.Seeing this , Zhang Chao put away the computer .

.Wang Ze glanced at him and said with a smile : ” Your people are good , better than mine . ”

.If Wang Xiaotong heard this , it would probably be a little sad .

.Pang Qun smiled and said , ” I’m just a little younger , and I still need to exercise . ”

.After saying this , he felt that something was not right .

.Wang Ze seems to be younger than Zhang Chao .

.He secretly sighed .

.Really people are more than people , maddening people .

.When he was Wang Ze’s age, he was still drinking and bragging with his friends at school .

.Hearing the two discussing him , Zhang Chao scratched his head embarrassedly , but did not interrupt .

.During the chat , Xingyue Shoe Factory arrived .

.The doorman is an old man with glasses .

.good guy .

.some age .

.Shouldn’t Xingyue Shoe Factory work here when it was established ?

.” How are you, sir . ”

.Before he got close , Wang Ze shouted .

.The uncle was reading the newspaper attentively , as if he hadn’t heard Wang Ze’s words .

.Wang Ze shouted again : ” How about reading the newspaper, sir?”

.Still no response .

.” He seems to be behind his ears . ”

.Pang Qun smiled helplessly and said .

.Wang Ze didn’t care and came to the other side .

.The uncle reacted , looked up and put down the newspaper in his hand .

.” What’s the matter, boy ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Master , can you hear me ?”

.The uncle said, ” Nonsense ! I’m not deaf !”

.Several people looked at each other , all smiling .

.Wang Ze handed him a cigarette .

.Seeing the cigarette , the uncle’s eyes lit up , and he happily took it .

.” Good boy . ”

.This compliment is generous .

.A cigarette , you can be praised .

.Wang Ze smiled and took out a lighter for the uncle to light .

.”� ” Master , how many years have you been working here ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.The uncle took a deep breath and said , ” That’s a few years old . ”

.” Not long after the factory was built , I was a worker here . ”

.” Now , retired as a doorman , idle is idle . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze complimented : ” Then you are the veteran of the factory . ”

.The uncle smiled and said , “The old man can’t talk about it , but I still know about big and small things . ”

.After he finished speaking , he looked at Wang Ze and said , ” Young man , the police ? ”

.” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned .

.” How do you know ?”

.The uncle flicked the cigarette ash and said , ” If I don’t even have the eyesight, wouldn’t I have lived for 60 years in vain ?”

.Wang Ze gave a thumbs up : ” Amazing . ”

.The uncle waved his hand and said , ” What happened ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” It’s not a big deal , just walk around , maybe you can get something ( good luck ) . ”

.The uncle nodded , but didn’t ask any further questions .

.Wang Ze said: ” Master , what car do you take when you usually go home ?”

.The uncle said : ” Of course it’s a bus . ”

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said , ” Yuan Shengqiang , do you know him ?”

.The uncle shook his head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze wondered : ” It ‘s the bus driver from ten years ago , don’t you know him ?”

.Uncle : ” Oh, you said Lao Yuan , then you know . ”

.” Don’t say your full name . ”

.” Who knows what his full name is . ”

.”What’s wrong with Lao Yuan ?”

.”You haven’t run a bus in years , have you?”

.” I remember at least ten years . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and smiled : ” Yes , it’s been more than ten years . ”

.” He …”

.” There is a little problem , I want to know more about it . ”

.The uncle said: ” No problem, no problem , just a small matter . ”

Chapter 189 _ Hi beauty , what a coincidence ? 2 ?

.Wang Ze said : ” Master , you just said that you usually go home by bus . ”

.” Then you and Yuan Shengqiang are very familiar with each other ?”

.The uncle said: ” I’m not very familiar with it , I just know it . ”

.” After so many years in the car , you will always look familiar , right ?”

.Wang Ze said with a smile, ” That’s true . ”

.” Then do you remember , did anything special happen at that time ?”

.The uncle wondered : “A special thing ? What do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze said bluntly : ” For example , has Yuan Shengqiang ever had a conflict with someone ? ”

.” Or , do you know who he has had conflicts with ?”

.The uncle thought for a while , then shook his head and said, ” In my impression , it doesn’t seem to be there . ”

.” Lao Yuan is a bus driver . Unless he meets someone he knows , he won’t even talk to the passengers . There will be no conflict . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” Then what kind of person do you think Yuan Shengqiang is ?”

.The uncle said: ” Ordinary people . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Uh …”

.These three words apply to everything .

.Of course , he didn’t expect the other party to describe Yuan Shengqiang’s character so accurately .

.The three words of ordinary people can basically explain the problem .

.Ordinary character .

.Ordinary character .

.Ordinary temper .

.Nothing too prominent .


.There are also no disgusting shortcomings .

.Just three simple words : ordinary people .

.in reality .

.Most of us are actually ordinary people .

.Not going to be a hero to save the world .

.Correspondingly , he will not be the criminal who commits evil deeds .

.After chatting with the uncle for a while , the three left .

.on the way .

.Pang Qun said : “The bus starts here . It seems that Yuan Shengqiang should know a lot of people from Xingyue Shoe Factory . ”

.” Unfortunately, there is not much to gain . ”

.Wang Ze said , ” I can’t say that either . ”

.” The uncle said just now that Yuan Shengqiang is an ordinary person , and this is the harvest . ”

.” At least , there aren’t any negative reviews . ”

.” In this case , the possibility of Yuan Shengqiang committing a crime is slightly lower . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” That’s true . ”

.Based on Wang Ze’s hypothesis .

.Yuan Shengqiang and the murderer had a great grudge .

.What kind of hatred would make the murderer burn Yuan Shengqiang alive to vent his anger ?

.Possibly , it has something to do with crime .

.But the visit just now seems to be a little unsupportive of Yuan Shengqiang’s criminal behavior .

.Of course .

.Knowing the face but not the heart .

.The truth remains to be investigated .

.The three came to the stop sign .

.The neighborhood is relatively remote , so only one or two people can be seen sporadically waiting for the bus .

.Ten minutes later .

.The eleventh bus has arrived .

.The three got into the car and found a place with a wider view to sit down .

.The vehicle starts quickly .

.Wang Ze’s eyes were always out of the window .

.At this moment , Pang Qun said, ” Wang Ze , if this case is revenge murder . ”

.” Do you think Yuan Shengqiang and the other two deceased know each other or not ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” Why do you ask that ?”

.Pang Qun said : ” It stands to reason that since there is an intersection , it should be known . ”

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