.” But in Pang Qun’s circle of friends , there have been no missing persons in recent years . ”

.” Is it because my investigation is not comprehensive enough ?”

.Wang Ze pondered a little and said , ” There is a high probability that we know each other . ”

.” But there is a certain degree of privacy in the circle of friends at some point . ”

.” It’s normal for things to be missed during an investigation . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun sighed and said , ” Maybe what I missed is the most important thing . ”

.” Hope other people’s investigations will come to fruition . ”

.” By the way , which direction do you think is more likely to have results ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Is it a hobby ? ”

.” Friends made because of hobbies , people around you may not know . ”

.” This may be the reason why the corresponding missing persons have not been found . ”

.” It’s only possible (chfe) of course, I’m not sure either . ”

.Pang Qun thought for a while and said , ” What hobbies would an ordinary bus driver have ?”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” That’s a lot . ”

.” Like fishing , rock climbing , music , blah, blah, blah . ”

.” Are n’t these enthusiasts very common ? ”

.Pang Qun said to himself , “I didn’t hear his wife say it . ”

.Referring to Yuan Shengqiang’s wife , Wang Ze asked , ” When did she and Yuan Shengqiang start to separate ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” It must be seven or eight years . ”

.” Seven or eight years …”

.Wang Ze read it silently and said , ” It’s almost the time the case started . ”

.” Whether it’s a coincidence or not , it needs to be asked clearly . ”

.” What did she say then ?”

.Pang Qun said : ” What else can I say , it ‘s nothing more than some emotional problems , and it ‘s not particularly serious . ”

.” Otherwise , they would have been divorced long ago . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly and said , ” Let the visiting police officers ask them as deeply as possible . ”

.Pang Qun : ” I know . ”

.During the chat , the bus passed three stops and came to the city street .

.Not far ahead is the Xicheng Museum .

.The cultural heritage of Xicheng is still good .

.Therefore, the Xicheng Museum has always been one of the must-check places for foreign tourists .

.Wang Ze stared at the museum building for a while, then suddenly said, ” Are there any antiques in there ?”

.Pang Qun followed Wang Ze’s line of sight , nodded with a smile, ” Yes , but it’s not very precious . ”

.” Compared with the museum in Jingzhou , it is far worse . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” You said that when Yuan Shengqiang was fine , would he go to tomb robbing ? ”

.” Then he was killed because of the uneven distribution of the spoils . ”

.As soon as these words came out , Pang Qun’s eyes widened : ” Really ?!”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” Just kidding , kidding . ”

.He was really joking .

.Pure guesswork without any basis .

.I just saw the museum and thought of antiques .

.From antiques , I think of tomb robbers .

.The next episode is just fine .

.Pang Qun froze for a moment , shook his head and laughed .

.Wang Ze’s imagination is really rich .

.A museum can be involved in a case .

.But let’s not say , there are still possibilities .

.As long as you can’t rule it out , it’s possible .

.There is a traffic light ahead .

.Wang Ze suddenly saw a familiar car .

.After the bus stopped , Wang Ze stuck his head out : ” Hi beauty , what a coincidence . ”

.Jiang Ying turned her head subconsciously , and after seeing Wang Ze, she quickly lowered the car window .

.” Why are you on the bus ?”

.Is Xicheng City Bureau so poor ?

.Not even a police car ?

Chapter 190 _ Terminal ? 3 ?

.” Why are you on the bus ?”

.Jiang Ying’s strange voice came .

.Many passengers were attracted by Jiang Ying’s appearance and car .

.This seems to be a white rich beauty .

.How could a guy who rides a bus meet Bai Fumei who drives a sports car ?

.The world is really amazing .

.Pang Qun glanced at Jiang Ying and asked curiously, ” Who is this -?”

.Wang Ze said : ” My girlfriend . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun was obviously stunned for a moment , and said in surprise, ” Girlfriend ? Is it true or false ? ”

.Wang Ze instantly felt insulted , and said , ” Do I look like I’m not worthy of her ?”

.Pang Qun smiled and said , ” That’s not true . ”

.Wang Ze looked at Jiang Ying : ” This is the captain of the criminal investigation team of Xicheng City Bureau , Pang Qun . ”

.Jiang Ying turned her head and smiled : ” Hello Captain Pang , I’m Wang Ze’s girlfriend Jiang Ying . ”

.” Nice to meet you . ”

.Hear the other person confess .

.All the men by the window stood up in amazement .

.Such a good thing , why can’t I come across it .

.Pang Qun smiled and nodded : ” Hello, hello . ”

.After two words , the green light was about to turn on .

.Jiang Ying said , ” Wang Ze , are you still coming to the hotel at night ?”

.Wang Ze said: “I should go , no matter how busy I am, I have to sleep . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded : ” Okay , then I’ll go first . ”

.After speaking , the green light turns on .

.Wang Ze : ” Slow down on the road . ”

.” Got it . ”

.Jiang Ying kicked the accelerator and galloped away .

.Watching the sports car go away , Pang Qun glanced at the jealous eyes around him and coughed lightly .

.” Wang Ze , I am impressed by you again . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What did you say ?”

.” You should look at her with admiration . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Uh …”

.” You are so naughty , does your girlfriend know ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Of course , she likes my mischief . ”

.Pang Qun was at a loss for words .

.He suddenly discovered a different Wang Ze .

.When investigating the case , the other party was a seasoned criminal policeman .

.But usually, he was a young man in his early twenties .

.The difference is really big .

.” Your girlfriend is from Xicheng ?”

.Pang Qun asked .

.Wang Ze said: ” No, no , Yuncheng’s . ”

.” She just came to Xicheng for research , so we came here together . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun nodded : ” So it is . ”

.” That’s just right . You don’t have to arrange a place for you at night to save money . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” No matter where I live , shouldn’t your Xicheng Bureau reimburse you ?”

.The second time they met with Pang Qun , the two slowly got to know each other .

.For familiar people , Wang Ze is never polite when making jokes .

.Pang Qun smiled bitterly : ” It stands to reason that it should be reimbursed . ”

.” But your girlfriend …”

.” It’s not like someone who lives in a different place . ”

.” Our standards are not that high . ”

.Wang Ze sighed and said , ” Hey , I have to find a place to live for you to work for you . ”

.Pang Qun : “…”

.Beside him , Zhang Chao thought it was interesting and kept laughing .

.Obviously .

.Wang Ze was joking with Pang Qun .

.Working with such a captain on a case would be much less stressful .

.Time came an hour later .

.The bus is about to end .

.The next stop is Nanhe Village .

.But the village could not be seen .

.The station is called Nanhe Village .

.It may have been a village before , but not anymore .

.” This bus goes so far . ”

.” Which is Nanhe Village ?”

.Wang Ze looked around .

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