”

.” There is a need to buy and sell . ”

.” Maybe some poor places need this kind of high-quality and cheap shoes . ”

.” Go and have a look . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Okay . ”

.He already knew about Wang Ze’s case handling rhythm .

.In the absence of clues , make bold assumptions and forcibly look for clues .

.What is this called ?

.Kind of like casting a wide net to catch fish .

.Check all the things that should be checked and should not be checked , and there will always be gains .

.Even if Cha Ruo ” Water ? Resources :: ? Source :. Group.:!6?”5;6:!6.;1;8.8′””9:!,6,’Standby!Use,?In ! _ _ .? Turn ., Group !7:6:;’6:’0?”1′:?8″.3′?,2″,’0 is wrong .

.It is also ruled out an impossibility .

.As long as an impossibility can be ruled out , the case is even further advanced .

.until .

.Rule out the impossible and see what’s left .

.While walking , Pang Qun handed Wang Ze a cigarette .

.Wang Ze reached out and took it, took out a lighter and lit it .

.” This piece , isn’t it because of this shoe factory that it wasn’t demolished ? ”

.Looking around , there are many bungalows nearby .

.In Xicheng, where the economy is developing rapidly , it stands to reason that it should have been planned a long time ago .

.Pang Qun said: “That’s right . ”

.” However , this factory probably won’t last long . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly : ” I’ll take a look at the surrounding map . ”

.Hearing this , the police officer behind him hurriedly stepped forward , operated the laptop with one hand , and opened the detailed map .

.This is Zhang Chao from the Xicheng Criminal Investigation Team .

.The ability bias is similar to that of Wang Xiaotong .

.Wang Ze chose to take him with him for the convenience of information retrieval .

.He looked at the map for a while .

.The second crime scene is the closest to the Xingyue Shoe Factory .

.About ten kilometers .

.This location is rather remote .

.As Wang Ze’s eyes shifted to the edge of the map , Zhang Chao also began to move the map area to let the other party see more .

.After a while , Wang Ze nodded , indicating that it was ok .

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